Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.12.2009, Blaðsíða 11

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.12.2009, Blaðsíða 11
The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 18 — 2009 11 “I put my clothes in the bag, then they took me directly to the police station. I protested and asked to make phone calls again, and take my salary—I didn’t have any money! They kept saying: ‘later, later.’ After five minutes in the police station, they took me to the airport where I stayed the whole night. They deported me at six AM the next day. I had some Icelandic money on me and they did not let me change it in the airport. And still no phone calls.” Four police officers escorted Nour and the two others being deported through their flight. “In Greece I was put in prison for one night.” Then Nour was interviewed, a required formality. “They gave me a piece of paper with a small empty space to fill, and told me: ‘You have to describe your situation and why you want to seek asylum here.’ The space was too small to write my full family name in it. I laughed: ‘Write my problems here? How?’ They said: ‘Just write whatever you want, just write something, in your language.’ So I wrote, in Arabic: ‘I do not seek asylum in Greece.’ I signed it and gave them the paper. OK, you are free, they then said. With no papers to prove my identity, nothing. I asked: ‘How am I free? I have no place to go.’ ‘It’s like that,’ they said. ‘You want to go free or you want to stay in jail?’” Nour was left in the streets of Athens with Icelandic currency in his pocket. “I tried to change it at the airport but they were not allowed to accept Icelandic money because of the crisis. So I’m at the airport and can’t even go to the city centre. What should I do there anyway? Then I remembered a Greek I met in Iceland. I called him, he came to the airport and took me to his house.” Nour stayed there for one night. “Then he left Greece so I couldn’t stay there longer. So I was in the street again. I don’t know, it’s really hard to speak about; I don’t want to think about it. I’m still thinking positive. I will never give up.” ignored to death Nour brings me to a tent outside Parliament, home to five men collectively on hunger strike. They represent a group of fifteen people: Iraqi, Iranian, and Afghan. They all carry UN refugee cards as former members of PMOI, M for Mujahedin. Western media sometimes called them freedom fighters, but they are now considered a terrorist organisation by the US. Since 2001, their struggle for free elections and gender equality in Iran is supposedly non-violent. It is strange to weigh these fragile figures, exhausted and skinny, against the idea of Mujahedin fighters. As ex-members their situation is extremely precarious, they explain to me, because not only would the Iranian government and Kurdish forces like to see them dead, but the PMOI as well. In Greece you may add fascists and police to their threats. One of them shows me pictures of serious head injuries he suffered from police when caught on an Athens bus with no ticket. “Three of us are gone. We don’t know what happened to them, if they left or were kidnapped or killed—disappeared, that’s all.” Greek bureaucracy seems unaffected by UN acknowledgement of their refugee status, which they all have certificates for. One of them shows me a picture of himself 40 kg. heavier—a full-blown carpenter. He’s all skin and bones now. Another, a professional mechanic, suffers an eye infection that gets worse the longer he sleeps in gardens, and is nearly blind. “You are a refugee, go away asshole,” a Greek doctor told him the last time he sought help. “Some of us did not see our family for twenty years,” they tell me. One managed to get to Bulgaria but was transferred back. “Give me a white card,” he asks Greek authorities, “so I can save my life, get away, when someone tries to kill me.”9 In an industrial suburb a few kilometres away from the centre we find the Directorate of Immigration. Cars are parked by the wall around the office building, and the hundred men who spent the night in the parking spaces now stand by the gate, waiting. The guard by the gate holds an automatic rifle in his hand, finger by the trigger, and hurls obscenities at those who approach him. The men are here to get stamps on papers. During the hour we spend there, no one is let through. They have to show up again and again. Since they have no money, and no legal access to transportation, and being caught on a bus with poses a real danger to immigrants, they sleep by the gate, in relative safety. 1 ‘Clashes and arrests …’ http://clandestinenglish.wordpress. com/2009/06/10/clashes-and-arrests-around-the- aghios-panteleimonas-neighborhood-in-athens/ 2 ‘Chrysi Avyi’ 3 See cal_parties_in_Greece for a detailed list of Greek political parties 4 For detailed information, see: Asylum Levels and Trends …. UNHCR 2009. 5 Nick Squires and Paul Anast. ‘Greek immigration crisis …’ in The Daily Telegraph. Sept 7 2009. greece/6147072/Greek-immigration-crisis-spawns- shanty-towns-and-squats.html 6 Established in 2005 on U.S. payroll to establish security in certain areas, but then turned against the coalition forces and the government. 7 Iraqi refugees fear expulsion from Syria’ in The National. September 3, 2009. article?AID=/20090904/FOREIGN/709039884/1011/ NEWS. See also: ‘Iraq’. Refugees International. http:// middle-east/iraq 8 ‘Rauði krossinn ítrekar …’ April 8, 2009. wa/dp?id=1000727&detail=1014239 9 The hunger strike started on October 19th and was still ongoing November 26th. See (Greek). 10 ‘UNHCR Position on the Return of Asylum-Seek- ers to Greece …’ April 15 2008. rwmain?docid=4805bde42 11 ‘The situation of persons returned by Austria to Greece …’. country,,AUT_RC,,AFG,4562d8cf2,4a93fbbf2,0.html 12 No Refuge – Migrants in Greece. Human Rights Watch, 2009. 13 ‘Amnesty International Report 2009 - Greece’ country,,,,GRC,,4a1fade846,0.html 14 ‘Report to the Government of Greece … Sep- tember 2008.’ grc/2009-20-inf-eng.htm 15 ‘ECRI Report on Greece’. Published on 15 Sep- tember 2009. ecri/Country-by-country/Greece/GRC-CbC-IV-2009- 031-ENG.pdf 16 See for example: Kaveh P. ‘A ray of hope’ in The Atlantic Times. php?recordID=1895. 17 See for example: ‘Don't send asylum seekers back to Greece: Dutch court’ 18 For example: ‘German court ruling a severe blow for Greece’ Sept. 11 2009. media_articles/archiv_article/ARTICLE57497-Ger- man-court-ruling-a-severe-blow-for-Greece 19 ISee the 2009 Governmental Report: Skyrsla_nefndar_um_medferd_haelisumsokna.pdf – chapter 6. 20 And that’s not being really fair to Cyprus, which in cases of Iraq refugees had a 90% acceptance rate in 2008, a figure certainly far away from Iceland’s, but, must be noted, probably ignores Dublin transfers – that is measures only the outcome of cases taken for substantial consideration. See ECRE’s report on Iraqi refugees here CERCA_IRAQ.pdf. Globally the positive recognition rate of asylum claims was 45% in 2007, rising from 38% in 2006. See the UNHCR 2007 Yearbook: Feature | Social Justice “nothing wrong” Icelandic authorities repeatedly claim that there is “nothing wrong” with Dublin transfers to Greece. The following disagree: UNHCR ‘advises Governments to refrain from returning asylum-seekers to Greece under the Dublin Regulation until further notice’10. The Red Cross highlights that recent regulation changes mean ‘the vast majority of asylum seekers might not have the substance of their claims examined’11. Human Rights Watch express worries about ‘the harsh and demeaning conditions in which detained migrants are often held’12. Amnesty International gathers that ‘ill-treatment by police of detainees, particularly migrants and members of marginalized groups, was reported throughout the year’ in 200913, The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment ‘reiterate that the conditions of detention of the vast majority of irregular migrants deprived of their liberty in Greece remain unacceptable’ and that they ‘run a considerable risk of being ill-treated by law enforcement officials’14. The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance reports15‘that as at June 2008, the 11.273 cases examined both at first instance and on appeal resulted in 61 persons being recognized as refugees and 10 receiving humanitarian status’. The European Council on Refugees and Exiles called for the suspension of Dublin Transfers to Greece, in April 2008. Norway had then already decided not to transfer asylum seekers there, and Germany not to do so in cases of children or vulnerable people. On July 20, 2009 a court in Frankfurt, Germany, cancelled a deportation to Greece due to unfair processes there.16 A Dutch court reached the same conclusion in 200817. And in autumn 2009, the German Constitutional Court ruled against deportation to Greece in two separate, exemplary cases.18 When the supposedly left-wing government in Iceland committed their first Dublin transfer, in October 2009, one of four deportees, Wali Safi, managed to escape from police. He went into hiding long enough for the European Court to intervene and request that Icelandic authorities cancel the deportation and take his application into consideration. Still, Iceland maintains that there is nothing wrong with these transfers. Mohammad Askarpour, from Iran, stayed in prison for a month after the October deportations, and is now on the street in Athens while appealing in Iceland. Henry Turay, from Sierra Leone, is currently hiding from Icelandic police for the same reason as Wali Safi did, fearing for his life. Mohammad Jabar, deported in October, is back in Iraq, finding war- ridden Iraq preferable to bare life in foreign streets. as trash The Dublin II regulation is part of Europe’s collective effort to make itself a gated community, and outrageous on its own. Statistically, however, no country implements it as ruthlessly as Iceland. In 2006-2008 10% of asylum claims in Iceland receive a positive outcome, 15 of 154 applicants.19 In 2008 the ratio was 45% in Denmark, 40% in Finland, in France 30%, Germany 38% – in Sweden 21% of a total 42 thousand applicants.20 Iceland’s asylum policy has never been stated in the political arena, but silently left to bureaucratic implementation. Accordingly, during the latest deportations, no minister defended them publicly, but merely apologized for them as being ‘not illegal’. The policy amounts to treating humans as trash. Mass-murder would be misleading, for death is never a certain outcome of deportations. People are systematically removed, like you take out the trash, and left in a place outside civil rights. ‘Disappeared’. Whether they will then be burned, buried or recycled is supposedly nobody’s business. Nour Aldin has been given a temporary residency and work permit in Iceland. Many people fight on his behalf, and still as this is written, Nour has been stuck in Athens for six weeks, waiting for a signed letter, waiting for his passport, waiting for a visa, waiting, waiting … Hopefully his wait will soon be over. A temporary permit, however, is not the end of this brave young man’s Odyssey, and certainly not the end of the scandal: Iceland quietly sustains an outright murderous policy towards asylum seekers that must be brought to an end. Many thanks to Olga Laf, Giorgas Pittas and Nour Aldin Alazzawi for their help in writing this article. Footnotes


Reykjavík Grapevine

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