Lögberg-Heimskringla - 03.12.2004, Síða 4

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 03.12.2004, Síða 4
4 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Friday 3 December 2004 Amazing race in Iceland Steinþór Guðbjartsson Managing Editor A few days ago I was glued to the TV because the first episode of the sixth season of the reality series “The Amaz- ing Race” was premiered. Nor- mally I don’t watch so-called “reality” shows but this two- hour-long episode was special to me since it took place in Ice- land. The second part was advertised a lot and then scenes from Iceland were used again. In the second episode the com- petitors departed from Iceland which meant another quarter of an hour in front of the TV. I must admit that I liked the show. I enjoyed seeing a part of Iceland as it was shown. And I wanted to see if I knew some of the Icelandic people shown and then how they per- formed. The episode reminded me of a recent visit and kept the memories alive. I also did what the producers and sponsors want the viewers to do. I looked at special offers with Icelandair on the Internet after this experience and made some inquires. To tell you the truth, I was not surprised to hear a competitor say that a dream had come true. Another com- petitor who was eliminated showed a similar reaction in the end: “This is definitely one of the best experiences of my lifehe said. Lately, Iceland has gotten a lot of coverage on television and radio, and in newspapers and magazines. The country is unique, it is “hot’’ and it seems to be “in” among many trav- ellers. It is estimated that 12.1 million people watched the aforementioned episode in the U.S. alone. That tells a remark- able story, not to mention the effect it has had and will have in the near future. No wonder Icelandair offers people a chance to “trace the race.” Letters to the Editor Dear editor: Regarding descendants of Katrín Eyjólfsdóttir and Þorleifur Guðmundsson at Böðmóðsstaðir. During the last 10 years several attempts have been made to publish the records of descendants of Kartrín Eyjólfs- dóttir (1758 - 1815) and Þorlei- fur Guðmundsson (1763-1833) living at Böðmóðsstaðir in Laugardalur in the southern part of Iceland. Among descen- dants are their son Eyjólfur at Snorrastaðir, grandsons Eyjólfur at Laugavatn and Kol- beinn at Kollafjörður, grand- daughters Katrín at Urriðafoss and Guðrún Eyjólfsdóttir (1830-1898) who moved to Canada. The last attempt was made by the publishing company Genalogia Islandorum (GI). The company had announced the publication of the records and started collecting subscrip- tions when it went into bank- ruptcy in 2001. A group of descendants held a meeting last April in the Nordic House in Reykjavík. On that meeting it was revealed that the GI had collected a large amount of material; roughly 1500 pictures and records of nearly 9000 descen- Merry Christmas from & I* 1 X * \ II I) H r45 <*> • PIZZA • PASTA • RIBS • SALADS • APPETIZERS All-you-can-eat buffet every Thursday Licenced Dining Room Take-Out & Delivery 642-5555 Open 7 days a week Reservations Accepted 70 First Avenue, Gimli ARGYLE Transfer Ltd. Specializing in livestock transportation Wally & Linda Finnbogason Stonewall, MB Wally 467-8822 Mobile 981-1666 Daryl 322-5743 Mobile 981-5460 BerelsraduR HOUSING CO-OP The Finest in tlic West Eml for Seniors 55 Plus! One and Two bedroom apartments Weekly Activities: Crafts, Bingo, Whist, Exercise Classes and Vans to take you shopping at Safeway, Polo Park Monthly Activities: Church service, Birthday Parties In-House Store and Hair Salon Phone: 772-7164 Betelstaður 1061 Sargent at Erin, Winnipeg R3E 3M6 dants. After Islendingabók came into existence on the Internet, the interest of publishers for publishing records of descen- dants have decreased. Collect- ing 600 subscriptions to two- volume sets of the records is the prerequisite for waking the interest of publishers. We are therefore looking for contact persons in Canada and the US who can help us collect sub- scriptions and can correct records of our relatives before printing. Those who are interested please contact Gylfi Kristins- son, Tjamargata 44, 101 Reyk- javík, e-mail: gylfi@askur.org. =f= =f= * Dear Editor: Regarding the picture of the four young people in the November 19 issue of L-H, page 10, they are grandchilden of my father’s sister Ásdís Sig- urgeirsdóttir (who married a Henriksson from Efra-Nupi in Miðfirði.) Ásdís was managing director of Betel in Gimli for many years. Ásdís’s son Hinrik Hinriks- son married Thobjorg (Bertie) and they had these four chil- dren: Eleanor, the eldest mar- ried Les Gibson; Herbert; Don- ald; and Audrey (Mrs. Head). They are all gone now and of all of my father’s family I have the least information about this family. The only living direct descendant of Ásdís that I know of (there are others) is Violet Einarson, whose mother was Disa Bergman, daughter of Ásdís. Violet lives in Rotary Tower in Gimli. Shirley McCreedy is also a relative. I was thrilled to see my story published this week and I thank you very much. Oddly enough, there have been letters to the editor and an artice by Val Werier in the Win- nipeg Free Press about this same subject I wrote about. So I do think it was timely. Thank you. Agnes Bardal Comack Winnipeg * * * Dear Editor, First I want to thank Catherine Lambertsen McConnell at L-H for her help in my eager search for a fjall- kona dress pattern for my china doll. The doll is 18 inches tall and of a medium build with a 9- inch waist (bigger than a Bar- bie). It would not be difficult to adjust a pattem to fit her size. Surely there must be dress- makers here in Canada, the U.S.A., or Iceland who would have such a pattern for sale! I am also interested in the skaut- búningur as well as any other pattern for the Icelancic nation- al costumes for ladies, men and children. A faithful reader, Kris Servante RO.Box 1052 Neepawa, MB ROJ IHO Home building centre ✓-v — GIinli Lumber & Supply Ltd. f l-----1 S colonization Road. Box 1306 * « » 'mm >" / Girnli, Manitoba ROC ÍBO Toli Free LMThord.rwt&onMHtmx. Telephone (204) 642-7496 1 - 800-224-1449 Lögberg- Heimskringla Published Fridays, 24 times a year by: Lögberg-Heimskringla Incorporated 100-283 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B5 Phone: (204) 284-5686 Toll free: 1-866-LOGBERG (1-866-564-2374) Fax: (204) 284-7099 vyrww.lh-inc.ca lh@lh-inc.ca Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 5 pm. Mon. - Fri. MANAGING EDITOR: Steinþór Guðbjartsson (204) 927-5645 steinthor@lh-inc.ca ASSISTANT EDITQR/LAYOUT: David Jón Fuller (204) 927-5644 david@lh-inc.ca ADVERTISING and MARKETING MANAGER: Catherine Lambertsen McConnell (204) 927-5643 catherine@lh-inc.ca BUSINESS MANAGER: Audrey Juve Kwasnica (204) 284-5686 audrey@lh-inc.ca PRINTING: The Daily Graphic SUBSCRIPTIONS SUBSCRIPTION: 24 issues/year: Canada: $45 CAD Manitoba, add 6ST & PST: $51.30 Other provinces, add GST: $48.15 USA: $60 USD or $81 CAD lceland: $60 USD or $81 CAD L-H online is free to all prínt subscribere Online only: $45 CAD PAYABLEIN ADVANCE DONATIONS All donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. are tax-deductible under Canadian laws Charitable Reg. # 10337 3635 RR001 Business # 10337 3635 RT 0001 CORRESPONDENTS: • NEW YORK, NEW ENGLAND: Thomas J. Martin • SASKATCHEWAN: Joan Eyolfson Cadham • TORONTO: Betty Jane Wylie BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: Grant Stefanson VICE-PRESIDENT: Julianna Bjornson TREASURER: Bill Perlmutter SECRETARY: Elva Jónasson BOARD MEMBERS: The Honourable Kris Stefanson, Evelyn Thorvaldson, Walter Sopher, Ragnar Bergman, J.S. Laxdal, Vi Bjarnason Hilton, Brian Tomasson, Skuli Sigfusson REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES: • BC: Norma Guttormsson • CALGARY: Linda Bjarnason • EDMONTON: Walter Sopher EDITOR EMERITUS: Lillian Vilborg MacPherson The L-H gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the Gov- ernment of lceland, and of the Government of Canada through Canadian Heritage’s PAP program. Visit us on the web at http:llwww.lh-inc.ca



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