Atuagagdliutit - 28.07.1998, Síða 6
6 • TIRSDAG 28. JULI 1998
Statsminister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen naalagaaffimmi pisortat siullersaraat ICC-p
ataatsimeersuamerani oqalugiartut. Oqaluguamermi kingorna ICC-mit
Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen is the first government leader ever to address the
ICC Assembly. After the speech he was given a umiaq as a gift from ICC.
Statsminister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen er den første statsleder, der har talt til ICC’s
generalforsamling. Her får han efter talen overrakt ICC’s gave:en konebåd.
ICC has an Important
Role to Play
The Danish Prime Minister expressed in his speech at
the Opening of the 8th ICC General Assembly in Nuuk
A world, which changes very
quickly as well as the steadily
increasing globalization were
the main themes in the
speeches delivered by both
Premier Jonathan Motzfeldt,
Greenland, and Denmark’s
Prime Minister Poul Nyrup
Rasmussen, when they spoke
at the opening of ICC’s 8th
General Assembly in Nuuk
on Friday aftemoon.
Other important topic in the
speeches were the possibili-
ties and challenges as well as
changes, that globalization is
bringing for the indigenous
peoples in the Circumpolar
region from Chukotka to
Those, who have the will...
- Even though not all events
are equally positive, many
situations open possibilities to
reach new objectives, if
people have the will, said
Premier Jonathan Motzfeldt,
and continued: - Dreams can
be fulfilled and visions can
become reality, but we have
to be realistic and conscious
about the responsibility that
we have. If we forget it, then
can we really be called
dreamers, when we only
occupy ourselves with fanta-
- Here in Greenland vye are
in the middle of a transition
period. After nearly 20 years
of Home Rule,the Green-
landic people now have to
take the next steps in the
development, and there is an
unequivocal wish about grea-
ter independence, said Jona-
than Motzfeldt, who saw the
establishment of Home Rule-
models inside the boundaries
of States as an increasing
acknowledgement of the indi-
genous peoples’ rights.
- It can therefore not surpri-
se anyone that we want
greater influence on matters
than concem ourselves, in-
cluding foreign affairs and
defence policies.
Important Role
The desire for increased inde-
pendence was not included by
Prime Minister Poul Nyrup
Rasmussen in his speech.
Instead he empahazied a con-
tinuing development of the
cooperation between Green-
land and Denmark, and that it
is important to work intema-
tionally to ensure the rights of
the indigenous peoples.
- There is no uniform nor
simple solution to the questi-
on of how to create a consti-
tutional fremwork for indi-
genous peoples within the
limits set by nation-states,
said the Danish Prime Mini-
ster. - Each country and each
peoples must find their own
solutions. Greenland and
Denmark have formulated
one model - the Home Rule
Agreement securing the self-
govemment of the people of
- At the global level, many
indigenous peoples today
face a very difficult situation.
Globalization racing all over
the world often make it diffi-
cult for indigenous peoples to
maintain their cultural origin
on economically sustainable
terms. This is not an acceptab-
le situation! Because - what is
identity, without one’s own
culture and history, asked
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, who
believe it is possible to com-
bine identity and economic
survival as we have done here
in Greenland.
- In the global work the
ICC lays an enormousy
important role and has done
so from the beginning. You
have opend the eyes of the
world of nations and people.
- You have led the world to
see the special conditions for
the Inuit in the Arctic: Your
dependency on natural
resources, land and sea mam-
mals especially, through
thousands of years under the
harshest of climates in the
Circumpolar region. Your
ability to deal with the natural
resources in a sustainable way
- a necessity for survival. I
wish you a giving and produ-
ctive General Assembly
during this week, ended Poul
Nyrup Rasmussen.
ICC har en vigtig
rolle at spille
- sagde Danmarks statminister i sin tale ved åbningen af
ICC's 8. generalforsamling i Nuuk
NUUK(TK) - En verden i
hastig forandring, og en sta-
dig øget globalisering var et
gennemgående tema i de
taler, der blev holdt af både
landsstyreformand Jonathan
Motzfeldt og Danmarks
statsminister, Poul Nyrup
Rasmussen, da de fredag
eftermiddag talte ved åbnin-
gen af ICC’s 8. generalfor-
samling fredag eftermiddag i
Et andet sideløbende og
ligeså væsentligt tema i taler-
ne var de muligheder og
udfordringer såvel forandrin-
gerne som globaliseringen
medfører for de oprindelige
befolkninger i det circumpo-
lare område - fra Chukotka i
Øst til Alaska i Vest.
De, der har viljen...
- Omend ikke alle begiven-
heder er lige positive, åbner
situationen til gengæld
mulighed for at nå mål, for
de der har viljen til det, sag-
de landsstyreformand Jona-
than Motzfeldt, og fortsatte:
- Drømme kan opfyldes og
visioner blive til virkelighed.
Men vi må være realistiske
og bevidste om det ansvar,
der påhviler os. Glemmer vi
det, kan vi med rette kaldes
drømmere, som kun beskæf-
tiger sig med fantasier.
- Her i Grønland står vi i
en overgangsperiode. Efter
næsten 20 års hjemmestyre,
står det grønlandsske folk nu
over for at skulle tage de
næste skridt i udviklingen -
og der er et umiskendeligt
ønske om større selvstændig-
hed, sagde Jonathan Motz-
feldt, der så etableringen af
selvstyremodellerne, inden
for grænserne af staterne,
som en voksende anerken-
delse af de oprindelige folks
- Det kan derfor heller ikke
undre nogen, at vi ønsker
større indflydelse på anlig-
gender, der angår os selv,
inklusive udenrigs- og sik-
kerhedspolitikken, sagde
Vigtig rolle
Ønsket om større selvstæn-
dighed blev ikke taget op af
statsminister Poul Nyrup
Rasmussen i hans tale. Han
lagde i stedet vægt på en sta-
dig udvikling af samarbejdet
mellem Grønland og Dan-
mark - og, at der arbejdes in-
ternationalt for at sikre op-
rindelige folks rettigheder:
- Der findes ingen ensartet
eller simpel løsning, mente
den danske statsminister.
Hvert land og hvert folk må
finde deres egne løsninger.
Grønland og Danmark har
hjemmestyreaftalen, der sik-
rer det grønlandske folk selv-
bestemmelse over egne an-
- Globlat står mange oprin-
delige folk i dag over for en
meget problemfyldt situati-
on. De globale ændringer gør
det ofte vanskeligt for oprin-
delige folk at bibeholde
deres kulturelle oprindelse
på økonomisk bæredygtige
- Det er en uacceptabel si-
tuation. Fordi hvad er identi-
tet uden ens egen kultur og
historie, spurgte Poul Nyrup
Rasmussen, der tror det er
muligt at forene identitet og
økonomisk overlevelse, så-
dan som vi sammen har vist
det her i Grønland.
-1 det globale arbejde spil-
ler Inuit Circumpolar Confe-
rence (ICC) en vigtig rolle. I
har åbnet verdens øjne for
inuits livsbetingelser. Jeg
ønsker Jer en givtig og resul-
tatrig generalforsamling,
sagde Poul Nyrup Rasmus-
Katuap isaariaa nunani issittormiut oqaasiinik assigiinngitsorpassuarnik tusarfissaavoq,
kitaani Alaska-mit kangiani Chukotka-mut aggersut nipaannik.
In the lobby at Katuaq you could hear many different languages from the Circumpolar
regions as there were participants from Chukotka to Greenland.
Foyeren i Katuaq var en summen af alskens tungemål fra hele det circumpolare område,
hvor der er kommet deltagere fra Alaska i vest til Chukotka i øst.