The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 04.10.1985, Blaðsíða 9

The White Falcon - 04.10.1985, Blaðsíða 9
FYI (for your information) » Systematic Training for Effec- tive Parenting (S.T.E.P.) program begins Oct 15 and will run until Nov 19 with two classes, one ran from 1000 until noon and an even- ing class ran from 1900 until 2100. The class which will cover a realistic and practical ap- proach to meeting the challenges of raising children today will meet every Tueday for six weeks. Both couples and single parents are encouraged to part- icipate. For more info or to register call 4401 or 4357. • Family Services Center (FSC) will conduct Suicide Prevention Training for all units requesting the program. The main focus will be on the many facets of suicide prevention. Training can be conducted on site. For more info or to schedule training, call 4401 or 4357. • A women's "Fruit of the Spir- it" Retreat will be held Friday Oct 25 through Saturday the 26th in the Chapel of Light Fellowship Hall. All women of the base are invited to attend. Contact Pro- testant Women of the Chapel re- treat coordinator -- Susan at 4885 by Oct 20. • A special MWR Tour Office trip to London, England for the Thanksgiving Holiday has been arranged. The tour will depart on Nov 27 and return Dec 1. The tour price includes airfare, hotel, and transfers by special coach to and from the airport and hotel. For more information and prices contact the MWR Tours Office at 4200/4420/5111. Birth announcements - Congratulations to SSGT and Carol Wilhelm. Their ba- by, Aaron Mitchell, was born Sept. 13. The father is at- tached with the 57th FIS. Congrats also go out to PN2 Paul Grant and his wife Dianne who became the proud parents of Jeremy Micheal. Jeremy was born on Sept. 17. Aaron and Jeremy... Wel- come to the world! > The following is the NavvCam- pus testing schedule for October: CLEP/DSST....0830 & 1400...8 Oct PRE-GED.........0800......10 Oct GRE.............0800..... 16 Oct CLEP/DSST....0830 & 1400..17 Oct GED.............0800......30 Oct GED.............0800......31 Oct • Pre-term counseling appoint- ments will be available Oct 7 - the 18th. If you have not used tuition assistance before and wish to enroll in a course in Term II, you need to make a coun- seling appointment. Please call the Navy Campus office at 6226 or 7795 for an appointment. > A USO tour to Sambands will be held on Oct 5 from 9 a.'rh. until noon. The cost is $5.00. o During the month of October, the USO will offer special enter- tainment and free dessert every Wednesday night beginning at 1930 in the new Coffee House. • Sale at "Icemart" inKeflavik. The USO will be having free tours every Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day until Oct 15 from 12:45 to 2 puim. Fridays are "Keflavik In- doc" and the Icemart tour will be incorporated into the Kefla- vik Tour. • The USO will be having a "La- dies Night" every Sunday night in October from 9 to 11 p.m. Free popcorn for the ladies and romantic movies will be play- ed. • Lend-A-Room is a FSC program designed to provide secure tem- porary housing to family members outside of their own home be- cause of emergencies such as: Public Works awards The Naval Station Security officer recently awarded eight people from Public Works Letters of Appreciation. The awards were presented to them for their help during the peace march derno- stration. The following person- nel received letters: CE3 Kevin McDonald UT3 Dwight Kollbaum CECN Hoily Prothero BUCN Andrew Rheaume UTCN Carol Baker UTCN Robert Dusch HTFN Joan Jenkins CECN Mark Pysalski family crisis such as death or illness--famiTy quarrels and disputes. If you are interested in occasionally volunteering to provide a room in your home to support this program, call the FSC at 4401 or 4357. • Instructors are needed at the USO. If you have a special skill or talent that you would like to share please call Kathleen at 7980. • Wednesday might: are special at the USO. Oct. 9 a special entertainer will perform from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m Oct. 16 we will be celebrating the Navy birthday. Oct. 23 is "Comedy Night." Come over and tell a joke and possibly win a cash prize. Oct. 30 is a costume party and costume contest. • The USO "Leo Munro Trivia Show" starts Oct. 21. Eight groups of four people needed to participate. Certificates are awarded to the winning group. Come over and play every Monday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. • The Protestant Women of the Chapel are having a potluck salad luncheon on Oct. 10 at 11:30 a.m. in the Chapel Fellow- ship Hall. All women are invit- ed to attent. WORKING? Come and join us on your lunch break. > There will be a Protestant Women of the Chapel meeting on Monday Oct. 7 at 7 p.m. at the Chapel. The theme is "A Pattern For Living." All women are cordially invited to attend. Protein found on contact lenses All soft contact lenses have protein sticking to their sur- faces as a result of normal wear, according to a study in the Arch- ives of Ophthalmology. After studying old, worn con- tact lenses where protein depos- its were found, the reseachers compared them with new ones. "New never-worn soft contact lenses did not stain for any of the pro- teins examined in this study," thereseachers said. The White Falcon October 4, 1985 9


The White Falcon

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