Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2011, Blaðsíða 34

Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2011, Blaðsíða 34
 EIMEAR FITZGERALD JULIA STAPLES A!alstræti 2 / 101 Reykjavík / tel. 511 1212 / FEEL WELCOM E Fischersund Vesturgata A !a ls tr æ ti Tryggvagata Austurstræti Hafnarstræti Ingólfs- torg Hafnarhús At the SEAFOOD CELLAR RESTAURANT we place New Nordic kitchen in the forefront. We are a seasonal restaurant that worships everything that Icelandic nature brings us as well as getting a few things from Scandinavia. We only use the freshest and the best nature brings us. We, and our ambitious, productive friends collect and produce the raw materials and bring it home. We serve it with love and respect for the ingredients and the environment around us. We do it our way. 34 BOSTON BAR - SUNNY TERRACE LAUGAVEGUR (the main street) SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍGUR HVERFISGATA HVERFISGATA BANKASTRÆTI AUSTURSTRÆTI IN GÓ LF SS TÆ TILÆ KJA RG ATA KL AP PA RS TÍG UR VA TN SS TÍG UR BOSTON BAR LAUGAVEGUR 28B TEL: 517 7816 OPENING HOURS: MONDAY-THURSDAY 16-01 FRIDAY-SATURDAY 16-03 SUNDAY 19-01 FROM THURSDAY TO SATURDAY SMALL KITCHEN: OR AT YOUR TABLE BOSTON 28 ABOVE THE SECOND HAND SHOP http:// www. geysir. is The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2011 Galway City, Ireland. As I make my way through its winding streets on a characteristically dull, damp day, I find the stubborn voice of my for- mer university lecturer ringing in my ears. “You can’t research poten- tial,” he used to say. It was some- thing on which we never agreed. So I was both energised and intrigued at the prospect of meeting two in- spiring women completely focused on doing just that. Kathy Scott and Mari Kennedy, the passionate engines behind ground- breaking, cross-national initiative ‘the ireland:iceland project,’ are in Galway for the screening of three Icelandic documentaries as part of Galway Film Fleadh. Joining the motley group of Irish creatives for the event are intrepid Icelanders Hei!a Helgadóttir of the Best Party, film director Gaukur Úlfars- son and producer Björn Ófeigsson, in Ireland to promote their work, and join the debate on creative responses to cri- sis or Kreppa. PARALLEL LINES According to its navigators, the purpose of the project is to generate conversa- tion between Irish and Icelandic artists, social entrepreneurs, innovators and new economists with the end of finding creative ways of moving forward from our individual post-crisis twilight zones. “It started with an investigative hunch inviting Irish and Icelandic people to il- luminate the times we live in,” explains project founder Kathy Scott. “We had an interest in the shared and separate story of our two islands perched on the edge of Europe. I was fascinated with the ancient links between the two countries and thought it was a strong jump off point for a conversation be- tween us.” Undoubtedly, links between the two countries run much deeper than a C and an E. From our unsympathetic Atlantic location to our colonial pasts, Irish and Icelandic peoples share a well-documented history of resilience and buoyancy in the face of social up- heaval. Thanks to the unwitting depo- sition of a hefty chunk of Irish DNA to the Icelandic gene pool via marauding Viking raiders, we share a strong ge- netic link. There is also an intellectual and linguistic connection via the Irish monastics and scholars who reportedly visited Icelandic shores on their Atlan- tic voyages. However, in modern times it’s been more a chronicle of economic boom and bust, political ineptitude and ecological mismanagement that have provided the premise for our parallels. FROM KREPPA COMES CREATIVITY “For a long time we had had been mak- ing trips and expeditions between both islands, talking to people and instilling the idea among creative communities,” says Kathy. “After a year of this we just decided to dive in, roll up our sleeves and bring a bunch of artists, politicians, catalysts and creatives together and explore WHAT IF?” It seems to have been a determined and dogged effort that, last February, culminated in the project's first major exploratory event on a chilly weekend in Dublin. The Northern Lights Obser- vatory brought intrepid Icelanders Jón Gnarr and Einar Örn Benediktsson of the Best Party, Gu!jón Már Gu!jóns- son of the Ministry of Ideas, and Kristín Gunnarsdóttir of the Icelandic Design Centre, among others, to Irish shores for a four day ‘collaboratory’ with some of Ireland’s top artists, economists and social innovators. A weekend ‘think-in,’ aimed at investigating questions of cul- tural identity and transformation, was held in Townley Hall, just outside Dub- lin. “We wanted to explore what it feels like to be alive in Ireland and Iceland at this moment in time,” Kathy explains, her eyes lighting up. “It was incredible, witnessing all these amazing minds and innovators jumping up out of their bunk-beds in their pyjamas at eight in the morning, thinking how are we going to change the world!” Mari Kennedy muses over her thoughts on the process. “I suppose my focus is more on wider social trans- formation and change, while Kathy’s is more on developing distinct art proj- ects.” Kathy added that the project was constantly shifting between the two poles, “sometimes the drive is about art and inspiration—other times it’s about society and disruption.” Mari believed that the creative community needed to be brought into political and social de- bate and policy making in a much wider way. “It’s about drawing in the creativity that gets pushed to the margins, about moving from an ‘I’ towards a ‘we’ per- spective, and embracing the wisdom of the crowd.” EXPLORATION FOR EXPLORATION’S SAKE And it seems the movement is gather- ing pace. “It’s like one big crazy experi- ment,” Kathy expresses, “but one that can produce an unlimited amount of meaningful projects that challenge the status quo, provoke and inspire.” So where is all this energy being di- rected? One project already underway is the setting up of an artist exchange programme, with plans for residencies in remote lighthouses, ancient sites and disused urban spaces on both shores. However while the explorations have already kick-started a series of cre- ative projects, both women are keen to stress the fact that ‘ireland:iceland’ is not a static beast with a specific or sole direction. “We are interested in design thinking—not end gaming where this can go exactly,” Kathy offers while Mari adds “I guess we see ourselves more as facilitators, inviting people from both islands, and beyond, to come and ex- plore ideas, and make the connections that can spark individual’s ideas into collective action.” Attention is also currently moving towards the development of a digital project with top Irish and New York based digital artists. “We are hoping to bring them to Reykjavík to take the conversation further and share ideas with creatives on the ground there.” As is to be expected, this large-scale proj- ect is extremely ambitious, with a focus on engaging people in real time, real life conversation in a fun and innovative way. BACK TO THE FUTURE With a myriad of think-ins, pop-ups, laboratories and salons on the hori- zon for this hugely ambitious project, it must be difficult for its founders to find time to stand back and assess where it’s all headed, and see where it’s come from. “Sometimes I look at all of this from the future, as a interesting period in time when Irish and Icelandic people hooked up and transferred knowledge, ideas and spirit and tried to make the world a more interesting and braver place.” I suggest you keep an eye on your local lighthouse. When Ireland Met Iceland Connecting two islands, one lighthouse at a time Iceland | Ireland Who do you think is cooler, Björk or Bono? best answer wins a free 'iBad' sticker and coffee at the GV office!
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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