

Atuagagdliutit - 28.11.1990, Síða 2

Atuagagdliutit - 28.11.1990, Síða 2
2 AALISAAT/INUIT HUNTERS NR. 1 1990 Aalisaat /Inuit Hunters KNAPK'p aviisia BOX 386, 3900 Nuuk. Telephone 2 24 22 - Telefax 2 5715 Aalisaat/lnuit Hunters KNAPK'p Qaammarsaanermut llinniartitaanermullu Aningaasaateqarfia sinnerlugu saqqummersinneqartarpoq Atuagassiivik/Eskimo Press-imit Aaqqissuisoq: Alfred Jakobsen. Naqiterneqarfia: Kujataata Naqiterivia, 3900 Nuuk. Aalisaat/lnuit Hunters is produced by Atuagasiivik/Eskimo Press for KNAPK's Education and Information Fund. Telephone 2 13 00. Editor: Alfred Jakobsen. Print: Sydgrønlands Bogtrykkeri, 3900 Nuuk. The Great Hunters ■ II The fishermen and hunters supply Greenland with raw material for the country’s most important export revenue We all know that their trade has difficult terms, which among other things is caused by the geographical location of the country. Since the dawn of time, the Greenlandic population has exploited the resources of the sea, basing their lives on this exploitation. The execution of this trade has at some times been very cruel, which we have experienced among other things through the following: The very changing weather- and current conditions through the years has always been the most important reason for the hunted species to change their habits, numbers, routes of migration and habitats. Thereby great economical ups and downs occur for the country and the well-being of the population. Throughout time, many hunters have been killed performing their trade of supplying the population and their families with food, especially in the period where the kayak was the only hunting vessel used. Even these incidents have never hindered other hunters and the people of the settlements in continuing the trade, and the country probably wouldn’t have been populated today, if they had stopped performing the hunting trade because of sorrow of incidents. Today the situation is exactly the way it was in the old days, where we sometimes find ourselves in times of trial which other people in this world haven’t been exposed to, in the struggle for nature and survival. And even with very modern vessels, accidents still occur on the ocean. Some have had to pay the price with their lives. In these situations we have all shown compation and respect to the families left behind, but the struggle for life has to go on. This year, where especially cod fishing has failed, many fishermen and hunters are left behind with unexpected great financial trouble, consisting of an incredibly large income decrease. This has of course put many fishermen and hunters in a situation where they can no longer keep up the fees for the regular cost of living, and where they have had a tough time raising an income large enough to cover the cost of an everyday household. The failing supply of raw material to the factories has had a negativ effect on the labour market and has thereby caused a drastic decrease in tax-in- come for the government. Therefore we have to address the authorities to receive some kind of aid to ease the situation, and it’s necessary to make the local fishing and hunting union write a statement concerning the situation. In KNAPK we are spending all our time finding options to ease the present situation. The obvious situation of drastic decrease in fishing makes be believe, that the authorities are going to be have to be open toward the great number of enquiries from single fishermen and hunters demanding aid. And I think that no matter whether you’re a municipal- or paliament politician or member of the executive branch, it must be inevitable that the elected politicians are forced to participate in easing the present situation. We all have to realize, that the generally pretty common habit of being unobtrusive, which exists among our members, is not featureable any longer. It’s impossible to solve the problems by being unobtrusive. I know that the famous saying »Hunters are usually big men who lives quietly among others« did fit it’s time. But the times have changed a lot, and that is why I think that unobtrusi- veness in todays problem-filled Greenland does not fit in well, and we all have to get over this »bad« habit. I sincerely hope that all will stand together in poor times as well as in happy ones, so that we by teamwork can help eachother today and in the future. Angussuusarmata piniartuusut ■■■ Nunatta avammut niuernerani aningaasarsiorneranilu nioqqutissiassa- nik pilersuisut tassaapput aalisartut piniartullu. Taakkulu inuussutissarsiorfiat imaannaanngilluinnartuusoq tamatta nalunngilarput, tassa ilaatigut nunatta sumi inissisimanerata peqqarnqe- qisumik misigititsisarnera misillerfigisarsimareerlugu oqaatigisinnaavar- put. Tassami inuiaat kalaallit qangarsuaaniilli inuussutissarsiornerminni • imarsuarmi aammalu nunami uumassusillit inuuniarnerminni tunngavi- giuarsimavaat, inuutissarsiuullu oqimaattuujuarsimavoq, tamannalu as- sigiinngitsutigut misillerfigisarsimallugu ersarissumik takussutissaqarfi- giuarsimavarput. Soorlu ilaatigut makkuusunik: Silap aammalu sarfap allanngorarnerani, piniagassat takkussimasarne- rinut annertuumik sunniuteqartarsimapput inuussutissarsiornermut inuuniarnermullu annertoqisumik sunniuteqartarsimasut. Inuussutissarsiornerlu ingerlanniartillugu qanga qajannguit qajaasar- simapput ilaquttaminnut aammalu nunaqqatiminnut pilersuiniaraluar- tillutik. Taamalu pisoqartaraluaraangat nunaqqataasuni piniartullu akornanni piniarneq ingerlanneqartuartarsimavoq, nikallornikkummi uniinnnartoqartarsimagaluarpat nunarput inoqarsimanavianngikkaluar- poq. Ullumikkullu imarsuup aammalumi nunap inuussutissarsiornikkut pinngitsoorsinnaanngisatsinnik ingerlatsivigisatta pissusia, peqqarneeqi- sumillu malunniuttarnera allanngorsimanngilaq. All aat angallatit tungaasigut annertuumik siuariarneqarsimagaluar- toq, taammaattoq umiunermik ajunaamermillu pisoqartuartarpoq. Al- laat ajoraluaqisumik ilaatigut inunnguit inuunertik akigisariaqartarsi- mallugu. Taamaattoqartaraangallu misiginneqataanartaqaaq inuunerli inuussutissarsiornerlu ingerlaqqittussaavoq. Ukiumilu uani atukkatsinni naatsorsuutiginngisatsinnik aamma an- nertuunik pisoqarfiusoq maannakkut naajartulerparput, aalisarnikkut aalisagartanillu annertuumik kinguariarfiusumik, pingaartumik saarul- linniarneq eqqarsaatigalugu tassa aalisartukkormiut aningaasarsiornerat annertuumik kinguariarfiusimammat. Tamannalu sooruunami annerto- qisumik akilersuiniarnikkut inuuniarnermullu tamarmut oqimaattor- siortitsilersimavoq. Aalisartuniinnaanngitsoq nunatsinni suliffissaqartit- sinermi kommunini avammullu niuemermi. Taamaattumik ajornartorsiornermi pisortanut siullermik ataasiak- kaarluta saaffiginnittariaqarpugut, ikiorserneqarnissamik qinnuteqar- nissami KNAPP oqaaseqaateqartinneqassaaq, maannakkullu KNAPK ajornartorsiornermi annertuumik ajornartorsiutit ippikarniarnerini sule- qataasugut aammalumi annertuumik suleqataalluta oqarsinnaavunga. Aalisarnerliorneq ima ersaritsigimmat naatsorsuutigilluinnarpara aali- sartut saaffiginnissutaat pisortat ammaffigisariaqaraat, ajornartorsior- nermi qaangerniarnerani suleqataasariaqarput kommunaliugunik, inat- sisartunut ilaasortaagunik naalakkersuisunulluunniit, ajornartorsiutim- mi ippikarniarnerani qinikkat ilungersorlutik ikiuunnissaat tamatta pisa- riaqartipparput. Ilumut una maannakkut ua- gut aamma ilaasortatta akornan- ni qaangertariaqalerparput, ajor- nartorsioraluarluni tunuarsi- maarneq nipangersimanerlu. Tunuarsimaartuarnikkummi ajornartorsiutit qaangerneqar- navianngillat. Nalunngikkaluarpara una taallaq qanga taalliarineqarfim- mi nalaani taamani pissutsinut naleqqulluartoq »Angussuusar- mata piniartuusut nipaallutik inooqataasut«. Ullumikkulli ajornartorsior- nartuni atukkatsinni tunuarsi- maartuarnissaq pissutsinut na- leqqutinngilaq, tamannalu qaan- gertariaqarparput aamma inuit ataasiakkaat akornatsinni. Neriuutigaara nukiit ataatsi- mut katersuussimajuassasut ul- luni atukkani nuannersuni, aam- malu ulluni oqimaatsunik taa- sinnaasatsinni, suleqatigiinnik- kummi ikioqatigiinneq pinngit- soorsinnaanngilarput ullumi aammalu siunissami.



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