Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.04.2012, Qupperneq 27

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.04.2012, Qupperneq 27
ONGOING THROUGHOUT THE FESTIVAL, FROM APRIL 17 - 22 11:00–17:00 Iceland’s Selement Inspired Art Fih graders from Vesturbæjarskóli elementary school open an exhibition of visual art that’s inspired by Iceland’s selement years. 11:00–17:00 Fun Education Don’t forget to drop by at the museum’s fun education room, where you can try on costumes, listen to stories and play with helmets, swords and shields. National Museum Of Iceland, Suðurgata 41. 13:00–16:00 Knit Graffiti at The Ásmundarsafn Sculpture Garden Knit Graffiti by Auður Alfífa and Tinna Þóru- and Þorvaldsdóir will be created in the garden. During the festival, school groups and other interested are encouraged to come and witness the work in progress and perhaps take part. Reykjavík Art Museum – Ásmundarsafn. 14:00–16:30 Symbols and Textures A collaboration between Háteigsskóli Primary School, Kampur Youth Centre and the Reykjavík Art Museum. Students create a collective work with objects from their own culture, in relation to the work of Antoni Tapies. Guest are encouraged to participate. Reykjavík Art Museum – Kjarvalsstaðir. 11:00–17:00 Þingvellir Over the winter months, students at Reykjavik School of Visual Art have contemplated the painting ‘Þingvellir’ by Þórarinn B. Þorláksson, and made new pieces based on their observations. The Culture House, Hverfisgata 15. All day Fun at Frosti A beading marathon and jewellery making will be in the forefront at the Frosti community centre, while the book club ponders literature that has to do with “fountains”. Frostaskjól community centre, Frostaskjól 2. All day The Culture of Children and Teenagers Two storefronts on Laugavegur 84 display children’s rooms as they looked in 1950-1960 and from 2000-2010. This fun exhibit displays how things have changed through the decades. Laugavegur 84. 08:00–15:00 Hávamál – Past and Present Students of Ingunnarskóli have studied ‘Hávamál’, the Poetic Edda, using artistic techniques to understand its relationship to their own lives and communities. The insightful results of their work are on display at the school. Ingunnarskóli, Maríubaugur 1. 09:00–20:00 Bíósprea Exhibit This exhibit at grocery store Melabúðin features animations created by sixth grade students of the nearby Melaskóli. Melabúðin, Hagamelur 39. 12:00–18:00 Children at Play Þorbjörg Pálsdóir’s sculptures are vivid and powerful. She is best known for ‘The Dance’ (which can be seen by Perlan), but she also created many sculptures of children. Reykjavík City Hall. 12:00–17:00 Hijinx at Nýló An exciting play area where you can enjoy playground equipment, solve puzzles and jump around in a bouncing castle. Saturday and Sunday, candyfloss, hot dogs, popcorn and balloons will be for sale. Nýlistasafnið, Skúlagata 28. TUESDAY APRIL 17 11:00–12:00 Children’s Cultural Festival Opening Ceremony Footlose fourth graders from Reykjavík elementary schools fill Harpa. The kids will dance in the hallways of Harpa before aending a concert with Ingó and Blár Opal in the Eldborg hall. 13:00 - 14:00 Fun Songs and Poems The National Choir of Kindergarteners performs a programme of songs accompanied by music school students from Tónskóli Sigursveins and dancing from students from the Listdansskóli Íslands school of dance. Come and sing along. 16:00–16:30 Swan Lake Twenty-five students from the Iceland Ballet School of perform act number two of the beautiful ballet, The Swan Lake. Harpa, Austurbakki 2. 12:00–16:00 Whiling Centre at Mógilsá Klébergsskóli in cooperation with Kátakot and the kindergarten Berg stages a whiling centre, where participants can practice and learn about whiling techniques and the various items one can while out of wood. Mógilsá, Kjalarnes. 16:00–17:30 Crescendo – With Growing Strength The kids of the Regnbogaland youth centre along with the teenagers from youth club Fjörgyn and children of kindergarten Sunnufold perform the art piece Crescendo, which is made up of visual art, music and dancing. Gufunesbær, Hlaðan by Gufunesvegur. 17:00–18:00 SVoM Concert in the Castle Come visit the Hljómskáli, the tiny castle in Hljómskálagarðurinn, examine various wind and percussion instruments and listen to Skólahljómsveit Vesturbæjar og Miðbæjar perform fun hits for everyone! Hljómskálinn, Hljómskálagarðurinn. WEDNESDAY APRIL 18 13:30–14:40 Charlie Chaplin’s ‘The Circus’ Chaplin assumes here the role of the tramp and accidentally becomes a part of a circus act. He gains sudden popularity, which leads to him participating in all sorts of circus escapades. 13:45–14:20 ‘The Red Balloon’ The movie tells the tale of a young boy that encounters a red balloon that follows him to school, in the bus and through the streets of Paris. Bíó Paradís, Hverfisgata 54. 16:00–18:00 Arthouse at Laugarnesskóli School Families can participate in various workshops; subjects include dancing, textiles, visual arts, theatre, carpentry, cooking and science experiments. Laugarnesskóli, Kirkjuteigur 24. 16:00–19:00 The Wonders of the Beach Explored We explore the wonders of the beach, its rocks, algae and small shells, while we practice throwing rocks into the sea. Wearing rubber-boots is advised, as well as bringing a small bag or a box for the "treasures" you might find, and a magnifying glass. Norðurkotsvör rock beach, (Llocated near the parking lot by the Sigurjón Ólafsson sculpture museum, follow the asphalt path to the right). THURSDAY APRIL 19 (THE FIRST DAY OF SUMMER) 10:00–17:00 Children and Animals Children will present their pets to visitors in Fjölskyldu- og húsdýragarðurinn and tell all about them (adults pay a discounted entry fee today). Fjölskyldu- og húsdýragarðurinn, Laugardalur. 11:00–15:00 Fun and Science Science comes alive in a fun and interactive way at University of Iceland’s Science Workshop. See experiments, magic mirrors, puzzles, pendulums and much, much more! 11:00–13:00 and 13:00–15:00 Biophilia – A Musicology Workshop for Families Enter the magical world of science and music in a lively and interactive manner. Create your own music in Björk’s magical world. Háskólabíó Theatre, enter from Hagatorg. 11:00–15:00 Green Ice Children can participate in various workshops run by Iceland Academy of the Arts students, where they work with various mediums using the ongoing Rúrí retrospective as a starting point. National Gallery of Iceland, Fríkirkjuvegur 7. 11:00– 16:00 Creative Carpentry Workshop Youth centre Kampur invites you to set your imagination free doing carpentry, whiling playing and creating under the guidance of its staff. Kjarvalsstaðir, Flókagata 24. 13:00–16:00 A Game Session with Spilavinir Spilavinir’s (“Game Friends”) will teach children and grown ups how to play a variety of popular board and card games. Kids, parents and grandparents should join this fun event that brings people of all ages together by playing family friendly board games. Reykjavík City Hall. 13:00–17:00 Do You Want to Become a Fictional Character? Step inside ‘The Giant Book’, put together by 300 students at Vesturbæjarskóli elementary school. The book contains hidden images, poetry, texts, sound, messages, smell … and there is also room for you! Reykjavík City Library, Tryggvagata 15. 13:00–15:00 Art Workshop An art workshop for children of all ages where they can create swords and shields, forge selement era style jewellery and draw runes. 14:00–14:30 Rimmugýgur Vikings Members of the Viking club Rimmugýgur stage an authentic Viking fight and generally behave like proper Vikings. 15:00–15:45 Gilitru - Puppet Theatre ‘Gilitru’ an Icelandic puppet theatre play based on the classic Icelandic folk tale of the horrid ogress and the peasant woman who wished to escape her duties and responsibilities. The National Museum, Suðurgata 41. 14:00–14:30 and 15:30–16:00 Fyrr var o¹ í koti kᐠ– A Family Concert Join us for a performance of songs based on poems and rhymes from the collection ‘Vísnabókin’, first published in 1946, and beloved by many generations of Icelandic children. Árbæjarsafn Museum, Kistuhylur 4 14:00–14:45 and 15:30–16:15 Skýjaborg – Cloud City Skýjaborg is a dance performance for the youngest children, where colours, movement, shapes and music engage them and tell a story. The National Theatre, Hverfisgata 19. 14.00–15.00 LAUR And KARAOKE – Contemporary Music for Curious Children Reykjavík Chamber Orchestra will perform “LAUR”, receiving their instructions from a computer screen. What is the composer asking the musicians to do and what are the results? The Orchestra also performs the piece “KARAOKE” along with the kids, who get to participate and play some very unusual instruments like carrots and balloons. Tjarnarbíó, Tjarnargata 12. 14:00–17:00 A Nature Walk by Lake Elliðavatn A nice and easy stroll at a relaxed pace, first along the banks of the lake and then into the forest. We will breathe the fresh air of spring and listen to birds chirping, hug a tree and stroke some flowers. Bring walking shoes, a snack and binoculars if you have a pair. Elliðavatnsbærinn by Lake Elliðavatn in Heiðmörk (Follow Route No. 1 going east/southwards, turn right immediately aer Rauðhólar pseudo-craters, onto road 408 (towards Heiðmörk) and follow the road, aer a le turn in the road, cross the narrow bridge and turn right on the path leading to Elliðavatnsbær). 14:30– 16:00 The Icelandic Horse What makes us a nation? Rider Begga Rist welcomes guests to her stable, where she will talk about the Icelandic horse as a source in the nation’s culture and reveals its talents and specialties. Children can try their hand at riding the horses, too. Hestaleigan, Surtlugata 3, Fjárborg. FRIDAY APRIL 20 10:00–11:00 and 14:00–15:00 Earth Day – We are the World Children and employees of the kindergarten Gullborg celebrate Earth Day with their spring exhibit, ‘We Are The World’. Gullborg, Rekagrandi 14. 11:00–12:00 and 13:00–15:00 Creation and Games Open house at the kindergarten Sæborg, where the children display their artful creations based on their work with various themes. Sæborg, Starhagi 11. 14:00–16:00 Source The children of the youth centre Skýjaborgir and the kindergarten Dvergasteinn premiere a fascinating installation project, Uppsprea (“Source”) that is a result of their collaboration. Skýjaborgir, Vesturvallargata 10–12. 14:00–16:00 We are All Made of Iceland The children of youth centre Frostheimar invite you to help them create a map of Iceland by pasting a piece to the wall, creating a ‘collage’ of the country. Frostheimar, Frostaskjól 6. 17:00–20:00 Hike Mount Úlfarsfell Enjoy a slow and leisurely group hike up to the top of Mt. Úlfarsfell, taking in a beautiful view of the capital area. The hike features an ascent of 295 metres. Bring walking shoes, a snack and something to drink and some binoculars if you have them. Hamrahlíð forest area parking. SATURDAY APRIL 21 10:00–12:00 Guidance about Móðurmál – Bilinguality Gerður Gestsdóir will inform guests about Móðurmál (Mother Tongue), the programme for bilingual children, and its importance. 10.00–11.30 Móðurmál and Culture The Spanish Móðurmál group presents games, wordplay and lyrics for visitors to learn and enjoy. 10:00–12:00 Learn a Few Words of Russian...or Spanish! The children of the Móðurmál groups teach the guests to speak and write a few words in Spanish or Russian and about famous cartoon characters. Books and toys are also on site. 11:00–12:00 and 13:00–14:00 Marimba Workshop Make music with the African marimbas while learning about the instrument. The sessions culminate with the entire group playing together. No musical skills needed. Hagaskóli, Fornhagi 1. 11:00–15:00 Fun and Science Science comes alive in a fun and interactive way at University of Iceland’s Science Workshop. See experiments, magic mirrors, puzzles, pendulums and much, much more! Háskólabíó Theatre, enter from Hagatorg. 11:00–13:00 and 13:00–15:00 Biophilia – A Musicology Workshop Enter the magical world of science and music in a lively and interactive manner. Create your own music in Björk’s magical world. The project’s goal is to integrate music, science and technology in a novel way. Háskólabíó Theatre, enter from Hagatorg. 12:00–6:00 Woolgathering – A Woollen Exhibit! Learn about the wool working methods of yesteryear by testing, tinkering and playing with the various items on display at this playful exhibit! The Selement Exhibition, Aðalstræti 16. 13:00–13:40 Happiness Workshop – Drum Circle Join in the drum circle and make a beat! No drum skills required, just play your own way and enjoy harmonizing with others! Reykjavík City Hall. 14:00–17:00 Happiness Workshop – Thank you Notes Write a Thank you note to someone in your life that deserves one. The post office will deliver it for you, free of charge. Reykjavík City Hall. 14:00–17:00 Happiness Workshop – The Fountain of Happiness A work of art created by children from the Kampur youth centre entitled “Uppsprea hamingjunnar” (“The Fountain Of Happiness”) will be unveiled. The piece entails performance art, inviting you to share whatever makes you happy with the people of Reykjavík. Reykjavík City Hall. 13:00–15:00 Children’s Photography Workshop Children learn about and experiment with Cyanotype, one of the earliest forms of photographic printing. At the end, the kids get to take their own developed photos home! Reykjavík Museum of Photography, Tryggvagata 15. 13:00–15:00 Got Money? Find old, strange and funny coins in your grandparents’ drawers and cupboards and bring them to the Children’s Library where members of the Coin Collectors’ Association will tell you about their histories and secrets. The Children’s Library, The Nordic House, Sturlugata 5. 13:00 - 15:00 Lets Have Fun Together Let’s dance, sing, make cras, read and enjoy ourselves in this programme inspired by Polish, Spanish and Icelandic culture. Reykjavík City Library, Tryggvagata 15. 13:00–16:00 Shorts by Teens at Bíó Paradís View a selection of the best short films that teenagers have been working on at their youth centres lately. Humour, excitement and drama are well represented in these offerings! Bíó Paradís, Hverfisgata 54. 13:00 - 17:00 Design for Children View uniquely designed items for children. Wooden toys, pillows, so beings and other fun things. Handverk og Hönnun, Aðalstræti 10. 13:00–17:00 Children and Man’s Best Friend Members of the Icelandic Kennel Club bring their dogs and teach children the proper way to treat man’s best friend (adults pay a discounted entry fee today). Fjölskyldu- og húsdýragarðurinn, Laugardalur. 14:00–14:45 and 15:30–16:15 Skýjaborg – Cloud City Skýjaborg is a dance performance for the youngest children, where colours, movement, shapes and music engage them and tell a story. The National Theatre, Hverfisgata 19. 14.00–15.00 Classical Chamber Concert – Pictures of Immortal Composers Members of the Reykjavík Chamber Orchestra play classical music. The kids get to watch the musicians up close, ask questions and influence the concert’s progression. Why are people still playing music by composers who lived hundreds of years ago? And who were these guys, Bach, Mozart and Beethoven? Iðnó, Vonarstræti 3 14:00–16:00 Baseball Heroes! Members from the Base- and Soball Association of Reykjavík teach about the basics of baseball. Learn about the equipment needed—gloves, bats and balls, and try your hand at playing some baseball. Hljómskálagarðurinn, by the playground equipment. 14:00–16:00 Origami workshop Björn Finnsson from Origami Iceland shows guests how to do this Japanese paper art. Foldasafn library, by Fjörgyn. 15:00–16:30 America Concert Students of Nýi tónlistarskólinn (music school) stage a theme concert at the Nordic House, where an emphasis is placed on the interplay of different groups of instruments. The Nordic House, Sturlugata 5. 16:00–19:00 Make Sandcastles by Skarfakleur Explore the wonders of a sand beach, practice shovelling sand into a bucket and make a castle. We look at the various formations of the large rock at the middle of the beach, stroke it and feel the difference of each rock layer. Weather permiing, we take off our shoes and socks and dance barefoot in the sand! Rubber-boots are advised, a bucket and a shovel, a towel and an extra pair of socks. Skarfakleur beach, by the Viðey ferry parking lot. SUNDAY APRIL 22 11:00–15:00 The Spring – By Nature We connecting kids to the elements of nature; sun, earth, water and fire. We make mini-greenhouses out of old jars, build wooden sundials, BBQ on a bonfire and fish in the Lake Elliðavatn. Guests can furthermore participate in an entertaining scavenger hunt around the area. The house Elliðavatnsbær, next to The Reykjavík Force Service in Heiðmörk. 13:00–17:00 Children and Man’s Best Friend Members of the Icelandic Kennel Club bring their dogs and inform children about the proper way to treat man’s best friend (adults pay a discounted entry fee today). Fjölskyldu- og húsdýragarðurinn, Laugardalur. 13:00–14:30 and 15:30–17:00 Art Workshops for Families Join us for a graphic-, photograph- or an animation workshop at the Myndlistarskólinn í Reykjavík (school of visual art). Myndlistarskólinn í Reykjavík, Hringbraut 121. CLOSING FESTIVAL AT LAUGARDALSLAUG SWIMMING POOL: 13:30–16:00 Drum Circle Join in the drum circle and make a beat! No drum skills required, just play your own way and enjoy harmonizing with others! 14:00–14:15 Draumarraddir Norðursins Concert The girl’s choir Draumaraddir norðursins sings a few beautiful songs. 14:15–14:45 White Signal Concert The band White Signal consists of young teenagers from Reykjavík area. They recently had good success at Músíktilraunir competition and promise to bring the fun to the pool! 14:45–15:00 Sirkús Íslands Sirkús Íslands (“Iceland’s Circus”) entertains pool guests with their many circus acts that are both foolhardy and fun! Expect exciting stunts, great tricks and plenty of clowning around. 15:00–15:10 Rokkhljómsveit Íslands Concert Rokkhljómsveit Íslands (“Iceland’s Rock Group”) is made up of four ten year-old girls that rock out in style! 15:10–15:20 Sirkús Íslands Ongoing fun with Sirkús Íslands. 15:20–15:30 Gymnastic Fun! Kids from the Ármann gymnastics department display unbelievable stunts by the pool. 15:30–16:00 Pollapönk Concert Pollapönk play their children’s songs and whip the pool crowd into a frenzy! Laugardalslaug, Laugardal. 14:00–15:00 Children’s Yoga Yoga and meditation for children of all ages, as well as hearty mantra singing, led by the staff of kindergarten Sælukot. Reykjavík City Hall. 15:00–16:00 Dance –“Ísland er land þi” Students of the JSB contemporary school of dance perform dance pieces from the show “Ísland er land þi”. Reykjavík City Hall. 16:00 –17:00 Dream Voices of the North – Girl Choir Concert This concert by the girl’s choir Dream Voices Of The North will feature celebrated and beautiful songs from all over the world, as well as some popular numbers from Disney movies. Reykjavík City Hall. 14.00–15:00 Family Workshop – SPLASH Dancer/art teacher Sigrún Guðmundsdóir leads children in an exploration of how water may be used to create. National Gallery of Iceland, Fríkirkjuvegur 7. 14.00–14:30 Hiphop Heat – All ages! Try hiphop dancing with Natasha! Great beats and fresh music! 14:30–15:00 Breakdancing Madness – All Ages! Breakdancing has never been as popular with boys and girls! Awesome music with a so beat, this is something all kids should try! 15:00–15:30 Zumba – Especially for Kids! Eva Suto brings us Kid’s Zumba. It’s new, refreshing and fun—and great exercise! 16:00–16:30 Afro Dancing for Kids Sandra Erlingsdóir teaches kids how to dance afro. Fresh new music, lots of dancing and excitement. Kramhúsið, Skólavörðustígur 12 (Walk in through Bergstaðarstræti). 14:00–16:00 Sönglist Fun With Music Students from the Sönglist, singing and drama school, take the stage and entertain with their singing, dancing and theatrics. Fun times for all! Tjarnarbíó, Tjarnargata 12. 14:00–16:00 Comic-Strip Workshop Lóa Hlín Hjálmtýsdóir, illustrator, musician and artist, moderates a comic-strip workshop. Kids learn the basics in structuring and creating comic-strips, with reference to the work of Erró. Reykjavík Art Museum, Hafnarhús, Tryggvagata 17. 14:00–17:00 A Giant Love Story A play for children based on a story by Guðrún Helgadóir and adapted for the stage by Pétur Eggerz. Aerwards there will be a workshop where the children can make their own troll costumes and play games. Gerðuberg Cultural Centre, Gerðuberg 3-5. PROGRAM 17th–22n d of April 2 012


Reykjavík Grapevine

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