

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1937, Page 32

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1937, Page 32
Ó2 LÆ K NA B LAÐ I Ð Tab, V (cont.) Diagnoses psychiatr. Afdrif S 1 < « l-o t Nafn. Aldur. Dvöl á spítal. Kotn. Fór. Diagnoses soma- Org. respir. Org. circulat. Melancholia .. R.J. 9 7i 4/6 ’35- Pharyngit. An. hypochr. Bronchit. chr. Arterioscler. Melancjiolia .. H.J. S 69 15/3 ’33- Arterioscler. Melancholia .. J.K. $ 58 20/7 '35. Varices crur. 16. Psychopathia .. G.J. S 27 28/7 ’35- Pharyng. chr. Circulatorisk hypofunc- 17. React. abn. tion psychogen. paranoia ... G.S. S 38 12/9 '35- Mb. cordis a) paranoia .. . K.G. S 37 4/io’34- paranoia .... N.E.Þ. S 52 28/3 ’34- Infiltr. pulm. Mb. cordis Ecchinococc. Hæmorrhoid. pulm. 1)) depr. mentis . J.G.K. 5 33 21/6 ’35- Mb. cordis dept. mentis . K.J.H. $ 30 19/9 ’34- Infiltr. pulm. An. hypochr. dept. mentis . A.G.B. ? 54 30/6 ’35- Pharyngit. Mb. cordis dept mentis . S.G. S 40 3o/io’33. Mb. cordis c) al. mb. psvch. Þ.J. S 50 8/5 '35- al. ntb. psych. I.F.H. S 27 29/11’34- Tub. pulm. Emphysema al. mb. psych. J.Þ. $ 3i 16/7 ’35- al. mb. psych. S.G. $ 34 I2/l2’35. Tub. pulm. Pleurit. sicca Pharyngitis IQ. Diagn. incerta .. A.E. S 34 io/io’34. Diagn. incerta .. G.H. $ 30 8/i2’34. Diagn. incerta .. S.J.R. S 15 5/i2’34- Pleurítis chr. 21. Nil. mb. svst, nn S.R. 2 36 1/6 ’34- An. livpochr. s. psych LÆKNAB LAÐ IÐ 6.3 . ticae: Dysmetabol. Org. uro-gen. Org. nervos. Mb. infect. Articul. mm. AIii. diagn. somaticae Org. digest. ossa. Hypertrophia hep. Car. dent. tini Lipoma dorsi Furunculos. axilla sin. Hypertr. tons. Acne vulgaris Lipoma fem. Car. dent. Amput. fem. sin. antea Car. dent. Glossitis Nephritis. Amput. hum. antea Scoliosis dx. sin. Dyspepsia conv. pes Car. dent. varus dx. Myopia Tntox.alk.chr. Ecchinococc. hep. prol- aps. ani. Exostosis septi nasi Deviatio Car. dent. septi nasi. I'onsillitis Erythema nodos Acne. Adenit. colli Tonsillitis Atheroma cap. Car. dent. Rheumatism. art. chr. Car. dent. Car. dent. Pellagra Trauma ’scap- ulæ. Herpes labi- alis Car. dent. Dyspepsia Scoliosis Iumbosac- ralis. Adenit. colli Chorea. Hunt. Car. dent. Car. dent. Poliomyelit ant. ac. seqv. Pachymenin- Hypofunct. ovarii. gitis cervi- calis hyper- troph.



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