Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.03.2013, Síða 15

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.03.2013, Síða 15
Tax returns are due by next March 21th La fecha límite para hacer la declaración de impuestos es el día 21 de marzo Срок подачи налоговой декларации истекает 21 марта с.г. Ostateczny termin rozliczenia podatkowego to 21 marca Laugavegur 166 - 150 Reykjavík - Iceland Telephone 442 1000 - Fax 442 1999 - DIRECTORATE OF INTERNAL REVENUE 1.3 1.1 1.2 Paid inhe ritance ta x1.5 TAX RE TURN 2 013 Id. no. o f the file r Municip ality, De cember 31, 201 2 Id. no. o f spouse Return t o Tax com mission er use o nly Single p arent Family s tatus Remark s Name a nd addr ess Domest ic injury insuranc e For app lication mark x here (If the fil er is a single p arent mark x for verifi cation). RSK 1.1 0 3-1-201 3 Page 1 In the c ase of a joint ta xation o f spouse s it is su fficient for eithe r of them to fill o ut 1.3 an d 1.4 1 Seaman on ship s 20 ton s brutto or over Seaman ’s salary Seaman ’s salary Seaman on boa ts unde r 20 ton s brutto Joint ta xation o f spous es and cohabit ants: A m ark from both sp ouses is require d otherw ise joint taxation is not g ranted. The tax authorit ies can grant a deductio n from t he filer’s taxable base if he supp orts a y oungste r with in sufficien t incom e to sup port him self or h erself, f.ex. if h e is atte nding sc hool, in which c ase the name o f the sch ool mus t be sta ted. The applica tion app lies mai nly to yo ungster s aged 1 6-21. Calcula tion of s eaman’ s credit . Calculat ion of se aman’s credit. A ccording to RSK 3.13. Mark x for appl ication Id. no. o f spous e or coh abitant Depend ant chil dren bo rn 1995 or later , domic iled with the file r at the end of the yea r 2012 318 292 317 291 The filer must check a nd correct the info rmation regardin g his depend ant children . Days at sea Days at sea 526 Name o f school 527 Id.n o. of yo ungster 528 Inco me of y oungste r With this signatu re the fil er verifie s that al l informa tion filed on the tax retur n is, to t he best of his or her kno wledge, correct. Jointly taxed co uples an d cohab itants m ust both sign the tax retu rn. Date/sig nature Telepho nenumb er Genera l inform ation Received inheritan ce Inheri- tance t estator 1.6 1.4 No tificatio n of pro perty ch ange or other in formatio n Accoun t for any purcha se or sa le of rea l estate on the f orm RS K 3.02


Reykjavík Grapevine

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