

Hagtíðindi - 01.12.2000, Qupperneq 1

Hagtíðindi - 01.12.2000, Qupperneq 1
Hagtíðindi 85. árgangur nr. 12 Monthly Statistics No. 12, December 2000 Monthly contents External trade .......................................................................... 666 Central Bank average USD and EUR rates ............................ 669 Imports ..................................................................................... 674 Exports ..................................................................................... 678 Consumer price index .............................................................. 696 Consumer price index less housing cost ................................. 700 Consumer price index for indexation of financial obligations 700 The old credit terms index for indexation of financial obligations ............................................................................... 700 Building cost index for residential buildings .......................... 701 Building cost index for non-residential buildings ................... 704 Wage index for the whole economy ......................................... 705 Index of pension scheme commitments for civil servants ........ 705 Fish catches ............................................................................. 706 Other contents International statistics ............................................................. 712 Population 1 December 2000 by regions, municipalities and sex (provisional figures) ................................................... 722 Population in urban nuclei and rural areas. Final figures 1 December 1999 and provisional figures 1 December 2000 .................................................................... 724 Population by religious organizations 1 December 2000 ...... 726 Members of the State Lutheran church 16 years and older by deaneries, parishes and congregations 1 December 2000 ..... 727 Population in Reykjavík districts 1990, 1999 and 2000 ......... 731 Labour force survey of Statistics Iceland in November 2000 . 732 Social security pensions and allowances and social assistance benefits 1980–2000 ..................................... 744 Mánaðarlegt efni Vöruskiptin við útlönd ............................................................ 666 Meðalgengi dollars og evru ..................................................... 669 Innflutningur ............................................................................ 674 Útflutningur ............................................................................. 678 Vísitala neysluverðs ................................................................ 696 Vísitala neysluverðs án húsnæðis ............................................ 700 Vísitala neysluverðs til verðtryggingar ................................... 700 Vísitala fyrir eldri fjárskuldbindingar sem breytast eftir lánskjaravísitölu ....................................................................... 700 Vísitala byggingarkostnaðar .................................................... 701 Vísitala byggingarkostnaðar atvinnuhúsnæðis ........................ 704 Launavísitala ........................................................................... 705 Vísitala lífeyrisskuldbindinga fyrir opinbera starfsmenn ........ 705 Fiskafli ..................................................................................... 706 Annað efni Alþjóðlega hagtölur ................................................................. 712 Mannfjöldi 1. desember 2000 eftir landsvæðum, sveitarfélögum og kyni (bráðabirgðatölur) ............................. 722 Mannfjöldi á Íslandi í byggðarkjörnum og strjálbýli. Endanlegar tölur 1. desember 1999 og bráðabirgðatölur 1. desember 2000 ..................................................................... 724 Mannfjöldi eftir trúfélagi 1. desember 2000 ........................... 726 Sóknarbörn í þjóðkirkjunni 16 ára og eldri eftir prófasts- dæmum, prestaköllum og sóknum 1. desember 2000 ............. 727 Íbúar í hverfum Reykjavíkur 1990, 1999 og 2000 .................. 731 Vinnumarkaðskönnun Hagstofunnar í nóvember 2000 .......... 732 Bætur samkvæmt lögum um almannatryggingar og félagslega aðstoð 1980–2000 ............................................. 744 Efnisyfirlit Bls. Contents Page
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