Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.02.2007, Blaðsíða 7

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.02.2007, Blaðsíða 7
1_RVK_GV_0_007_OPINION NEWS | BACK ISSUES | PODCASTS | LISTINGS | REVIEWS WWW.GRAPEVINE.IS I don’t drink and the smell of smoke makes me want to wear a gas mask. And just for the sake of confusion, no, I am not a nun. Based on my “unique lifestyle” and standard appetite for mental, au- dio and visual stimulation, at times I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to mak- ing weekend plans. I have done my share of frequenting the cin- ema and bowling to funky sounds from the disco era and frankly, I’m a bit tired of the whole scene. In my position, one has to be quite creative in choosing leisurely activi- ties on the weekends in Reykjavik. Thinking of ways to “seize the day” has become quite a challenge, and since being surrounded by the in- toxicated or smelling like an ashtray the morning after is not scripted in my daily journal, my only option at this point is to change my frame of reference. When the decision was made to move from New York City to Reykjavik I knew I would be faced with the dilemma of limited en- tertainment options. Relocating to any new environment requires ad- justing to a whole new social set- ting, and to avoid wallowing away in the sea of regret I had to take a look around and really recognize what Iceland had to offer. In order to have a satisfying social life I had to think outside of box and adapt a nomadic perspective. Sometimes we need to adopt the mindset of a temporary wanderer to soak up and appreciate the precious time we have while existing in such a unique place. The majority of weekend enter- tainment that Reykjavik’s “down- town” has to offer consists of an available seat or private corner to stand in, an expensive glass of liquid courage and blaring beats vibrating from the speakers of a fairly lavish sound system. There- fore the entertainment portion of the evening is left solely up to the consumer and the magical anti- dote concocted by the slaving bar tender behind the counter. Hence- forth, you find yourself not exactly being entertained, but often being the focal point of the show itself. Even still, weekend after weekend downtown Reykjavik continues to be the busiest place in town where life completely changes her ward- robe after 10 pm. I, on the other, hand prefer the traditional alternative of being en- tertained – by professionals who at least appear to be sober while performing their God-given talent. Live jazz music on a random Tuesday night, discovering an authentic new Middle Eastern restaurant with old friends or catching a dynamic play or show that won’t be in town too long are some of the things I miss doing without having to sacrifice a quarter of my salary. Although it is quite unfair to compare New York and Reykjavik in the category of entertainment, I do wish the in- dustry could be more creative in its business ventures when it comes to amusement activities. By the sheer number of bars compared to any other form of late night diversions, it is clear what product is valued most by consumers and commerce alike. In order to feel entertained in this city, thinking like a tourist is beneficial because you are forced to think of outings that promote an experience to remember, therefore making each event worthwhile and devoid of anything routine and or- dinary. When I lived in New York City I used to ask native New York- ers all the time if they had ever been to the Statue of Liberty, climbed the steps all the way to the top of her crown and looked out over the Hudson River. Most people had the same answer – no, but I live here, so I can go anytime. Unfortunately after September 11th, that golden opportunity to stand atop Lady Liberty has been taken away and now that mem- ory only exists for the millions of people that have simply “passed through” New York City. Thinking like a tourist gives you the motiva- tion and energy to do things you wouldn’t ordinarily do. However, as a resident we often forget to take advantage of the jewels of our distinctive surroundings and, like many New Yorkers, we miss the boat altogether. Just last week a friend and I visited the National Gallery of Ice- land to see the French Expression- ist Exhibition. Taking an afternoon to surround oneself with the works of the masters definitely provides a break from the monotony of daily routine. It was a Wednesday after- noon and although the museum was quite empty I felt like a tourist appreciating what the city had to offer. There was also a slight feel- ing of privilege in taking a moment to value such talent in the midst of work and running errands. Adapt- ing this new perspective in thinking differently about what I do with my time has made life much more in- teresting and enjoyable. My advice from all this is to take the time to be creative and seize the day be- fore the day ends up seizing you. Think Like a Tourist By Gabriele R. Gudbjartsson E N N E M M /S ÍA /N M 2 5 7 10 Customers of Kaupthing can receive online service in four languages. Business in Kaupthings Netbank can be conducted in four languages: Icelandic, English, Danish and Polish. Access to Kaupthings Netbank is free. Drop by your Kaupthing branch to apply for your own password. Then you can conduct your banking transactions on the Kaupthing Netbank and speak the language you prefer. Kaupthings Netbank is simple and comfortable – any time, anywhere. Flersproget bankservice Kaupthings Netbank på fire sprog Kaupthings kunder kan få service på nettet og ordne deres bankforretninger på fire sprog: islandsk, engelsk, dansk og polsk. 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Reykjavík Grapevine

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