Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.03.2013, Síða 11

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.03.2013, Síða 11
Valid f rom J anuar y 201 3 - ne xt edit ion &Activities Airport E xpres s Day T ours Free WiFi hotsp ot on boar d all Icelan d Exc ursion s coa ches. Tel.: ( +354 ) 540 1313 , Ema il: ice land@ grayli, Web site: w ww.g raylin The B lue La goon Geysir Area Formu la Off- Road Our new Day Tours brochure shows you how. Visit our Sales Office at Lækjartorg Square. Visit us online at or call us at +354 540 1313 Travel to your friends meh? impress


Reykjavík Grapevine

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