Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2006, Blaðsíða 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2006, Blaðsíða 36
Fine dining costs money. Typically, it costs a lot of money. Occasionally, though, you’ll find a place that’s not only worth dropping a size- able portion of your salary for; they meet you halfway and don’t demand that much of you financially after all. Grillið, located on the 8th floor of the Radisson SAS hotel on Hagatorg, is not only such a restaurant – it also provided what, for me, was the most perfect dining experience of my life. Guests are first seated in a lounge – leather couches and chairs arranged near a large window overlooking a spectacular view of Reykjavík’s southern shore – where they are of- fered aperitifs. I went with a Rémy Martin. The hostess, noticing that my wife is very pregnant, offered to “make up” a non-alcoholic cocktail for her. The result – a mixture of banana, pine- apple, lime juice and cream – proved far better than it sounds. We were given our menus with our cock- tails. Prices range between the high end, with the Gourmet Game Menu (five courses for 7,900 ISK) to a fish entrée (3,600 ISK). Always up for a surprise, we decided instead to go for the Discovery Menu – five courses for 6,900 ISK, where you only discover what you’re going to eat when it’s brought to your table. The dining room of Grillið is enormous, with tall windows on three sides providing more of the stunning view seen from the lounge, and classic place settings that reminded me of a hotel dining room from the 1940s. Miles Davis played at an unobtrusive, atmospheric volume. From the moment the first of three starters was brought to us – fresh scallops in a cold orange and chilli soup – one thing became immediately apparent about Grillið: the service. The servers move quickly, quietly and leave enough time between courses for the memory of the previous one to linger while not leaving you wondering if you’ve been forgotten. The second starter, grilled langoustines with cauliflower sauce and nut foam, was extraordinary. The freshness and natural flavour of the meal made it clear that the chef had an emphasis on classical French cuisine. This was confirmed when we were brought the grilled turbot with olive purée and aubergine in a passion fruit sauce. Again, the pacing between these courses was impeccable. We arrived at last at the main event – in this case, tenderloin of beef and veal with half a lobster tail, potatoes and Madeira glaze. The sheer brilliance and spectrum of flavour in this course is off the charts. Suffice it to say we chewed each bite slowly, our faces in goofy ecstasy. At this point we were both stuffed beyond hope, but when the desserts were brought to the table – a chocolate cylinder over a choco- late-covered strawberry with melted chocolate poured over top of it at the table, alongside a ly- chee sorbet, as well as a milk chocolate mousse – we decided it wouldn’t hurt to at least try it. In the end, it was all we could do to keep from licking the plates. I had to have a word with the chef. Bjarni Gunnar Kristinsson, the chef de cuisine, received his certification at Grillið, but told us that he travels “constantly” to France, New York and the UK to keep up with the ever-changing trends in fine cuisine. “You have to,” he said, as if it were a given that a chef should fly overseas several times a year just to visit other kitchens. When asked about the freshness of the ingredients, Kristinsson said he considered this a special point of pride for the restaurant. “Everything is either produced as close by as possible,” he said, “or flown in fresh, twice a week.” (Insider’s tip: book a reservation for a Wednesday evening – that’s when the veggies from France arrive.) After a meal at Grillið, it’s hard to take the elevator back down to your slightly less glamor- ous life, but with the prices as they are, repeat visits are a realistic and well-deserved possibil- ity. Mention the term “American food” and the first thing that normally springs to mind is the holy trinity of hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza. While certainly classic examples, they’re not the only ones. American food, like many aspects of American culture, sometimes bor- rows from abroad to create something modified and/or new, and sometimes invents something outright. And for a good example of American food done right, Red Chili is an excellent place to start. There’s already one Red Chili on Lau- gavegur 176 (where the restaurant Old West used to be), but we visited the new location at Pósthússtræti 13. For those who remember the spacious environs of Póstbarinn, you won’t be disappointed – the changes made to the interior are few. However, the changes that were made give the place a subtle Southwest feel, without any sombreros and guitars nailed to the walls. To start out, we thought it best to go with the starter sampler: deep-fried shrimp, chicken wings and potato skins served with bleu cheese and ranch dressing. This is a great choice for couples and for those seeking an introduc- tion to some staples of American bar food, and it is usually safe – bad chicken wings can be smothered in ranch dressing in a pinch. Fortunately, though, we found the quality of these staples above par – rather than burying everything under a thick, oily layer of fried bat- ter, the Red Chili approach is clearly to class up the old favourites. Although the bleu cheese dip didn’t have as strong a flavour as I remembered (which might be due to a faulty memory or some adjustments in the kitchen to better suit the Icelandic palate), it served as a good entry for the main event. Ever the health conscious one, my wife went with the barbequed chicken breast, baked potato with sour cream and salad (as well as an additional plate of “steak cut” – very large – fries ordered later). But from the moment I opened the menu there was only one thing I had in mind: baby back ribs. Those who’ve visited Ruby Tuesday’s or TGI Friday’s are probably familiar with the dish. As these are the ribs cut closest to the pig’s spine, on the top of its back, the meat is generally lean but also greatly un- der-exercised, and thus tender. However, due to the low fat content (for pork, anyway), it’s easy to overcook them to the consistency of leather. Once again, Red Chili improved on the American standard. The ribs were served with steak-cut fries and a little bowl of extra barbeque sauce, as per tradition, but this wasn’t your run-of-the-mill barbeque sauce – the recipe had been tweaked a bit, successfully. The meat from the ribs practically fell from the bone, as it should. I couldn’t help but sample some of the baked potato with sour cream, and wasn’t disappointed. For those looking for reasonably priced American food, classed up a bit and served in a relaxed, open space, you can’t do better in Iceland than Red Chili. Paul F. Nikolov on Reykjavík Dining Photos by Héðinn Under ISK 1000 Between ISK 1000 and ISK 2500 Between ISK 2500 and ISK 4000$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Over ISK 4000 DINING, EATING GRUBBING& 8th floor Radisson SAS Hotel on Hagatorg Tel.: 525-9960 $ $ gRillið $ Pósthússtræti 13 Tel.: 562-7830 $ $ Red chili $ $ 3


Reykjavík Grapevine

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