Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.12.2009, Blaðsíða 48

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.12.2009, Blaðsíða 48
STUFFED WITH STUFF ISSUE 18 YOUR FREE COPY YOUR ESSEnTIal gUIDE TO lIFE, TRavEl anD EnTERTaInmEnT In ICElanD HÓTEL ÍSLAND 18. DEC . info: jónjó presale: BREAKBEAT.IS HUGARÁSTAND MARGEIR PARTY ZONE ALFONS X SEXY LAZER PRESIDENT BONGO CASANOVA BENSOL TERROR DISKÓ DIRT MACHINE GUSGUS LÚDÓ & STEFÁN FM BELFAST BEN FROST EGILL SÆBJÖRNSSON OCULUS FELDBERG CAPTAIN FUFANU BB & BLAKE BERNDSEN HUMAN WOMAN SYKUR GLUTEUS MAXIMUS TOILET DISCO SNOW LOTTERY SANTA CLAUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND MUCH MORE! Chris Christmasson! Geysir Hafnarstræti 5, 101 Reykjavík. Tel: 555 2808 2 PAIRS FOR 1 FOR THE EXTRA COLD NIGHTS OR AS A WARM CHRISTMAS GIFT If you buy one pair of Icelandic ullarsokkar you will get the second pair free this December. PaGE 10: In October, I got a negative an- swer from the Minister of Justice. I asked my lawyer why. She said: the reason is you don’t have any relation to Iceland, no friends, no work and you don’t speak Icelan- dic. But it’s not true! The Icelandic government disposed of human being-slash-asylum seeker Nour Aldin Alaz- zawi like so much street trash. PaGE 6: Give a nation the task of articu- lating its values and creating a future general policy for a whole country. Let’s do it on Saturday, from 9 to 5. Done and done! Þórdís Helgadóttir and Eiríkur Kristjánsson aren’t too sure about the findings of the Na- tional Assembly. SPECial XMaS PUlloUT: jólakort (yo!-la-kowrt) Many Icelanders choose to par- lay greetings to their friends and loved ones over the holidays via the mailing of Christmas cards, or jólakort. They will most often fea- ture a generic Christmassy motif and some standard well wishes, although some use the opportuni- ties to send along pictures of the family. Read our Xmas Encyclopaedia for full disclo- sure on all things Icelandic Xmas. PaGE 8: The Order of the Falcon incident started out innocently enough: On April 8, 2009 the office of president Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson announced to the then US Am- bassador van Voorst that she was being awarded the Order of the Falcon, the highest recognition of the Icelandic state. Michael Zelenko investigates “THE ORDER OF THE FALCON” incident SPECial XMaS PUlloUT: It’s unclear who is being pro- tected with this tax on umbrellas and birthday presents. Over the course of the many arguments I have had with Tollstjóri, the majority of customs agents ad- mit outright how destructive and absurd these “laws” are. Sruli Recht is not happy with Tollstjóri.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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