Atuagagdliutit - 30.12.1991, Blaðsíða 4
NR. 8 1991
Oquuttat assagiarsuillu
Umiarsuup ataani assagiarsuit suliarineqarput. Maanna
misiliilluni assagiarsunniarneq aallartilerpoq.
Oktoberip 16-iani KNAPK
NAPP-lu isummaminnik er-
sersitsiniarlutik Royal Gre-
enland A/S-imut saqqu-
miussaata ilagaat tunisassi-
arineqarsinnaasut allat RG
A/S-ip pimoorullugit misis-
suiffigisariaqarai peqataaf-
Aasaq manna akinik isu-
maqatigiinniarnerup nalaa-
ni KNAPK- minngaanniit
ilaatigut saqqummiunne-
qarpoq tunis assiaasinnaa-
sut allat aamma misilinne-
RG Paamiuni suliffissuar-
mut oquuttanik tunisisin-
naanermut periarfissiinera
tunngavigalugu oktoberip
qulingata missaaniit oquut-
tat Paamiuni tunisaalersi-
Paamiunilu suliffissuar-
mut paasiniaanermi decem-
berip 6-ata tungaanut
oquuttat 2.056 kg. pisiarine-
Aalisartunit periariissaq
arpoq, angallatimmi qulit
missaaniittut suliffissuar-
mut tunisisarsimammata.
In the past year (1991),
KNAPK has made a request
to Royal Greenland. This be-
ing to explore new possibili-
ties for resource develop-
ments in Greenlandic wa-
ters. New products that ha-
ve not been explored by
Royal Greenland.
With this as a base, test
fishing for American Plaice
(Long Rough Dab) and crab
began in 1991.
American Piaice
In the beginning of October
the test trading of American
Plaice started in Paamiut.
American Plaice fishing
has drawn great interest
among the fishermen from
the start. A large reason for
this being because of the bad
crop of Codfish this year.
The traditional tools for
codfishing, were used to fish
Oqaatigineqarpoq aalisar-
nermi piniutit ullumikku-
mut aalisakkanut allanut
atorneqartartut soorlu saa-
rullinnut qassutit, ningit-
takkat raajanullu qalut
oquutarniarnermi atorne-
piniutit oquutarniarnermut
naleqquttut aallaqaataaniit
atorneqarsimasuuppata tu-
laassat amerlanerusimassa-
galuartut, tamannalu pissu-
tigalugu suliffissuarmi nak-
kutilliisuugallartup aalisar-
tunut oquuttanut piniutaa-
sinnaasunut piniarfissaa-
sinnaasunik innersuussisi-
mavoq. RG-llu qullersaqar-
fia qassutinik rødspætteniu-
tinik 10-nik piniarsimane-
rar poq, taakkulu misiliutis-
satut naatsorsuutirineaas-
Oquuttat tunisassiassa-
tut misiliutigineqarnerisa
qanoq sivisutiginisaa RG-
mit oqaatigineqanngilaq,
imminulh akilersinnaassap-
pat tunisasassiornerup in-
aalajangiisuusussatut oqaa-
tigineqarpoq; tamatumani-
lu tassa aalisartut suliffissu-
American Plaice this year,
the bottom gill-nets and the
longline. There have also be-
en shrimp trawlers out after
the American Plaice.
According to information
supplied by Royal Green-
land, ten »plaice nets« have
been bougnt. The goal, to
fish the 300 tons of Ameri-
can Plaice totally. But how
long the test fishing will
continue, has not been sup-
plied as yet from Royal Gre-
Since the beginning of the
program in December, two
tons of American Plaice ha-
ve been traded. The fisher-
men maintain that if the
proper tools would have be-
en used from the beginning
of the test fishing, the tra-
ding loads would have been
considerably larger.
armut qanoq annertutigisu-
mik tunioraasinnaanerat
RG-mit oquuttat tunine-
qamissaannut tulaassui-
nermi malittarisassiorto-
qarsimavoq, kg.-mullu 3 kr.-
Misileraaneq raajarnium-
mik M/tr. »Hans«-imik ju-
nip aallaqqaataaniit aallar-
tittumik ingerlanneqartoq
Qeqertarsuatsiaat kujataa-
niit Allumersaniit avanna-
mut Disko-p qeqertaa kaa-
jallallugu pivoq.
Misileraanermi anguniar-
neqarpoq assagiarsoqarfiit
assigiinngitsut immikkoor-
titerniassallugit, tamatu-
muunakkut aningaasarsiu-
tigalugu assagiarsunniar-
sinnaanerup ingerlanneqar-
sinnaanera paasiniarlugu.
pullatit assigiinngitsut sisa-
mat katillugit 600-nik amer-
lassusillit Nuummi immik-
kut sanatinneqarsimasut
atorneqarput, neqitatullu
aalisakkat assigiinngitsut
The trading price for
American Plaice is three
kroner per kilogram.
The test fishing for crab
through Royal Greenland
began in June. with the
shrimp trawler M/tr
The test fishing has taken
place from the south of Bjør-
nesund (ca. 62 40’ N) to
north of Disko-island (ca 70
20’ N).
The purpose of test fis-
hing after crabs, is to per-
haps light up possibilities
for commerdal crab fishing.
Four special types of traps
have been made especially
for the crabbing in Nuuk.
The bait used in the 600
crab traps being used today,
are a mixture of different
ilaatigullu arferup neqaa
Maannamut pisarineqar-
simasut annertussusaat ajo-
raluartumik paasissutissa-
pulli Nuup eqqannguani
kangerlunniit avannamut
Sisimiut kommuneani kan-
gerluit ilanngullugit kiisalu
Diskop qeqertaa kaajallallu-
Pisalli ullormiit ullormut
ilaatigut assigiinngittarsi-
Pisat pitsaassusiannut
atatillugu upernaakkut uki-
akkullu pisarineqartartut
tunisassiornissamut pitsaa-
nerutinneqarput, aasakkut
assagiarsuit qaleruaasa aqi-
hsarnerat pissutaanerullu-
Nerpimmik pissarsissu-
taasumut atatillugu assagi-
arsuit angeqqatigiikkaluit
nerpittaata annertussusaa
aamma pisaqarfinni ataasi-
akkaani assigiinngittarsi-
Assagiarsuit avammut
imminut akilersinnaasumik
tunisaalernissaannut Royal
Greenland A/S-imiit makku
pisariaqartutut isigineqar-
- tulaassukkat annertus-
sutsimikkut ataavaartumik
nioqqutissiornissamut ataa-
vaartumillu avammut nioq-
- nioqqutissiarineqarsin-
fish and also a little whale
among other things.
As yet, there is no infor-
mation available as to the
total amount of the crab
catch, but the largest cat-
ches have been in the fjords
of Nuuk and in the Disko
Bay. It has been said
though, by Royal Greenland
representatives, that the
catches vaiy greatly from
day to day.
The quality of the meat
has proven to be best in the
early summer and autumn
months. In the mid to late
summer, the quality has be-
en poor. The meat yield of
the crabs also varies greatly.
Conceming the economic
dependability of crabbing,
Royal Greenland represen-
tatives point out the follo-
wing as assumptions:
- Continuous trading of
the crab loads will answer
the needs of the market.
- The product’s assort-
ment, that is easily sold, af-
ter the market’s need.
- Correct marketing to the
stores, that can be conti-
nuously maintained.
naasut tuniniaruminamer-
paat avataani pisisartut piu-
masaat najoqqutaralugu
put tunisassiornermullu na-
- nioqquteqarnermi nioq-
qutissiat pitsaanerpaamik
qarput niuverfiit pilerinar-
nerpaat anguniassagaanni,
- nioqqutissiarereerlugit
ajornannginnerpaamik pit-
saanerusumillu ataavaartu-
millu niuveqatigineqarsin-
naasat pissarsiarisariaqar-
Nunanut allanut assagi-
arsunnik nioqquteqareersu-
nut naleqqiutissagaanni im-
mikkuualuttut oqaatigine-
qartut anguniassagaanni
nukippaalussuit atorneqar-
oqaatigineqarpoq Alaska-
miit nunatta assagiarsuisa
asserpiaat ukiumut 200.000
tonsit angullugit pisarine-
qartartut, taakkuinnaallu
Siuliani oquuttanut atatil-
lugu oqaatigineqarpoq tuni-
sassiorneq imminut akiler-
sinnaasutut nalilerneqarpat
siunissami tamanna oquut-
tat tunisassinnaanissaan-
nut aalajangiisuujumaar-
Tunisassiornerup immi-
nut akilersinnaasumik in-
It was also stated that it is
going to be difficult to com-
pete with all of the other
crab producing countries,
that have already got a »fo-
othold« in the »real« mar-
kets. For example, in Ala-
ska, 200,000 tons of crab are
fished every year.
The need for a follow
up on the experimental
It has been said, concerning
American Plaice, that the
success in the experimental
fishing will provide a basis
for eventual American Plai-
ce production. If this is to be
proven to be economically
dependable, these points
must be made:
- To obtain the best possi-
ble result, where initiative
takers are involved, there
must be a coordinator for
the project, who can delega-
te the assignments in the
best possible way.
- The experimental fis-
hing participants must be
equipped as well as possible.
Tlieymust also be given rea-
gerlasinnaaneranut pingaa-
ruteqarluinnarpoq misile-
raanerullu iluatsinnissaa-
nut makku tunngavilersor-
- misileraasamermi sulif-
feqarfiit imalt. suliniaqati-
giit assigiinngitsut akuleru-
simatillugit pitsaanerpaa-
mik angusaqarniaraanni su-
liniartut ataatsimik aqutsi-
soqarfeqarnissaat suliniutit
ataatsimut katiterfissaan-
nik suliassanillu agguataa-
rinnissinnaasumik pisaria-
- aalisartut pissusisissa-
misoortunik naammattunil-
lu aaliseirnissaminnut pi-
niutinik naleqqutunik atu-
gassaqartitaanisaat, tunitsi-
veqarnissamullu naammat-
tumik atugassaqartinneqar-
nissaat pisariaqarpoq,
- misileraanerup pivi-
sunngortitsiniarnerani in-
gerlanneqarnerani naliler-
niarneranilu suliniaqataa-
sut tam arm ik ataatsimut
killiffigisaq tunngavigalugu
naliliisuarnissaat pisaria-
Taaneqartut saniatigut
misileraasarnerit ukiup
kaajallakkiartornerani pif-
fissaq tamaat ajornanngip-
pallu ukiut arlerlugit inger-
lanneqartarnissaat naliler-
neqartarnissaallu pisaria-
qarpoq, sapinngisamillu su-
miiffiit assigiinngitsut
amerlanerpaat misileraaffi-
NaJunngilarpummi aali-
sakkat amerlassusaat su-
miiffiit eqqarsaatigalugit
ukiup kaajallakkiartornera-
ni ukiullu ingerlanerini al-
RG-mit paasissutissiissu-
tigineqarpoq oquuttaat 300
tonsit missaaniittut misile-
raanikkut siunniunneqarsi-
masut, nalunaarutigineqar-
tutullu oquutaasanut (rød-
spætter) qassutit qulit misi-
leraanermi atugassatut
RG-mit tikisinniameqartut.
Soorlulusooq qassutit
uku qulit atorlugit 300
tons-it pisariniassallugit
Taamaattumik aalisartut
Neriussaagut misileraa-
nerit taakku pillugit anner-
tunerusumik tusagaqaqqik-
kumaarluta, taamaattoqas-
sappallu tamatuma saq-
qummiunnissaa isumagini-
sonably good trading possi-
After the projection and
accomplishment of the expe-
rimental fishing, all of the
participants must follow up
on the results. So as to have
the largest possible general
view about the project’s col-
lective progress.
Royal Greenland repre-
sentatives stated that they
have purchased ten plaice
nets. With the purpose in
mind, of catching 300 tons
of American Plaice for trade.
If the purpose is to catch
300 tons, with ten nets, why
haven’t the other initiative
takers even asked of their
opinions? So that your con-
scious could be clear about
the experiment?
If the experiment will fail,
because of lack of equip-
ment, whoV responsibility
is it then? We Kope to know
more of the experimental
fishing, and this being the
case, we will bring more
news of the numbers to co-
me out of »Aalisaat«.
Test fishing after »American
Plaice« and crab