Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2006, Qupperneq 33

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2006, Qupperneq 33
GRAPEVINE ALBUM REVIEWS The singular, sharp and stunningly explicit and con- centrated voice of Katrína Mogensen drives Mammút’s debut so that at first, were it not for the patient, buzzing unpredictability of the bass, it could be mistaken for a solo project. But, upon further listening, this quirky, awkward little trinket is revealed for what it truly is: A tight, pow- erful album blessed with true emotional quality and depth that belies the youth of its creators. Only the annoyingly abstract lyrics and occasion- ally juvenile guitar melodies (Þorkell, Gítarlagið) detract from what is otherwise a mournful, stylish and occasion- ally apocalyptic album, which even comes with its own distinct trajectory and structure. Its shortness almost undermines all this, but the closing title track, a superior and pure song with a plodding drum beat that lives up to its namesake (Mammút roughly translates as mammoth), is easily haunting enough to stay with you long after the CD stops playing. Its cryptic, mesmerising and strangely resigned lyrics echoing dully as images of huge, brown- furred elephants ambling steadily through a blizzard fill the mind. SE “How abstract can we get”....indeed. While a criminal who confesses is no less guilty, it does make one more inclined to be easy on him. Saying that In Cod We Trust is avant-garde would be an understatement bordering on the comically ludicrous, but being good enough to get away with it is where Ghostigital differ greatly from many of their peers. Tight, focused, racy and experi- mental without being pretentious and difficult, it pumps through its 11 solid and individualised tracks with explo- sive and terrifying insanity, perhaps scariest in its bor- derline conformity. Dream Of Sleep’s bleating, blaring samples are transformed into catchy hooks, and instantly danceable Not Clean veers as close to the mainstream as Ghostigital are likely to get without losing their edge. The entire album exudes tight, minimal professionalism in every respect even as it recklessly indulges in hip-hop, electro, ambient, drum & bass and industrial playfulness, touching so many bases that it’s tempting to apply to it the loathsome ‘crossover’ label. Aside from its decidedly shallow and gimmicky preference of incomprehensible insanity over emotional depth, it is, simply put, exactly what happens when music that should not be made is made the way it should be. SE GHOSTIGITAL - IN COD WE TRUST Guide to the rating system: In prison, you deal in cigarettes. In Iceland, you deal in beers. We don’t condone this, we just accept it as fact. One beer = 500 ISK at the seedy bars we frequent. That means a mainstream release costs up to 2,500 ISK... or $40. Yes, that much. That’s why we do the beer thing. Reviews by Bart Cameron and Sindri Eldon. Wait long enough, and things come around. Once known only as Pavement’s side project, Silver Jews are now garnering media attention for Tanglewood Numbers and the first-ever tour for the band supporting the album. Tanglewood is a very good album, but some of the wind is out of the sails, most notably in Stephen Malkmus’s more derivative, rock-style guitar work. What Tangle- wood can do is draw you to American Water, one of the finest combinations of wit, drawl and guitar sprawl of the last 30 years. Likely you want an example of how good the lyrics are: it’s hard to quote Dave Berman, though, cause there isn’t an end point. My favourite lines are from, maybe one should call it a stanza, in the opening song on American Water, Random Rules: I asked a painter why the roads are colored black. He said, “Steve, it’s because people leave and no highway brings them back.” So if you don’t want me I promise not to linger, but before I go have to ask you dear about the tan line on your ring finger. BC Worth four beers. MAMMÚT - MAMMÚT Worth four beers. WINNER # SILVER JEWS - AMERICAN WATER Worth five beers. Helvítis Útlendingur


Reykjavík Grapevine

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