Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.10.1959, Blaðsíða 32

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.10.1959, Blaðsíða 32
78 TlMARIT VFl 1959 has not to our knowledge been systematically investigated before, and it is but natural to expect it to have some other character of its own REFERENCES (1) University Research Institute. Report of the De- partment of Industrial Testing and Research (1947 —1956). Matrial Testing Laboratory p. 117—121, by Haraldur Ásgeirsson. (2) ACI Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, October 9, 1949, p. 89: Use of Portland-Pozzolan Cement, by Bureau of Reclamation, by Robert F. Blank. (3) The Chemistry of Portland Cement, Reinold Pub- lising Corp., N.Y. by R. H. Bouge. (4) A.S.T.M. Speciai Tech. Publication, No. 99: A Review of Pozzolanic Materials and their Use in Concretes, p. 3—15, by Reymond E. Davis. (5) Geoíogical Survey Bulletin 1036 C. Rapid Analysis of Silicate Rocks, by Leonard Shapiro and W. W. Bannock. (6) A.S.T.M. C 204 — '55. (7) ACI Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1947, p. 193. Cement Aggregate Reaction, by D. Mc Connell, R C Mielenz, T. K. Greene and E. J. Benton. (8) International Subcommittee on Special Cements for Large Dams of the International Commission on Large Dams. Methods for Evaluating the Activity of Pozzolans, April 1937, by J. L. Savage. (9) Zement-Kalk-Gibs. Hefte 9, 1956, by Heinrich Hart. (10) R.I.L.E.M. Bulletin no. 34, 1957: Method of Testing Strenght of Cement by Rilem-Cembureau-Inter- commission. (11) Analytical Chernistry Vol. 28, p. 896, 1956: In- vestigation of the Franks Method of Determining Free Calcium Hydroxide and Free Calcium Oxide, by E. E. Pressler, Stephan Brunauer and D. L. Kantro. (12) A.S.T.M. C 140—50 T. (13) A.S.T.M. Special tech. Publ. no. 99, p. 109—126: Summary of Methods of Determining Pozzolanic Activity, by W. T. Moran, and J. L. Gilliland. (14) Cement with Pozzolanic Admixtures tech. Memo- randum No. 419, 1934, Bureau of Reclamation, by R. Grtin. (15) Symposium on the Cemistry of Cement, Stockholm 1938 p. 460—490. The Chemistry of Pozzolans by F. M. Lea. (16) Chemistry of Cement and Concrete, p. 358—396 Second ed. Arnold, London, 1956 by F. M. Lea and C. H. Desch. (17) ACI Journal Vol. 18, No. 18. Sept. 1946, p. 21: Cement investigation for Boulder Dam. Results of Tests on mortars up to 10 years, by R. E. Davis, W. C. Hanna, and E. H. Brown. (18) A.S.T.M. Special tech. Publication No. 99, p. 131—152: Strength, Volume Changes and Sulfate Resistance of Mortars Containing Portland-Pozzo- lan Cements, R. E. Davis, W. C. Hanna, and E. E. H. Brown. (19) ACI Journ., Vol. 26 No. 2, October, 1954, p. 113: Admixtures in Concrete. ACI Committe 212. (20) A.S.T.M. Special Tech. Publication No. 99, p. * 16—29. Pozzolans used in Mass Concrete, by H. S. Meissner. (21) ACI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 12, Jun. 1959, p. 1321: Reviews from Novaja Teknika i. Peredowoi Opyt W. Stroitel’stve (Moscow), No. 7, 1958, p. 19—20. B. G. Skramtaev, P. F. Skhbenkin. (22) ACI Journal 31, No. 10, April 1960. p. 1094. Review from Beton i Zhelezo-beton No. 7 July 1959 Moscow. Economy of Cement Achieved in Taking into Account the Increase in Strength of Concrete with Time, by Vershinin and Gvodarey. (23) Pit & Quary V51 No. 12 June 1959, p. 92. The Comming Role of Pozzolans, by Wolf G. Bauer. Reikningar Tímarits V FI fyrir 42. árg. 1957 Rekstursreikningur Gjöld: Prentkostnaður ..................... Kr. 64.940,00 Myndamót ............................... — 5.778,60 Burðargjöld ............................ — 1.852,45 Akstur, innheimta o. fl................. — 182,00 Geymsluleiga ........................... — 1.600,00 Skrifstofukostnaður og ritstjórn ....... — 2.847,60 Fært til næsta árs ..................... — 21.689,56 Kr. 98.890,21 Tekjur : Fært frá fyrra ári .................... Kr. 20.382,52 Lausasala ............................... — 4.800,00 Auglýsingagjöld ......................... — 56.740,00 Áskriftagjöld ........................... — 16.408,74 Vextir af bankainnstæðu ............. — 558,95 Kr. 98.890,21 E fnahagsreikningur Eignir: Inneign I banka kr. 21.689,56 Kr. 21.689,56 Skuldir : Skuld við prentsmiðju Hrein eign í lok 42. árg . kr. 4.000,00 17.689,56 Kr. 21.689,56


Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands

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