Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.02.2011, Blaðsíða 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.02.2011, Blaðsíða 36
Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús 10:00 -17:00 Saturday and Sunday Film , Video and Sound Art / Without destination Film, Video and Sound Art Program: 10:00 Ring Road, Friðrik Þór Friðriksson, 1985 (80 min.) 11:30 Hekla, Haraldur Jónsson, 2001 (10 min.) 12:00 Skipholt, John Bock, 2005 (55 min.) 13:00 From Hetty to Nancy, Deborah Stratman, 1997 (44 min.) 14:00 Das Echo ist der Zwerge Sprache, Teil I: Island - Land ohne Eisenbahn, Wolfgang Müller, 1999 (22 min.) 14:30 Counterclockwise, Ragnheiður Gestsdóttir, 2011 (12 min.) 15:00 Skagafjörður, Peter Hutton, 2003 (35 min.) 16:00 Searching for Hjetna, Rory Middleton, 2010 (45 min.) Tryggvagata 17, 101, Reykjavík Garðabær Library 11:30 - 14:00 Saturday Play reading for children Anna Brynja Baldursdóttir reads for children. Suitable for children age 5-8 years, all children and adults are welcome. Again at 12.30 and 13.30 Garðatorgi 7, 210, Garðabær The Icelandic Printmaking Association 14:000 - 18:00 Saturday Friends of the IPA Printmakers will be working at the workshop. Programme for children from 14pm-4pm, in which graphic artists print with children. Museum also open Sun. Tryggvagata 17, 101, Reykjavík Grófarhús 14:00 - 16:00 Saturday Shadow Theatre A workshop for children and grown-ups. Make your own puppets and use them in the shadow theatre on site. Hosted by Reykjavík City Library, Reykjavík Museum of Photography and Reykjavík City Archives. Tryggvagata 15, 101, Reykjavík Hafnarborg - The Hafnarfjordur Centre of Culture and Fine Art 15:00 - 16:00 Saturday Artist's Talk: Libia Castro and Ólafur Ólafsson The artists Libia Castro and Ólafur Ólafsson, will lead an informal discussion about their work, The Constitution of the Republic of Iceland. 12:00 - 17:00 Saturday The Constitution of the Republic of Iceland - Libia Castro and Ólafur Ólafsson The Spanish-Icelandic artist duo Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson will open their exhibition, The Constitution of the Republic of Iceland. The work is a collaboration with the composer Karólína Eiríksdóttir. They commissioned Karólína to write a music piece where all the 81 articles of the constitution would be sung. Strandgata 34, 220, Hafnarfjörður The Farmhouse Krókur 13:00 - 16:00 Saturday The farmhouse Krókur at Garðaholt - open house The small farmhouse, Krókur að Garðaholt, is a small gabled farmhouse clad with corrugated iron, built in 1923 on the foundations of an earlier turf building. Krókur is a good example of houses in which ordinary working people lived in this part of the country in the first half of the twentieth century. Garðavegur, 210 Garðabær The Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum 15:00 - 16:00 Saturday and Sunday Sigurjón Ólafsson's Pillars - Guided tour One of sculptor Sigurjón Ólafsson´s main themes is columns and pillars. A guided tour through the exhibition which displays a selection of pillars and columns, carved in wood. Laugarnestanga 70, 105, Reykjavík National Museum of Iceland 11:00 - 12:00 Saturday Guided tour in English A guided tour through the main exhibition of the National Museum of Iceland, Making of a Nation. Suðurgötu 41, 101, Reykajvík ASÍ Art Museum 15:00 - 16:00 Sunday Artist talk: The Family Quintet The Family Quintet talks. The artist Curver Thoroddsen and his family will be present to talk about the exhibition and answer questions. Freyjugata 41, 101, Reykjavík Reykjavík Art Museum - Kjarvalsstaðir 15:00 -16:00 Sunday Artist's talk: Ragnar Kjartansson Artist's talk with Ragnar Kjartansson, Iceland's representative at Venice Biennale in 2008 in relation to the exhibition, "50 Years of Icelandic Art at the Venice Biennale." Icelandic artists have had a representative at this major international contemporary art exhibition for fifty years but their regular participation did not start until the year 1984. Flókagata 5, 105, Reykjavík Reykjavík Winter Lights Festival Saturday 12. February and Sunday 13. February Protective charms – Would you like to make your own protective charm? Runes were an ancient alphabet, used mainly for cutting into stone or wood. Come and put your rune on a piece of wood that you can wear round your neck. Instructor: Þórdís Halla Sigmarsdóttir Óðinn’s ravens – Come and make your own news-gathering raven! Huginn and Muninn were the pet ravens of Óðinn, the highest of the Norse gods. By day they flew far and wide, watching and listening to ev- erything on their way; in the evening they came back, perched on Óðinn’s shoulders and croaked the day’s news into his ears. Instructor: Guðmunda Óskarsdóttir No ordinary animals, these! – Come and make Óðinn’s eight-legged horse Sleipnir, the two cats that drew the chariot of Freyja, goddess of Love, or the boar Sæhrímnir, which was cooked for dinner every night in Valhöll, the great hall of warriors in the afterlife. All these can be made out of or- dinary paper plates, which you will learn to transform as if by magic into the animals of Norse mythology. Instructor: Rosalie Alegre When the Dwarves Rolled up their Sleeves – The Black Elves of Norse my- thology were skilled craftsmen who could make wonderful things with magic powers. For example, they made the charmed cord that bound the monster Fenrisúlfur (Fen- rir’s Wolf) in Gerðuberg. Come and make your own dwarf and give him a real dwarf’s name. Instructor: Kristín Ragna Gunnarsdóttir Freyja’s pikelets and the Valkyries’ mead – Freyja’s pikelets are irresistible, especially with the golden dressing made from the tears of the Goddess of Love. The Valkyries drank a special charmed mead before they set off to the battlefield to se- lect the bravest heroes and bring them back to live forever in Valhöll. Come and enjoy these refreshments, prepared out of doors over an open fire. Instructors: Nichole Leigh Mosty and Anita Krasniqi Make a Roman musical instrument! – A variety of musical instruments were used by the ancient Romans in the worship of their gods. Come and make your own Pan pipes, drums, rattles and wind instruments. At the outdoor gathering at the end of the day there will be a chance to join in the singing and let rip with your own instrumental ac- companiment. Instructors: Pamela De Sensi, Hjörtur Hjar- tarson, Heiðrún Fivelstad and Hugrún Hel- gadóttir. Dance workshop: Southern and Sway- ing – A dance workshop where you will learn some important steps to the accom- paniment of the subtle and hypnotic music of South America and Cuba. At the clos- ing festival gathering on the square outside there will be an opportunity to dance to the accompaniment of drums and other instru- ments. Instructor: Edna Mastache Making the Festival Dragon – Dragons feature in myths from many parts of the world. Origami is the ancient Japanese art of folding paper to make figures and orna- ments. Come and take part in making a big oriental dragon and then go with it out to the festival gathering on the square outside at the end of the day. Instructor: Björn Finnsson Chinese dragons – Come and make a little dragon you can take home with you. Chi- nese dragons are colourful and can twist and coil and turn just like real ones! The blue one is the Weather Dragon, and the Manchu Dragon can change itself into other things. What sort of dragon is yours? Instructor: Katarsyna Woźniewska Making puppets from A to Z – It’s fun to make simple puppets out of paper. Greek mythology is full of all sorts of intriguing fig- ures: Athena, goddess of Skill and Wisdom; Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty, Zeus, King of the Gods ... Learn to make your own puppet of a Greek god or goddess. Instructor: Hugrún Ýr Magnúsdóttir Dracula – Would you like to play at being Dracula? The tale about Count Dracula in his gloomy castle in Transylvania is based on ancient history and also folklore about vampires. The Count is terribly pale, with blood-red lips and red eyes, and his white fangs stick out from under his lip. – Dracula is horrrrrrrible! Instructor: Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir Merlin’s Magic Workshop The mythical figure Merlin was an ancient British magician who appears in the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The magician Jón Víðis will take on the role of Merlin and teach us some clever magic tricks. Instructor: The magician Jón Víðis Jakobsson Festival of Fire – with a Dragon! World Children’s Day will end with all par- ticipants going out onto the square between Miðberg and Gerðuberg at 4 p.m. There, artists from the Circus School will perform, including Wally the Clown and a real fire- eater! Those who have made Roman instru- ments will play them, and to the accompa- niment of drums, the great Dragon will be brought out and the singing and dancing will begin. Gerðuberg 3-5, 111, Reykjavík Don’t miss World Children’s Day in Gerðuberg! Gerðuberg Culture Center and Miðberg Leisure Center International Children's Day Saturday, 12 February 13:00 - 17:00 Free entrance The Love Walk festival will be held at the heart of Reykjavik on Sunday 13th February. The event starts at sunset, 17:30 and lasts for about an hour. In this festival we all focus on what unites us; love. People gather at Austurvöl- lur where we are welcomed by a brass band playing. Several noted individuals present beautiful thoughts on love and what connects us. The love walk goes around the lake while skilled musicians play known love songs. Several Reyk- javik choirs unite by the lake and sing a few songs for us. Actress and author Bergljót Arnalds is the organiser of the festival, with the help of several parties such as AUS, the Red Cross and oth- ers. Everyone is encouraged to wear red for the occasion. Austurvöllur, 101, Reykjavík Love Walk in ReykjavíkT Sunday, 13 February 17:30.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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