Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.06.2010, Page 34

Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.06.2010, Page 34
The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 08 — 2010 22 dr. Gunni’s History Of Icelandic Rock | Part 19 In 1981, a flock of serious men came out of the woodworks—often wearing long grey or black overcoats. They probably clutched a Joy Division or a Þeyr record under their arms. Þeyr hadn't started out as the deep thinking young dudes’ pre- mium choice though. No sir, in 1979 they had approached Svavar Gests, a record mogul from another dimension, bearing two corny pop songs that were repre- sentative of the music they were making at that time. Svavar liked the songs well enough to agree to finance a Þeyr album to be released on the SG label that he'd run since the early sixties. Þeyr (usually called Theyr by people deprived of the letter Þ) were a group of friends who had been dabbling in music since the mid-seventies. They started to record their pop songs during the winter of 1980, and had about half of a LP ready when they decided to take the summer off. During the summer of 1980, the band got hip to all kinds of new sounds through friends and relatives—both progressive new wave and modern art music such as Schönberg’s. When the recordings com- menced in the fall, Þeyr's sound had to- tally changed. Also there had been a line up change: those who didn't surrender to the new sound had to go. CUT THE MULLET! The band had kept Svavar from the stu- dio, but when he finally heard the al- bum and saw the artwork for the cover he simply snapped. His wife, legendary Icelandic singer Ellý Vilhjálms, loved the album though, and with her blessing the first Þeyr LP came out late in 1980. It was entitled ‘Þagað í hel’ (“Silenced to death”)—which was a fitting name as the album was released in a very small quan- tity and has since become a much sought after vanity item. The new Þeyr were on a roll. The band added two guitarists to their ranks, Guðlaugur—"Godkrist"—Óttarsson and Þorsteinn Magnússon, who had played in Eik, a progressive band that the Þeyr boys had loved during their formative years. His transformation to the new style was celebrated with a ceremony during a Þeyr concert in February of 1981. He spoke of being "freed" as his hippie long hair was cut off on stage. ICELANd’S FIRST NEW WAvE BANd Þeyr were called the first "new wave" band in Iceland and had a very "new wave"-ish stage presence. The members behaved like spastic robots and some- times the gigs would start with the mem- bers carrying in a coffin with the tall sing- er Magnús Guðmundsson inside. During the first song he'd rise from the coffin, and then stand like a cross between Frankenstein and Dracula in a long black leather coat, gravely singing and frozenly staring at a far away point. Þeyr and their close circle of friends got involved with all kinds of mysterious ideologies. Occultism and mysticism coloured the music and the band's out- look. The regular Þeyr fan tried his best to understand what Alistair Crowley, Tesla, Reich, the Illuminati and all the other stuff Þeyr harped on was all about. The first 7" was called ‘Útfrymi’ (“Ec- toplasm”)—and included ‘Life Transmis- sion,’ an ode to Joy Division's Ian Curtis, who had taken his life the year before. The record came with a propaganda sheet where Þeyr declared that the band wanted to have spiritual intercourse with the Icelandic nation. The record came out on the band's own label, Eskvímó, like most of the band's other records. INdUCING TROPICAL CLIMATES Þeyr were pranksters. When ‘Iður til fóta’ (“Innards at feet”)—a 10" with four ac- cessible new wave songs came out in September of 1981—the band sent out a press release that claimed the album was equipped with a weather control devise. At that time there was only one radio station in Iceland. "It is remarkable that during the days that the radio plays the record, it is almost a tropical climate in Iceland," stated band’s the press release. The band's second LP came out in December of 1981. It is called ‘Mjötviður Mær’ (“Mjötviður Maiden”) "Mjötviður" being something from the Old Norse my- thologies. The band's ideologist, Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, would much later be- come the high priest of Ásatrúarfélagið, the religious organisation for those who practice belief in the Old Norse gods. It is a diverse album, its songs rang- ing from the soft instrumental song ‘Mjötviður’ to the driving ‘Rúdolf’—soon to be every drummer's favourite, due to drummer Sigtryggur Baldursson's signa- ture beat. Also to be found on the album are experimental tracks such as ‘Iss’ and ‘2999’, which features the sounds of a bulldozer that happened to pass the stu- dio. The album got rave reviews in the Icelandic media, the consensus being that Þeyr were now in the top league of Icelandic rock bands, along with Þur- saflokkurinn. By now, as is want of Icelandic bands, Þeyr had their eyes on greener pastures: "We've been playing for the same group of 1.000 people in Iceland and we want to expand our horizons. Besides, there are sheep in other nations and it is our holy duty to visit them. In the name of justice!" the band said in an interview. More of Þeyr's export experiments next time. - dR. GUNNI By Dr. Gunni, based on his 2000 book Eru ekki allir í stuði? (Rock in Iceland). Þeyr Has Spiritual Intercourse With The Nation 1. A Þeyr collage, based on pictures taken at their concert at Hótel Saga in February 1981. 2. Mjötviður Mær, Þeyr's master- piece. 1 Music | Album Reviews Me, the Slumbering Napoleon The Bloody Core Of It slumberingnapoleon Like a dry-hacking weasel. Put it out of its misery with a shovel. A while ago I reviewed MTSN´s debut EP and gave it a cautious thumbs up for its scuzzy rock sound. Now I’m taking it all back. I had really high hopes with this album, but after listening to it, it becomes obvious that they put only their good songs on the EP. God this was like being sprayed with hot faeces while listening to those awful school bands that would jam in the music department during lunchtime. The guitar sound may be heavy, but I wasn’t getting any passion, spark, nothing that made me go “YEAH! Brilliant! Destroy!”. The nadir is “I hate to fuck”, where they play some notes on a scale VERY SLOWLY with interminable gaps in between. Then it’s followed by a “hangers on applause,” like they’re the fucking Red Hot Chilli Peppers or something. And that sort of thing makes a little bit of me die inside every time ... - BOB CLUNESS 2 ENJOY UNSPOILT NATURE IN THE CAPITAL AREA You = Cash Us = Car We just can’t help ourselves. We just opened a new sales office at Laugarvegur 97. So bring us your cash, and we’ll bring out one of our sweet rides and you’ll be rollin’ in no time. Suðurgata 41 · 101 Reykjavík · Tel. +354 530-2200 · The country’s largest museum of cultural history featuring a permanent exhibition on Iceland’s extraordinary history from settlement to present day. Opening hours: Summer (May 1st – September 15th) Daily 10–17 Winter (September 16th – April 30th) Daily except Mondays 11–17 National Museum of Iceland


Reykjavík Grapevine

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