The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 16.05.1980, Síða 5

The White Falcon - 16.05.1980, Síða 5
May 16, 1980 The White Falcon Page 5 t! ou ^JP&fory by UTC Nick Nicholson Remove all marks, decals and stains from windows and patio glass doors, remove any built-up residue from door and window tracks. Clean metal trim and frames. Clean all registers, air-cooler and heater vents, and floor vents. Strip and clean wax from floors. Clean and remount Venetian blinds. Clean grease traps and filters, then reinstall clean exhaust fans. Clean all dirt and any marks from walls, woodwork, baseboards, elec- trical cover plates and doors. Clean ceiling and walls. Clean cabinets inside and out with strong cleaning solution to make sure grease and other residue is removed. Remove all shelf paper and contact paper. Scrub kitchen sink to remove all stains from porcelain and residue from fixtures. Use pumice stone on porcelain if necessary. Defrost and drain refrigerator. Do not use sharp objects to remove frost and ice. Clean refrigerator inside and out with mild cleaning solution. Clean rubber seal and in- ternal components. Leave refrigera- plugged in and on low setting, (lean behind and under all appli- s. Kitchen ranges require con- tinuous attention during occupancy and all accessible areas, inside and out, must be clean and free of grease and stains. Unplug electric stove before cleaning but do not sscn Lberto s at left and right) makes final nar (above) the cleaning has just disconnect any wires within the stove. Remove drip pans, oven racks, spiders, burner wells, broil- er racks and pans and control knobs for cleaning, then replace. Clean aluminum part6 with fine steel wool, not oven cleaner. Do not use cold water on hot surfaces— Never allow water to flow freely over any part of the stove because it will soak the fibrous glass in- sulation—Remove all spots from oven, broiler compartment, broiler pans and top components; coarse dry steel wool is recommended. Do not paint stove or components. Wash walls, floor and tile with strong cleaning solution. Remove all film from shower walls and deck. Clean crevices, cracks and joints with small hand brush or toothbrush. Clean grout between tiles. Pumice stone is recommended. Clean medicine cabinet inside and out. Clean light shade and wall surface behind light. Remove all decals and residue from tub, walls and shower stalls. Remove all deo- derizing and self-cleaning material from inside toilet tank. Remove and clean tank lid and wall behind tank. If walls are painted with flat alkyd paint they do not require washing with water and soap or de- tergent solution unless there are crayon or other marks. Normally, wall and ceiling surfaces can be cleaned with a dry, soft, clean cloth. Remove cobwebs and lint from textured ceilings with care so as not to remove excessive acoustic material. Flat-painted walls shall be scrubbed when necessary to remove markings which cannot be removed by the dry methods. Try rubber erasers first on pencil marks before wash- ing. Leave closets clean and free of dirt and dust. Wash closet doors with a detergent solution. Scrub interiors of drawers, shelves and doors. Clean exterior surfaces with furniture polish. Vac- uum sofas. After quarters have passed in- spection, doors will be locked and keys surrendered to the inspector. The inspector will instruct you on how to secure your Military Pay Or- der (NAVCOMPT 3060) disposition from quarters. Your NAVCOMPT 3060 must be taken to your disbursing officer to terminate your forfeiture for quarters. Any charges for damaged or missing property will be settled before tenant is issued NAVCOMPT 3060.


The White Falcon

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