Reykjavík Grapevine - 25.07.2003, Síða 18

Reykjavík Grapevine - 25.07.2003, Síða 18
Cafés Café Cozy, Austurstræti 3, p: 511-1033 Café Paris, Austurstræti 14, p: 551-1020 Grái Kötturinn, Hverfsgata 16a, p: 551-1544 Grandakaffi, Grandagarður 101, p: 552-9094 Kaffi Vín, Laugavegur 73, p: 561-0073 Kaffitár, Bankastræti 8, p: 511-4540 Kaffivagninn, Grandagarður 10, p: 551-5932 Mokka, Skólavörðustígur 3a, p: 552-1174 Súfistinn, Laugavegur 18, p: 552-3740 Te og Kaffi, Laugavegur 27, p: 552-6260 Tíu Dropar, Laugavegur 27, p: 551-9380 Ráðhúskaffi, Tjarnargata 11 (City Hall), p: 563-2169 Café, bar and bistro Amsterdam, Hafnarstræti 5, p: 551-3800 Ari í Ögri, Ingólfsstræti 3, p: 551-9660 Café 22, Laugavegur 22, p: 511-5522 Café Kulture, Hverfisgata 18, p: 530-9314 Café Romance, Lækjargata 2, p: 552-9499 Café Victor, Hafnarstræti 1-3, p: 561-9555 Celtic Cross, Hverfisgata 26, p: 511-3240 Coffee Shop 11, Laugavegur 11, p: 511-1180 De Boomkikker, Hafnarstræti 9, p: 551-6780 Dillon, Laugavegur 30, p: 511-2400 Dubliners, Hafnarstræti 4, p: 511-3233 Felix, Þingholtsstræti 5, p: 561-6622 Glaumbar, Tryggvagata 20, p: 552-6868 Grand Rokk, Smiðjustígur 6, p: 551-5522 Hverfisbar, Hverfisgata 20, p: 511-6700 Kaffi Austurstræti, Austurstræti 6, p: 552-2615 Kaffi List, Laugavegur 20a, p: 511-1420 Kaffi Kúltur, 530-9314, Hverfisgötu 18 Kaffibarinn, Bergstaðarstræti 1, p: 551-1588 Kaffibrennslan, Pósthússtræti 9, p: 561-3600 Kofi Tómasar Frænda, Laugavegur 2, p: 551-1835 Kráin, Laugavegi 73, p: 561-7722 Little Central, Pósthússtræti 17, p: 561-2244 Nelly’s, Þingholtsstræti 2, p: 551-2477 Prikið, Bankastræti 12, p: 551-3366 Sirkus, Klapparstígur 30, p: 551-1999 Skipperinn, Tryggvagata 18, p: 551-7530 Sólon, Bankastræti 7a, p: 562-3232 Svarta Kaffið, Laugavegur 54, p: 551-2919 Torvaldsen bar, Austurstræti 8, p: 511-1413 Vegamót, Vegamótastígur 4, p: 511-3040 Vídalín, Aðalstræti 10, p: 551-0962 Vínbarinn, Kirkjutorg 4, p: 552-4120 Clubs Broadway Entertainment Hall, Ármúli 9, p: 533-1100 Gaukur á Stöng, Tryggvagata 22, p: 551-1556 Leikhúskjallarinn, Hverfisgata 19, 551-6010 Mojito, Austurstræti 16, p: 575-7905 Nasa, by Austurvöllur, p: 511-1313 Spotlight, Hafnarstræti 17, p: 562-6813 Restaurants Apótek bar grill, Austurstræti 16, p: 575-7900 Argentína Steakhouse, Barnsstígur 11a, p. 551-9555 Ban-Thai, Laugavegur 130, p: 552-2444 Brasserie Borg, Pósthússtræti 11, p: 594-7700 Café Ópera, Lækjargata 2, p: 552-9499 Carpe Diem, Rauðarárstígur 18, p: 552-4555 Caruso, Þingholtsstræti 1, p: 562-7335 Einar Ben, Veltusund 1, p: 511-5090 Galileo, Hafnarstræti 1-3, p: 552-9500 Grillið, Hagatorg (Hótel Saga), p: 525-9960 Hereford steikhús, Laugavegur 53b, p: 511-3350 Hornið, Hafnarstræti 15, p: 551-3340 Hótel Holt, Bergstaðarstræti 37, p: 552-5700 Hótel Ísland, Ármúli 9, p: 595-7000 Humarhúsið (Lobster house), Amtmannsstígur 1, p: 561-3303 Ítalía, Laugavegur 11, p: 552-4630 Jónatan Livingston M, Tryggvagata 4-6, p: 551-5520 La Primavera, Austurstræti 9, p: 561-8555 Lækjarbrekka, Bankastræti 2, p: 551-4430 Leikhúskjallarinn, Hverfisgata 19, p: 551-6010 Lónið, Hótel Lofleiðir, p: 444-4055 Naustið, Vesturgata 6-8, p: 552-3030 Pasta Basta, Klapparstígur 38, p: 561-3131 Rauðará Steakhouse, Rauðarárstígur 37, p: 562-6766 Restaurant Perlan, Öskjuhlíð, p: 562-0200 Resturant Esja, Suðurlandsbraut 2. Siggi Hall at Óðinsvé, Þórsgata 1, p: 511-6200 Skrúður, Hótel Saga, p: 525-9900 Sommelier brasserie, Hverfisgata 46, p: 511-4455 Þrír Frakkar, Baldursgata 14, p: 552-3939 Tjarnarbakkinn, Vonarstræti 3, p: 562-9700 Tveir Fiskar, Geirsgata 9, p: 511-3474 Við Tjörnina, Templarasund 3, p: 551-8666 Viðey, Viðey island, p: 568-1045 Movie Theaters Bíóhöllin, Álfabakki 8, p: 587-8900 Háskólabíó, Hagatorg, p: 530-1919 Kringlubíó, Kringlan 4-12, p: 588-0800 Regnboginn, Hverfisgata 54, p: 551-9000 Smárabíó, Smáralind, p: 564-0000 Theaters Borgarleikhúsið, City Theatre, Listabraut 3, p: 568-8000 Iðnó, Vonarstræti 3, p: 562-9700 Light nights, Summer theatre, Iðnó (see above), p: 551-9181 Salurinn Tómstundarhúsi Kópavogs, Hamraborg 6 Kóp, p: 570-0400 Skemmtihúsið Theatre, Laufásvegur 22, p: 552-5198 Möguleikhúsið, Laugavegur 105, p: 562-2669 The Icelandic Opera, Ingólfsstræti 2a, p: 511-4200 Þjóðleikhúsið, Hverfisgata 19, p: 551-1200 Museums Árbæjarsafn Folk Museum, Kistuhylur 4, p: 577-1111 ASÍ Art Museum, Freyjugata 41, p: 511-5353 Ásmundarsafn Sculpture Museum, Sigtún, p: 553-2155 Einar Jónsson Sculpture Museum, Eiríksgata, p: 551-3797 Gerðarsafn Kópavogur Art Gallery, Hamraborg 4 Kóp, p: 570-0440 Gerðuberg Cultural Center, Gerðuberg 3-5, p: 577-7500 Hafnarhúsið Reykjavík Art Museum, Tryggvagata 17, p: 590-1200 Icelandic Postal Museum, Austurgata 11 220 Hfj, p: 555-4321 Kjarvalsstaðir Art Museum , Flókagata,, p: 562-6131 Listasalurinn Man, Skólavörðustígur 14, p: 551-2509 Menningarhúsið Culture House, Hverfisgata 15, p: 545-1400 Museum of Natural History, Hlemmur 5, p: 590-0500 National and University Library, Arngrímsgata 3, p: 525-5600 National Archives, Laugavegur 162, p: 562-3393 National Film Archive of Iceland, Vesturgata 11-13, p: 565-5993 National Gallery of Iceland, Fríkirkjuvegur 7, p: 515-9600 National Museum of Iceland, Suðurgata 41, p: 552-8888 Norræna Húsið Nordic House, Sturlugata 5, p: 551-7030 Numismatic Museum, Einholt 4, p: 569-9962 Nýlistasafnið, The Living Art Museum, Vatnsstígur 3, p: 551-4350 Reðursafnið, Phallological Museum, Laugavegur 24, p: 566-8668 Reykjavík Electrical Museum, Rafstöðvarvegur, p: 516-6790 Reykjavík Museum of Photography, Tryggvagata 15, p: 563-1790 Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum, Laugarnestangi 70, p: 553-2906 Telecommunication Museum, Suðurgata, p: 550-6410 The Ásgrímur Jónsson Collection, Bergstaðarstræti 74, p: 515-9625 The Icelandic Art Gallery, Skólavörðustígur 16a, p: 561-4090 The Icelandic Maritime Museum, Vesturgata 8, p: 565-4242 Galleries Artgallery LIST.IS/Listgallerí, Engjateigi 17-19, p: 553 2886 Art-Hún, Stangarhylur 7, p: 567-3577 Crafts and Design, Aðalstræti 12, p: 551-7595 Fold, Rauðarárstígur 14, p: 551-0400 Gallery Reykjavík, Skólavörðustígur 16, p: 552-2500 Hafnarborg Art Gallery, Strandgata 34, 220 Hfj, p: 555-0080, Þverholt 5, p: 552-0455 Hnoss, Skólavörðustígur 3, p: 561-8485 I8, Klapparstígur 33, p: 551-3666 Kirsuberjatréð, Vesturgata 4, p: 562-8990 Kóbolt, Laugavegur 55, p: 552-6080 Kogga Ceramik Studio, Vesturgata 5, p: 552-6036 Listakot, Laugavegur 70, p: 552-8141 Meistari Jakob, Skólavörðustígur 5, p: 552-7161 nr. 5, Skólavörðustígur 5, p: 562-2890 Ófeigur, Skólavörðustígur 5, p: 551-1161 Skuggi, Hverfisgata 39, p: 511-1139 Fast food American Style, Skipholt 70, p: 568-6838 Bæjarins Bestu, by Tryggvagata, p: 894-4515 Eldsmiðjan, Bragagata 38a, p: 562-3838 First Vegeterian, Laugarvegur 20b, p: 552-8410 Grænn Kostur, Skólavörðustígur 8, p: 552-2028 Hlöllabátar, by Ingólfstorg, p: 511-3500 Kebab, Lækjargata 2, p: 561-3070 Nonnabitar, Hafnarstræti 11, p: 551-2312 Pizza 67, Tryggvagata 26, p: 561-9900 Vitabar, Bergþórugata 21, p: 551-7200 Waffle Wagon, at Lækjartorg, p: 822-9973 - the reykjavík grapevine -18 july 25th - august 7th, 2003 - the reykjavík grapevine - 19july 25th - august 7th, 2003 ADDRESS BOOK LISTINGS V E N U E F I N D E R Friday, July 25 Both Day and Night Austurvöllur out door exhibition, Earth from Above. Aerial Photographs by Yann Arthus- Bertrand. Day Reðursafnið, Phallological Museum, A fine penis and penis related selection from various mammals. Árbæjarsafn, Folk Museum, An exhibition shows life and work in the years 1950-60. National Gallery of Iceland, Exhibition of selected works by Icelandic artists from the National Gallery's collection. National and University Library, Exhibition of the founder of the city´s documentation, also, childrens literature, texts and drawings. Culture House, Images of Iceland - milestones in cartography Norræna húsið, Nordic House, The Big Nordic Elephant Show Reykjavik Museum of Photography, The Five Elements. Photographs and etchings from French- Vietnamese artist Claire Xuan. Hitt Húsið (Youth culture house), The Friday meldown Ásmundarsafn, Sculpture museum, The Modern Man, works of popular sculptor Ásmundar Sveinsson. Einar Jónsson Sculpture Museum, The works of Iceland´s first modern sculptor. Hafnarhúsið, Reykjavík Art Museum, -10 to 17 -Lobster or Fame Two Decades of Bad Taste Ltd. Also Erró´s War paintings and Insight into international contemporary art in Iceland. Admission 500 ISK. Free on Mondays. Kjarvalsstaðir Art Museum, -10 to 17 -New times in Icelandic Photography. Admission 500 krónur Saga Museum, -10 to 18 -History face to face, historical figures and major events in Icelandic history presented in a unique way. Admission 800 krónur. Hafnarborg Art Gallery, -11 to 17 -US artist Barbara Cooper exhibits drawings. Handverk og Hönnun, -13 to 17 -Exhibition of contemporary and traditional Icelandic art and crafts. Sigurjón Ólafsson Sculpture Museum, -14 to 17 -Portraits and Abstractions Gallery, -14 to 18 -"Look out for my Love, it´s in your neighbourhood", some works of Hrafnhildur Halldórsdóttir Safn, -14 to 18 -Collection includes both international and Icelandic contemporary art. Admission 200 krónur ASÍ. Art Museum, -14 to 18 -Icelandic art from 1950-1970 Light Nights Summer Theatre, -starts at 20:30 -Real authentic Icelandic show performed in English, including the most thrilling ghost story ever told; The Deacon of Myrká Night Glaumbar, Atli partycop Little Central, Band Misery Loves Company Nasa, Band Sálin Hans Jóns Míns, one of Iceland´s biggest pop groups entertains predictably drunk Icelanders. Celtic Cross, Coverband 3some downstairs and troubadour Ómar Hlyns upstairs Mojito Club, Daddi Disco Coffee shop 11, DJ Andri Loverboy Sirkus, DJ Árni Sveins Hverfisbar, DJ Benni Hverfisbar, DJ Benni Thorvaldsen bar, DJ Hlynur Nelly´s, DJ Jón Gestur Café 22, DJ KGB Amsterdam, DJ Master Kofi Tómasar frænda, DJ Sidekick Café Sólon, DJ Svali Vegamót, DJ´s Árni E and Balli Kaffibarinn, DJ´s of the house Prikið, Surprise event Gaukur á Stöng, The band Kung Fu Leikhúskjallarinn, The ultimate party all night with one of Iceland’s top disco-party DJ´s “Johnny Dee,” or so they say Dubliners, Troubadour Bjarni Tryggva De Boomkikker, Troubadour Danni Kráin 73, Troubadour Ingi Valur Ari í Ögri, Troubadour Óskar Einars Café Victor, Various DJ's, 80's 'n 90's music Vídalín, -Starts 23:00 -Grapevine party, all welcome! Jazz band plays music for tired Grapeviners, then DJ takes over to entertain drunk Grapeviners. Grand Rokk, -Starts 23:00 -Thule Music night Saturday, July 26 Reykjavík's City Center, Artistic Saturday, culture in the city center. Some thing happening on every corner. Amazing City Center, Many events and happenings in downtown Reykjavik Austurvöllur out door exhibition, Earth from Above. Aerial Photographs by Yann Arthus- Bertrand. Day Reðursafnið, Phallological Museum, A fine penis and penis related selection from various mammals. Árbæjarsafn, Folk Museum, An exhibition shows life and work in the years 1950-60. National Gallery of Iceland, Exhibition of selected works by Icelandic artists from the National Gallery's collection. National and University Library, Exhibition of the founder of the city´s documentation, also, childrens literature, texts and drawings. Culture House, Images of Iceland - milestones in cartography Árbæjarsafn, Folk Museum, Some old motorcycles will be shown. Norræna húsið, Nordic House, The Big Nordic Elephant Show Reykjavik Museum of Photography, The Five Elements. Photographs and etchings from French- Vietnamese artist Claire Xuan. Ásmundarsafn, Sculpture museum, The Modern Man, works of popular sculptor Ásmundar Sveinsson. Einar Jónsson Sculpture Museum, The works of Iceland´s first modern sculptor. Hafnarhúsið, Reykjavík Art Museum, -10 to 17 -Lobster or Fame Two Decades of Bad Taste Want to be seen in the listings? Send us a mail to and your event will be announced in the next issue, and the best thing is that being in the listings is free! DJ Mike Scott Vídalín Saturday July 26th If you missed the party last weekend you have still got a chance to see DJ Mike perform. Since there was such a huge turnout last weekend when he played, DJ Mike decided to do another party. Mike Scott deep passion is spinning vinyl for crowds of hungry music lov- ers. Mike Scott has been spinning in clubs, on the radio and at parties since he was 16 yrs old. His passion for music comes thru in dynamic sets and in his explosive energy as he takes the dance floor to different pulsating lev- els that makes them crave for more. Mike´s skills have also taken him into the studio for production of original music, remixes, and production. Party starts: 22:00, admission ISK 500. Thule Music Grand Rokk Friday July 25th Grand Rokk is filled tonight by artists on the Thule Music label, among the artists performing is the band Twisted Mind Crew who will, along with hip hop DJ Total kaoz, open the evening. Also playing is Exos, a minimal techno activist who feeds on the brainwaves of others. He is currently fighting for the equal rights of minimal music and “radio active free” food ingredients. Exos is issuing his first remix CD, which will be sold on the premises. Also performing tonight are; Tómas TH, Bjarki Sveins, Aurra Sing, ZEUS, DJ Richard, Árni Vector and DJ Guðný. Starts at 23:00. Admisson 300ISK a pop. Artistic Saturday July 26th Part of the Amazing City Centre project, collaboration between the City and shop owners in the centre to bring attention to what makes it special. Among happenings is an open house at the gay society house and an invitation to paint Italian ceramics at the shop Ceramics For Everyone, Laugavegur 48b (they also give you coffee). At 13.00 there’s an outside mass at Lækjartorg, at 14.00 there is a cultural walk around the streets named after deities from Nordic mythology, which starts from Skólavörðuholt. At 16.00 there is a literary walk from the City library with among others Hallgrímur Helgason, author of 101 Reykjavík. The Reykjavík Art Museum has free admission from 13.00.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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