Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2006, Blaðsíða 48

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2006, Blaðsíða 48
Stuffed with stuff REYKJAVÍK´S ENGLISH LANGUAGE NEWSPAPER grap ISSUE FOUR: APR 7 - MAY 5 “There has long been this tendency in Icelan- dic society to want to sweep uncomfortable issues under the carpet, even though everyone knew they were there. For instance, you might have a weird uncle that you think hangs out with kids a little bit too much, but no one wants to say anything.” Marteinn Þórsson, of Kompás news magazine. Page 6. “They’ve been taking care of the security of our country for a long time now, so that will be missed, not to mention the services and the jobs they’ve provided.” Independence Party MP Guðjón Hjör- leifsson on what he’ll miss about the Keflavík NATO base. Page 12.  “The movie is going to be about young people, about life, about danger- ous, extreme moments… But it will not be just about guys and gangs, like Svolochi or Brigada … I have an idea about the opening scene: a girl opens her eyes and real- ises that she’s alive.” Yulia Volkova of t.A.T.u. on the future of Russian cinema. Page 38. “We really need women here. We have been re- duced to sharing them,” Young man from Egilsstaðir on the effects that importing large numbers of manual labourers have had on the dating scene in Northeastern Iceland. Page 42. YOUR F REE COP Y


Reykjavík Grapevine

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