The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 04.11.1944, Blaðsíða 2

The White Falcon - 04.11.1944, Blaðsíða 2
2 THE WHITE FALCON OUR FORCES ALWAYS ALERT - ROTATION (Continued trom Pare 1) Published by and for the American Forces in Iceland, under the supervision of Special Service Section, Iceland Base Com- mand. All photographs are by the U.S. Army Signal Corps un- less otherwise credited. THE WHITE FALCON receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper Service, War Dept. This paper has been passed by the censor and may be mailed home for one-and-one-half cents. THE WHITE FALCON is written and edited by enlisted-man personnel. IBC Special Service Officer ..Lt. Col. Lee F. Gilstrap. Supervising Officer ..........Lt. David Zinkoff. Managing Editor ..............Sgt. John Moran Associate Editor .............Sgt. J. Gordon Farrell Troop News Editor ............Cpl. Robert Hill Staff Reporter ...............Pvt. E. C. Gray Multlllth Operator ...........S Sgt. N. H. Heppel mmanders. Factors considered in choosing the fortunate men include length of service, value of the man to hie unit and in- dividual morale. "In no instance," the statement concluded, "can a soldier be assu- red that he will be re- turned as soon as he has served for a stated time." ■— Abroad In Iceland — Photo By Th. Josepsson (Reyk.) BESSASTADIR (Other Pictures On Pg. 4) Bessastadir is the official residence of President Bjomsson of Iceland. like so many other things here, it has an ancient and unique hi- story. The estate is estimated to be nearly 1000 years old. "Ear- ly" records are miss- ing bat the property is believed to have first been owned by a Viking chieftain, Bes- si, father-in-law of the reknown Icelandic poet and author, Snor- ri Sturluson, to whom the estate descended in 1178 through the death of his wife. It was thus that the grant was named, Bess- astadir meaning "Bes- si's residence." Stu- rluson, due to his we- alth and powerful pol- itical connections, fell victim to a coup d'etat, instigated by the Norwegian King, Hakon the Old, (Hakon IV) and was executed for treason in 1241. As Iceland soon came under the rule of Nor- way, all his property, including Bessastadir, was seized by the cr- own. It was then used as a residence for go- vernors . Late in the 18th ce- ntury the -home housed one of Iceland's pri- ncipal colleges, under the direction of Sve- inbjom Egilsson, a great poet and scholar who brought about a renaissance of Icelan- dic literature.. After various other owners, Sigurdur Jons- son, a wealthy Icelan- der, bought the estate at the turn of this century and made his home there until 1940. At that time he pre- sented it to the Trea- sury of Iceland* The main house of the estate, used as the residence, is abo- ut 184 years old, be- ing built in 1760-5 by Magnus Gislason. Con- structed principally of stone and timber, it is reminiscent of many old American col- onial homes of that period, many of the rooms being beamed, with low ceilings. La- st year another wing was added, of archit- ectural symmetry, to serve as an official reception hall, thus making a total of 15 rooms in the main ho- use. Other buildings on the estate include an old chapel, circa 1760, for private fa- mily worship and var- ious other buildings, for domestic and agri- cultural workers on the property. Bessastadir is loca- ted not far from Reyk- javik and as the Pres- ident does not have a town residence, it is the site for all offi- cial entertainments and functions of st- ate, serving much the same purpose as the American White House. 'OOTNOTES B v I PvT. E. J&ck. &V4.W No doubt many a submerged childhood ambit- ] ion has been realized by the GIs in the Base Fire Brigade—the desire to ride fire engines—even if it is in Iceland. S/Sgt. Baine tells me, that none of the men have had pre- vious experience, all having been trained here, but that some like it so well they are already planning to become firemen upon their return to civilian life. The Brigade ans- wers all civilian fire calls too, averaging a- bout three a week— with a few false alarms th- rown in, by the kids, for good measure. Their modern equipment includes two trucks (one red) complete with bells and other things such as a 2500 ft. hose, with a 250 lb. pressure and a 150 gal. first aid reserve. * * * ’ You budding Irving Berlins and Jerome Ke- rns will be glad to know that there is now a bona-fide GI plugger for your wares..Hay Rand, of 1674 Broadway, NYC, a former GI, holder of a Purple Heart, now discharged.•.He felt many se- rvicemen were at a disadvantage in presenting their he set himself up as their pe- rsonal agent...He'll be glad to handle all your potential hits. * * * • Back home, people are talking about: The widening cleavage between the men who have been overseas and those who have only served in the U. S.(to say nothing of civilians)...The stati- stics showing that there will be 7,000,000 spi- nsters after the war....The enormously funny’GI book "The Feather Merchants"...The song, "Swin- ging on a Star"...The new serious negro play "Anna Lucasta"...Hay fever, now prevalent...Po- st war air travel at three cents a mile...Cel- este Holm's smash musical, "Bloomer Girl"..... Harry Brown's quiet perfection in his novel, "A Walk in the Sun"...The American Gothic type old maid who has been paired with Charlie McCarthy. OVERSEAS BARS will be CHAPLAIN'S CHAT.TENGE issued in about two months at the rate of one bar for the comple- tion of each six months of service. - ARMY EDUCATION (Continued from Page 1) Special Service. It is expected that all troops in the ETO - other than those who are members of service forces or cpmbat troops destined for transfer to other aotive theat- ers - will be obliged to take part in at lea- st one of the three ma- jor branches of non-mi- litary activities. It is emphasised, ho- wever, that suoh parti- cipation will in no way interfere with a sold- ier's homeward journey to the U,S. Termites eat away the heart of the wo- od, leaving only the outside of the stru- cture intact. From all outward appeara- nces the wood is st- ill strong, but it will break under st- rain or added wei- ght. In our lives, the little wrong habits eat away our resis- tance and strength, leaving merely the appearance of power. The little wrong ha- bits deceive us and trick ua into weak- ness. FOR SALE: Accordian (120 base) for $200. Inquire at WHITE FALCON OFFICE.


The White Falcon

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