Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.10.2011, Blaðsíða 58

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.10.2011, Blaðsíða 58
06 Grapevine Fancy Airwaves Special Go to for extensive + up to date festival coverage This is such a marvelous time of the year! The weather starts to turn crappy and that yummy influx of summer tour- ist currency dwindles down, and we find ourselves revved up for the biggest, most talked about party of the year—Ice- land Airwaves! It’s a whirlwind week of non-stop shows, pre-parties and after- parties and making amazing single- serving and long-lasting friendships. Not to mention the chance to dis- cover tons of new music, something the festival has prided itself on presenting since 1999. This year’s festival is particu- larly packed with over 250 acts playing and time is never on your side. Luckily for you, it is not only our job but our duty to scope these bands out to find out who’s hot and who’s just lukewarm. Here are my personal ten picks of super- exciting lesser-known acts to check out. See you there! aCtiVE ChilD (us) 1 Defying the norms of standard electro- pop fare, Pat Grossi, the man behind Active Child, is reinvigorating the genre with a sense of novelty. This dashing American’s songs are absolutely breath- taking, combining serene church-like quality, 8-bit samples, lush melodic lay- ering and intense sexuality. Not to men- tion his voice, the impeccable leftover of a stint as a choir boy. He uses organic instruments in his live shows—he plays the harp!—and it should be a truly rap- turous experience. Recommended lis- tening: ‘Hanging On’ bÁRuJÁRn 2 Bringing a darker edge to the surf-punk sound, these psychy rockers have been playing around the city for a couple of years but have mostly stayed under wraps. Their live show is a hot gritty dance party, often featuring their go-go dancing friends onstage and inciting au- dience members to do the same. They are also tirelessly working to release their first LP as soon as they can so there are probably big things up ahead for them. Psychobilly lovers and death- punk aficionados be advised! Recom- mended listening: ‘Skuggasörf’ DE staat (nl) 3 This band’s sound is like a science ex- periment. Combining the elemental danciness of LCD Soundsystem, the testosterock grit of Queens of the Stone Age and tongue-in-cheek hotness of Electric Six in a beaker and boiled over a Bunsen burner. The results were suc- cessful—the mixture exploded into red and gold smoke! It’s basic, raw, dirty and fun and with opening slots for Iggy Pop and The Stranglers under their belt, this band definitely has the seal of approval. Recommended listening: ‘Sweatshop’ DREam CEntRal station 4 The long-time brainchild of former Sin- gapore Sling and Jakobínarína member Hashi, this appropriately named act is a sludgy, shoegazey dream. He teamed up with Elsa María Blöndal of The Go- Go Darkness to make a super-cool, Je- sus & Mary Chain-reminiscent breed of rock that is almost more fun to just stand around looking bored than dancing to, but you might not resist the latter. Too bad you can’t smoke inside though, be- cause this is music made for cigarettes. Recommended listening: ‘Feel’ GanG RElatED 5 Channelling the sweetness of a ‘60s pop combo through the DIY teenage dreari- ness of the early ‘90s, these kids are one of the most promising new bands to have recently hit the stage. With members from well-known local bands Dáðadrengir and Morðingjarnir, they al- ready hold clout and a fan base but are conquering new territory with their cute, high school love/angst tunes. Loads of reverb, loads of clapping along, take the boy or girl of your dreams and win their heart. Recommended listening: ‘Dumb’ John GRant (us) 6 As they often say, only love can break your heart. Former Czars frontman John Grant knows this all too well and over the past few years was broken so hard he almost didn’t put the pieces back. Luckily, he overcame substance abuse and accepted himself as a gay man by composing a gutting, beautiful album in the league of songwriter extraordinaire Harry Nilsson. The lyrics are sometimes odd and quirky, but reflect deep person- ality and stunning self-realisation. Rec- ommended listening: ‘Marz’ mi-Gu (Jp) 7 This artsy Japanese duo is the electric intersection of cutesy and scary. Like Dollar store Halloween decorations. Their hyper-weirdo groove magic could fit perfectly in one of those creepy Hall Of Mirrors at a carnival and their simple, silly English-language lyrics are the stuff of awesome kids’ books. The two are also members of Yoko Ono’s Plastic Ono Band, which pretty much guarantees a high level of live freakiness. Recom- mended listening: ‘Spider’ muRmansK (Fi) 8 Goth rock purists will want to let down their scepticism for a second, because the second-coming of Patricia Morrison has been located and she is fronting for Murmansk. Bringing back the grandi- ose, pitch-black wall of sound that was blasting up the Batcave in the 80s, this band are hard, howling and full of sexy sorrow. This is certainly not for the faint of heart. Recommended listening: ‘Moth’ thoRunn antonia 9 You may never have heard of her, but she is no spring chicken in the big musical world. She’s worked with Dan- ish bigwigs Junior Senior and sang for Fields, but can most notably be heard singing as Nico on Beck’s Velvet Under- ground cover album. She’s now made a new album with electro-party mas- ter Berndsen that delivers deliciously dance-perfect Italo Disco. Sally Shapiro had her chance, now it’s time for Tho- runn! Recommended listening: ‘Too Late’ VERoniCa Falls (uK) 10 Like the Mamas & Papas on speed (so, y’know, mid-tempo) and stuck on the shores of England instead of California, this 60s-style rock group is ultra-gloomy and so much the better. Smiling is for suckers, right? Well maybe not, but giv- ing your cheek-muscles a break is no reason to relax on your feet or ears. So wipe that grin off your face and get ad- dicted to their dark, deathly swoons. Recommended listening: “Bad Feeling” sÓlEy 11 While her Seabear bandmate went off and did his thang as Sin Fang (‘Bous’, formerly) Sóley was not sitting around twiddling her thumbs. She cracked her knuckles, tickled the ivories and put to- gether a killer collection of creepy little lullabies for a hit EP in summer 2010. She just released a full-length album of similar fare, ripe with fantastic storybook imagery and gentle yet somehow omi- nous production. Recommended listen- ing: ‘Pretty Face’ ÚlFuR 12 He’s gone by many names—Klive, Bi- troid, Dataplex—and plays bass for hard- core hotties Swords Of Chaos and some random guy named Jónsi. But he’s fi- nally taking his own name to do what he does best: hyper-subversive experimen- tal dreamscapes utilising both synthetic and natural field recordings. Most of all, his modernised take on musique con- crète creates grand, primal sensations allowing one to close their eyes and get lost in their urges. Recommended listen- ing: Unreleased! Go find out for yourself. lists | You should take notice of by Rebecca Louder Listen Up! Get Excited! Twelve terrific Airwaves bands totally worth checking out 1 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8 11 12 10
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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