Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.06.2010, Page 18

Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.06.2010, Page 18
The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 08 — 2010 18 EGILL HELGASON jULIA STAPLES ILLUSTRATIONS BY LóA HjáLMTýSdóTTIR HELLO, IS ANYBOdY OUT THERE? A small nation looking for friends in a big world FOCUS ON THE EU The main obstacles in the negotiations with the EU are fisheries and farming, as well as currency matters. Through the EEA Treaty, Iceland is very integrated into Europe so other matters are quite easy to resolve; much of the legislation has already been adopted. Sophia And The Eu Germany-to-Iceland trans- plant Sophia van Treeck investigates whether Ice- land should join the EU, with the help of some knowledgeable folks Last winter we had a German intern here at the Grapevine. She is called So- phia van Treeck, she is awesome, and she turned in some great work over her three-month stint. Now, we like to talk about all sorts of stuff that interests us here at the office, and one of those things happens to be the European Union and Iceland's pending application to join in on all the purported EuroFun. As a born and bred citizen of the EU, So- phia had some trouble understanding why Iceland joining the EU should even be a topic of discussion. “I don’t know, it seems odd to me that people would even have this argument,” she would often exclaim as we debated the matter. “I have a real hard time spotting any draw- backs to an EU membership. I don’t think of Germany as any less German even though it belongs to the EU, and I certainly haven’t no- ticed any real problems stemming from our membership. Also, you guys adopt EU legis- lation all the time. Wouldn’t it be better for you to have a say in it?” Now, we are curious, inquisitive folks at the Grapevine, and we thought it would be best if Sophia went into a full-on investiga- tion of the matter, with the help of some lo- cal smart folks that have been outspoken on the subject. Then you readers might perhaps learn something along with Sophia. With the help of her interlocutors, Sophia Later this june—this autumn at the lat- est—Iceland is set to become a full can- didate for membership of the European Union. An application to join was sent to Brussels in july last year, and now formal negotiations on Iceland's membership are due to begin. However a majority of the nation is opposed to joining the EU; a membership treaty would probably be voted down in a referendum. For the last two decades, Iceland has belonged to the little known European Economic Area. The EEA was originally a treaty between the EU and countries that had belonged to EFTA, the European Free Trade Association, originally found- ed in 1960. Soon, three of the main EEA countries, Austria, Sweden and Finland, left to join the EU. Iceland stayed behind with Norway and Liechtenstein. PARTIAL MEMBERSHIP According to the EEA Treaty, Iceland is part of the EU in many ways. It enjoys free trade with the EU and subscribes to the “four free- doms," the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital. As a counterpart, the EEA countries are obliged to adopt many of the laws of the European Union without hav- ing any part of the decision making process in Brussels. They also have to contribute fi- nancially to the single market—well, rich Nor- way pays a lot, Iceland not so much. Since 2001, Iceland also belongs to the Schengen Agreement, which entails a bor- derless zone covering 25 European coun- tries. In this sense Iceland is more ingrained within the EU than the UK and Ireland, who decided not to participate in Schengen. A STRANGE BALANCING ACT So in many ways Iceland has been integrated into Europe over the last decades. It is now much more a part of Europe than it was in the time when the Americans operated a large military base in Keflavík, while the country was at the same time doing lively trade with Russia—trading herring and wool for oil and Russian cars, a common sight on the streets of Reykjavík in the sixties and seventies. This was a strange balancing act, which can be explained by the relative strength of commu- nists in Iceland after the Second World War. One of the touchiest matters in post-col- lapse Iceland are the UK and Dutch branches of the Landsbanki bank’s Icesave savings ac- counts, which will probably have to be reim- bursed by Icelandic tax-payers. This matter will be settled according to European law and perhaps ultimately in a European court. The regulation of the now defunct Icelandic financial market mainly came from Europe— even if it was not always heeded. QUESTIONS OF SOvEREIGNTY Icelanders’ view of the EU is quite paradoxi- cal. The key word is sovereignty. As previ- ously stated, Iceland adopts much of the EU legislation, but has absolutely no say in it. For an independent country this might seem intolerable. Iceland has to lobby in the corridors of Brussels against EU legislation that might prove harmful for the nation’s in- terests, but then again Iceland doesn’t really have the clout to influence decision making in Brussels. Many would claim that Iceland really gave up much of its sovereignty when it joined the EEA, and that it would have been normal to hold a referendum on the treaty and to alter the constitution correspondingly. In retrospect this seems to be right. However, even those who opposed the EEA in the be- ginning soon accepted it. Belonging to the EEA was obviously a factor in the good times enjoyed by Icelanders in the era leading up to the economic collapse of 2008. ANATHEMA TO LEFTISTS EU membership divides the nation—and the debate is set to become very tough. The politics of the matter are quite complicated. Only one party is absolutely in favour of join- ing the EU, The Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylkingin)—the party of PM Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir—presently parliament’s major- ity party, and the most internationally minded of the Icelandic political parties. When the current left wing government was formed in the spring of 2009, the Social Democrats were adamant that a EU application would be high on the government’s agenda. This was very awkward for the junior par- ty in the government, Vinstri-Grænir (‘The Left Green Party’), most of whose members oppose the EU. But the Left Greens reluc- tantly went along, knowing that otherwise they might be left out of the coali- tion government. So the social demo c r a t s triumphantly sent in an ap- plication last sum- mer—and now the formal negotiations are set to begin. In the present climate of total mistrust in politics—a joke party recently won 35 percent in the Reykjavík municipal elections—this is a very difficult matter to resolve. The leaders of the Left Greens are accused of having be- trayed their electorate by agreeing to the EU application. This is one of the reasons why the party, which looked so coherent in op- position, is now in a state of total disarray. Another one is that its chair, Finance Minis- ter Steingrímur J. Sigfússon, is perceived as kowtowing to the IMF, which is anathema to the leftists in his party. EUROPHOBIA The right wing Independence Party, histori- cally the largest party in Iceland, is divided on the EU. It has a very loud, somewhat xe- nophobic, fraction that absolutely detests the EU and everything connected with it. The level of Europhobia is comparable to what you would find on the extreme fringes of the British Conservative party. This is led by Davíð Oddsson, former Prime Minister, then Central Bank Governor, who, surprisingly— given that he was one of the main actors of the collapse—is still around, now as editor of the daily newspaper Morgunblaðið. The party also has a pro-Europe wing, but this is much more muted; the EU fraction is cowed by the shrillness of the Euroscep- tics. The party’s chair, Bjarni Benediktsson, is very indecisive, though he appears to be more against than for. For membership to be accepted by the parliament and the nation, it is thought imperative that at least a part of the Independence Party be in favour. In due time the party might even split on the issue, but at the moment the Eurosceptics have the upper hand. The Independence Party is tradition- ally the party of power in Iceland, the party of business, and it still represents business interests, even if it made a terrible mess of things before the crisis. The attitude of the business community towards the EU is com- plicated. Basically industry, technology and commerce are for joining, whereas fisher- ies and the agriculture industry are strongly against it. The fisheries and farming lobbies are very strong within the political parties and in the media. LACK OF LEAdERSHIP The Eurosceptics within the Independence Party are demanding that the membership application be withdrawn, and some of the Left Greens agree. However this will hardly happen if the present government holds out, and even if it falls it might be considered too late or undiplomatic to withdraw the applica- tion. So the process muddles through. Brus- sels knows that there are doubts and that a future treaty might be voted down—in a re- cent poll up to 70 percent said they would vote no in a referendum. The main obstacles in the negotia- tions with the EU are fisheries and farming, as well as currency matters. Through the EEA Treaty, Iceland is very integrated into Europe so other mat- ters are quite easy to re- solve; much of the legisla- tion has already been adopted. But this is also a question of leader- ship: the present leaders of The Social Democrat Alliance are not great thinkers or charismatic people, and they seem to be un- able to counter the anti-EU forces with argu- ments that might sway the public opinion. THE MYTH OF THE SIEGE Throughout the Cold War, Iceland was in the US camp. The Americans even bought fish we could not otherwise sell. Then the Ameri- cans left, and the military base in Keflavík is now a ghost town. It didn't even help that then-PM Davíð Oddsson sang a birthday song for George W. Bush in the White House, a cringe worthy moment. At the time of the collapse, Iceland felt it had no friends. No- body wanted to lend us money to save the economy—which would have been to late anyway, considering the magnitude of the cock up. Scandinavia said no, and the US didn’t seem to care. Mervyn King, governor of The Bank of England, offered the help of central banks to reduce the size of the banking sys- tem. This was not heard of until recently—an amazing blunder on the half of the Icelandic Central Bank and the government. One of the more rampant Europhobes even wrote a book called The Siege, claiming that Ice- land had been betrayed by its former friends. The Special Investigative Committee’s re- port does not bear this out; in 2.000 pages it maps the collapse and concludes that we Icelanders mostly have ourselves to blame through allowing our banking system to be- come twelve times the size of the GDP, by the overvaluing of our currency and by immers- ing ourselves in debt. THE RUSSIAN LOAN We’ve had some very strange events occur- ring lately. In October 2008, during the last days of the collapse, Davíð Oddsson, then- governor of the Central Bank, appeared in the media claiming that the Russians had offered to lend Iceland a huge sum of money, maybe enough to see us through the crisis. Geopo- litically, this would basically have amounted to the Russians buying up the country, but all the same, the news was surprisingly well re- ceived. However, some drew a link between this and alleged Russian involvement with the Icelandic financiers; a bit later former oligarch Boris Beresovsky said on Sky News that the Icelandic banks had been used to launder dirty money from Russia. In the end the Russian loan turned out to be a fantasy, and the Russian economy soon found itself treading in deep water. This dem- onstrated how unsure the Icelanders were of their place in the world. Russians were per- ceived as an alternative to the EU and the IMF. There is a local saying originated by Nobel laureate Halldór Laxness, Iceland's greatest writer, who has one of his heroines exclaim: “If I can’t have the best man, then let me have the worst one.” THE CHINESE SHOW UP Strange things are still happening. A few days ago a delegation of Chinese leaders, fronted by a top politburo member, showed up in Reykjavík, drove around town in a big mobile convoy and doled out credit to the Icelanders. Their visit had not been an- nounced in advance, so this was a bit of a surprise. The Chinese also have a very big embassy in Reykjavík. Many ask in light of Iceland’s vulnerable position: What do the Chinese want from this small nation here in the high north? vICIOUS dEBATE ON EUROPE Back to Europe. It has been proposed, nota- bly by former leader of the Social Democratic Alliance Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, that the EU application be put on hold for some years. This might be a clever compromise in light of the very volatile political situation and also because Europe at the moment, with its Euro crisis, seems to be in a mess. It is quite unclear where the EU will go from here, whether the Eurozone will break up, or if we will see a more centralised economic regime in Europe. There are signs that the debate on Europe will become extremely vicious. Icelanders are not very good at discussing ideas; arguments in this country very quickly become very per- sonal. Attempts at reform, badly needed in a country riddled with debt, are being blocked because they are perceived as being part of the EU programme. It must be said, one is apprehen- sive about having to listen to this debate for the next years—a refer- endum on the EU, which will be held after a treaty has been con- cluded, will surely divide the nation. Words By Sophia van Treeck With foreword By Haukur S Magnússon Feature | The European Union


Reykjavík Grapevine

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