Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2011, Blaðsíða 18

Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2011, Blaðsíða 18
18 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2011 Reykjavík | City planning Egill Helgason is journalist, political commentator, blogger and the host of Iceland's only literary TV show, as well as Iceland's premiere political talk show. Lækjargata is one of the main streets of downtown Reykjavík, lying alongside Reykjavík’s pond, Tjörnin, through the centre of town and towards the new concert house Harpan. Not everyone is aware of the fact that a small river—or brook— runs under Lækjargata, and it is from that river that the street takes its name (“River road”). The river was closed in 1911, partly because it smelled badly. But it still flows under the street. Now, ideas have been put forward to open it up again. THE STINKING PATH In the beginning of the 20th century, Reykjavík still had open sewers where excrement and other unpleasantries f lowed freely. Much of this ended in the river, and the smell was sometimes awful. Because of this, Lækjargata was sometimes referred to as "the stink- ing path." At this time, water was still pumped out of wells in the town and sometimes there were instances of ty- phus. Water carriers, mostly old people in rags, such as the fabled character ‘Sæ- finnur of the sixteen shoes,’ were con- sidered to be the lowest class of people in the town. There were also instances of people falling into the river and even drowning, many of course while drunk. As often before and after, drink was a scourge in Iceland—and one of the current argu- ments against reopening the river is that it may put drunken people in peril. SAILING FROM TJÖRNIN TO THE OCEAN But there are also happier memories. One of them is a description in ‘Gven- dur Jóns,’ a wonderful children’s book recounting the experiences of a group of boys trying to sail on a boat from Tjörnin to the sea, hiding under the small bridg- es so they wouldn’t be stopped. The book was written by a very interesting man, Hendrik Ottósson. Born in 1897, he became a fervent socialist when he was young. He went to Moscow for a Komin- tern assembly as early as 1919, meeting many of the luminaries of the commu- nist movement. But when Stalinism took over he was not considered reliable enough. He mar- ried a Jewish fugitive to save her from the Nazis, and when the British forces occupied Iceland in 1940 he volunteered to work for them as an intelligence agent despite his communist past—this was the time of the Hitler/Stalin pact—such was his loathing of Nazism. Hendrik Ottósson’s books about the exploits of a group of boys in the western part of Reykjavík and around the harbor in the first years of the 20th century are classics—but sadly they are a bit forgotten. THE ELITE’S SCHOOL The most famous building in Lækjargata is the old Reykjavík college. The school claims that its origins lie as far back as 1056, when a school was established at the bishop’s seat in Skálholt. It was moved to Reykjavík in 1786 and its present build- ing was built in 1846. The school was for- merly referred to as The Latin School, but know it is called Menntaskólinn í Reykja- vík—or simply MR. Now it is just a nor- mal junior college, a school among other schools, but for a long time it used to be the place where the country’s elite got its education—and its self image. Most of the prime ministers and presidents of Iceland studied there. There has always been a certain element of snobbishness surrounding MR—and there are instanc- es of men never really graduating from it. Among its students are two Nobel Prize winners, although neither of them can be considered a model pupil. One is Niels Finsen, a Faeroese/Danish physi- cian who received the prize for medicine in 1903. He was by no means an out- standing student. The other is Halldór K. Laxness who got the Nobel Prize in litera- ture in 1955. Indeed, Laxness was a drop out—he left the school at age seventeen, never to return. THE SPRING OF NATIONS There are famous episodes in the history of the building. The most quoted is a meeting between the newly resurrected parliament and the Danish authorities in 1851, when the Icelanders, led by inde- pendence hero Jón Sigur!sson, revolted, shouting: "We all protest!" Another incident was influenced by the revolutionary movements in Europe in 1848, known in some countries as the Spring of Nations. This episode is gener- ally referred to as the pereat. The school authorities wanted to force the students to join an abstinence club. They consid- ered this an infringement on their per- sonal freedom and reacted by shouting the latin word "pereat"—perish—at the schoolmaster, Sveinbjörn Egilsson. He retired after the incident and died not long after. Otherwise Sveinbjörn was a gentle humanist, much admired, who translated the Iliad and the Odyssey into beautiful Icelandic—the translations are considered to be absolute gems—as well as writing lovely children’s poems that are still recited. It is an irony that Steingrímur Thor- steinsson, one of the leaders of the pereat, who promptly got kicked out of school, later became a schoolmaster of MR himself—as well as being a poet and a translator of Shakespeare and the ‘One Thousand And One Nights’ anthology. BAKER’S HILL TURNS INTO ‘FLEECE STREET’ A little north of MR you will find a row of old houses, generally referred to as Bernhöftstorfan, named after the bak- ery of Bernhöft that once stood on the corner. At that time Bankastræti (“Bank Street”), which runs down the hill to Lækjargata, was named Bakarabrekka (“Baker’s Hill”). Now it is jokingly re- ferred to as ‘Fleece Street’ due to the numerous shops selling outdoor cloth- ing for tourists that have sprung up in the last years. After the collapse of 2008, f leece is more popular in Iceland than the hated banks. The houses in the Bernhöftstorfa are some of the oldest ones in Reykjavík, built in an old Scandinavian style. For a long time the city authorities wanted to remove all that remained of old Reykja- vík, and there were plans to tear down these houses and build a modernist structure instead. It was not until the late 1970s that the houses were finally saved and rebuilt, after protests, led by (among others) Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, who later became President of Iceland. THE WALL AND THE FATHER-IN- LAW OF EUROPE If you cross Bankastræti towards the north you will find a rather small but dignified house, built in a very Danish style. This is the office of the Prime Min- ister, and its current resident is Social Democrat Jóhanna Sigur!ardóttir. The house was built in 1759, originally as a prison, commonly referred to as Múrinn (“The Wall”). At that time most Icelan- dic criminals—those who were not ex- ecuted—were sent to do hard labour at the Bremerholm Prison in Copenhagen. The house later became the seat of the Danish governor. It was there that the sovereignty of Iceland was proclaimed on December 1, 1918, a rather sombre day, for the Spanish influenza had rav- aged the town, killing a lot of people. There are two statues in front of the house. One is of Hannes Hafstein, the first Icelandic Prime Minister, and there is also a statue of a man with something in his hand. Some children think it might be a gun, to others it seems like a rolled up newspaper. But, no, this is the Danish king, Christian IX, handing the first constitution to Iceland in 1874, on the thousand year anniversary of the settlement of the country. "With a scroll of freedom in his fatherly hand," as it says Words Egill Helgason Photo Lækjargata 2-14, 1907-1912 Lækjargata 2-14, 2011 / Julia Staples Will 101 Reykjavík Ever Reclaim Its River? Lækjargata, Tjörnin and ‘the elite’s school’ examined... Icelandic Fountain of Wellness Hverabraut 1 | 840 Laugarvatn | | Tel: (+354) 486 1400 Only an hour from Reykjavík, nature has created unique surroundings at Laugarvatn FONTANA. There you find healing geothermal heat simmers directly from the ground and the landscape is painted with beautiful mountain ranges. Summer 15 May - 30 September Winter 1 October - 14 May Icelandic Fountain of Wellness Reykjavík !ingvellir Laugarvatn Fontana Geysir Flú"ir SkálholtKeri" Hverager"i Selfoss Continues on page 44
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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