The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 04.10.1985, Blaðsíða 11

The White Falcon - 04.10.1985, Blaðsíða 11
Looks isn't everything when it comes to food By J02 Ed Baker When shopping for food at the commissary a choice can be made between brand names, products from lesser-known companies and the plain-labeled GI products. Commissary officials remind patrons that lesser-known brand names do not mean lower'quality. "All products sold in commis- saries are of wholesomequality," said SHCS M.D. Madigan, OIC at the base commissary. Senior Chief Madiganexplained that for a product such as green beans, a brand name company might cut each bean to the same length FANCY] green beans GREEN beams 'CAIN i 2REEN 3EANS from the same part ot the bean and then package the product. In a second line of green beans for the same company, the beans might be the same, but the length of the cut is not con- trolled as consistently as the name-brand can. That product, he said, would probably be pack- aged under a different brand name. For lesser-known companies and government issue, there maybe no consistency at all when it comes to the bean that goes into the can. SHCS Madigan said, however, that the same nutritional value is there, only the price has changed and the looks of the contents may not be as appealing to the eye. SPORTS .......—.... Contunied from last week... Editor's note: This story is continued from last- week's White Falcon, entitled, "NATO Base leads N.E. in Begional Conference Titles." ...Cristwell contended that in addition to the players and coaches, there are also a lot of be- hind-the-scene support from personnel who devote numerous amounts of time and effort toward the upkeep and maintenance of the athletic program. "I also don't want to forget our support per- sonnel who spend long hours arranging schedules; coordinating events; preparing courts and playing fields and taking care of the massive amount of paperwork," explained Cristwell. "Many of them have no previous experience in this sort of ac- tivity, yet they do an outstanding job of getting the work accomplished." Despite the impressive wins by the NATO Base, Cristwell stated that a couple of titles have managed to elude them -- the women's basket- ball title and both the men's and women's golf titles. "Those two titles have escaped us the past few seasons," offered Cristwell, "but we are improv- ing in those areas and right now, I feel we will have a chance to capture those two in the coming seasons." Cristwell also stated that plans have been formulated to include the NATO Base in regional- level soccer competition beginning with the 1986 season. "Soccer is a popular sport in this part of the world," injected Cristwell, "and we're trying to generate enough interest to form a team here at Keflavik. If we can get enough youngsters inter- ested, we'll be sending them to the regionals." With the NATO Base serving as a joint-service installation, all of the intramural and regional sports activities are open to members of all of the military branches on station. "One of my first priorities for next season will be to include more women in our sports pro- grams," says Cristwell. "Although we've had good participation by some of the women on the NATO Base, I would still like to see more women in- cluded in the activities open to them." As another step toward enhancing the NATO Base's sports program, Cristwell recently attend- ed the Northern European Sports Program Workshop, in England. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss varsity and regional-level sports compet- ition for the upcoming year. "We exchanged ideas to improve and expand our sports programs," said Cristwell. "There were representatives from all over Northern Europe and we all talked about programs which needed more support and which ones were drawing the most par- ticipation. We also looked over what programs we might add to our present program. "We're always looking for ideas to improve our sports program," he ended. While winning titles is not the primary goal of sports -- promoting good health and fitness is -- it certainly does not hurt to have a winning program at the same time..." The White Falcon October 4, 1985 11


The White Falcon

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