Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.05.2003, Page 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.05.2003, Page 7
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur, 9 Maí 2003 • page 7 Continued from Page 1 The Vikings Are Coming Axelsson said initially, the museum had thought about trying to get that ship out to Manitoba but it didn’t work out. Then last year some museum board members stumbled across another one on a visit to Newfoundland. “They came back and said ‘there’s a really cool Viking ship out in Newfoundland and wouldn’t it be per- fect to bring it here?”’ Axelsson said. Gimli is home to Manitoba’s largest Icelandic community and every summer hosts an Icelandic festival. Axelsson said the entire town is talking about the newest exhibit, which is much larger than the majority the tiny museum usu- ally hosts. “It’s all abuzz,” Axelsson said. “People’s reaction is always the same - Tm going on that ship.’” Manitoba Culture Minister Eric Robinson said the exhibit is a boon for Manitoba. “It’s quite exciting as far as our his- tory goes,” Robinson said. “I think it will improve Gimli’s attractiveness as a tourist destination.” The province handed out $70,000 to the museum to help bring the ship to Manitoba. The ship’s visit will coincide with a summer tourism package in Gimli, including special events and lec- tures on Vikings beginning in May. Admission to the boat while it is moored at the harbour will be $5, Axelsson said. The one-hour tours of the lake on the boat will cost $25 per person. Reprinted with permissioti from the Winnipeg Free Press, Bl, April 29, 2003. PHOTO COURTESY OF NEW ICELAND HERITAGE MUSEUM A 13.5 metre replica Viking ship will be taking visitors out on Lake Winnipeg this summer Continued from Page 6 Tlhe ©f Life María (Mary) Valgerdur Johannson (nee Matthews) Peacefully on Sunday, April 27, 2003 at the age of ninety, Mary passed away at the Betel Home in Selkirk. Mary was predeceased by her hus- band Bill in 1976, and her only child Albert in 2002. She is survived by her daughter-in-law Shirley; and grandchil- dren, Lory (George), Cheryl (Mike), Connie (Barry), and Kevan (Alice); as well as seven great-grandchildren. Mary was predeceased by her sib- lings, brothers, Pjetur, Loftur, Otto, Gunnar; and sisters, Runa, Bjorg, and Nina. Mary is also survived by nieces, Yvonne, Eunice, Jeannette, Mary, Lorraine; and nephew Ron. Mary was born on June 16, 1904 in Iceland. The family moved to a farm in the Interlake region when Mary was a young child. Later the family moved to Winnipeg where she met Bill. She and Bill were manied on November 17, 1928. They lived for many years on Palmerston Avenue in the Wolesley area. Mary was an active member of the Ladies Auxiliary at the First Lutheran Church. She was also a charter member in the Eastern Star, Daughters of the Nile, and the Khartum Ladies Auxiliary. Gramma will be lovingly remem- bered for her Sunday roast beef dinners and her fabulous baking. She had mas- tered many Icelandic treats including vínarterta, kleinur, ástarbollur, and pönnukökur. The family wishes to thank all the staff at the Betel Home in Selkirk, who had cared for Maiy over the last six years. The service was held on Thursday, May 1 at Neil Bardal Inc., 984 Portage Avenue. Flowers are grate- fully declined. If you wish, donations may be made to the charity of your choice. Neil Bardal Inc. 949-2200 Orðaleikur s Match the Icelandic word or phrase to its English meaning. (Answers below) páskar fall surtiar seasons vetur confirmation vor Whitsuntide haust spring árstíðir winter hvítasunna Easter ferming summer Answers uopeuuguoo ‘Suiuuoj tapijunsjiijM ‘Buunsmjxq ‘.suosbos ‘jigjisjp íjjbj ‘jsnnq ‘Suuds ‘joa íjsjuim "jnjaA uauiuins ‘jnuins Uojsug ‘Jtigstid Children 's Corner by Arný Hjaltadóttir Sumardagurinn fysrti The First Day of Summer Á íslandi er haldið upp á sumardaginn fyrsti 25 apríl jafnvel þótt veðrið sé ekki neitt sérstaklega sumarlegt. í ár var samt gott veður á íslandi á sumardaginn fyrsta, en veturinn þar hefur verið mjög hlýr og varla nokkur snjór. I Manitóba fylkinu halda íslendingar upp á sumardaginn fyrsta með því að koma saman og syngja íslenska söngva og horða íslenskan mat. Á ári hverju heldur klúbburinn Brúin í Selkirk þennan dag liátíðlegan. Anna og fjölskyldan hennar ætluðu að fara á hátíðina en sú ferð varð ekki farin. ln Iceland the First Day of Summer is celebrated on the 25th of April even though the weater isn't particularly summer like. This year the weather was good in Iceland on the First Day of Summer, but the winter has been very warm and hardly no snow. In the province of Manitoba, Icelanders celebrate the First Day of Summer by getting together to sing Icelandic songs and eat Icelandic food. Every year the Brúin chapter in Selkirk celebrates this day. Anna and her family were going to go to the celebration but that trip didn't happen. Anna: Mamma, förum við ekki bráðum Mom, are we not going to að fara af stað? go soon? Mamma: Jú, rétt bráðum. Yes, shortly. Anna: Hvar er pabbi, er hann ekki komin heim úr vinnunni? Mamma: Nei, hann er ekki komin heim enn. Anna: Klukkan er orðin hálf sex og við þurfum að vera komin klukkan sjö og það tekur okkur íjurtíu og fimm mínútur að keyra til Selkirk. Mamma: Þetta reddast allt, sjáðu bara til. Anna: Where is dad, is he not home from work? No, he is not home yet. It is half past five and we need to be there by seven and it takes us forty five minutes to drive to Selkirk. It will all work out, just wait and see.. You think so. Þú heldur það. Síminn hringir rétt í þessu og það er pabbi hennar Önnu sem segir að hann geti ekki komist heim í tæka tíð til að fara til Selkirk. Anna er alls ekki ánægð með það, því hún var farin að hlakka til að geta farið á skemmtunina á sumardaginn fyrsta. Right then the phone rings and it is Anna's dad who says that he won't be home in time to go to Selkirk. Anna is not happy about that, beeause she had been looking forward to going to the First Day of Stimmer celebration. bráðum soon reddast work out jafnvel even hlýr warnt heldur hátíðlegan celebrates rétt bráðum shortly heldur think þött though söngva songs ætluðu were going to vinnunni the work rétt í þessu at that moment veðrið the weather á ári hverju each year hátíðina the celebration orðin become tæka tíð in time sumarlegt summer like fylkinu the province (festivities) þurfum need hlakka til look forward to í ár this year klúbburinn the club (chapter) sú that fjurtíu forty skemmtunina celebration Visit us on the web at http://www.logberg.com



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