Jazz - 01.04.1947, Blaðsíða 12
Tangóar-Rumbur. í Englandi hefurverið stofnuð fyrsta kventangóhljómsveit Englands og
heitir hún Mario’s ladies Tango Band. Nýtur hún mikilla vinsælda. Annars eru nú tvær
þekktar kvenhljómsveitir starfandi í Englandi, eru það Blanche C.jlman, er leikur í Royal
Theater Blyth og Gloria Gay, er leikur í Place Walthamstow, og má sjá, að hið veika
kvn getur jazzað eins og karlmennirnir. (A myndinni að ofan er kvenhljómsveit Mario’s).
lt's called the Co\ey Co\ey
It’s corny but it’s O.K.
Co\ey Co\ey 0\ey Do\ey
And that what it's all about SEE?
Many long years ago a fellow name
Robin Hood
the rich most ev’ry chance he could
Now you shouldn’t get me wrong because
he was no square
With his trustly bow and arrow he could
part your hair.
His buddy was Little fohn an other was
Allan Dale
A hundred an forty more, togehter tliey
hit the trail
They would scamper throug the forest
to the Blue Boar Inn
Mister Adam told them where tliey
should begin.
He too\ from the rich man
gave it to the poor man
Had a fear for no man
only for his chic\ whose name was Marianne
And here is a Switsheroo
of Roobin Hoods loyal crew
King Richard forgave them all
and here’s what they had to do
They bacame his royal comandos
and were very good
So, that ends our little tale of Robin Hood.