Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2014, Blaðsíða 46

Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.05.2014, Blaðsíða 46
A R T OPENINGS AND ONGOING Millennium - Phase One A selection of pieces from the collection of the National Gallery, including a variety of works by Icelandic artists in the last two centuries. On permanent view The Library Room The old reading room of the National Library displays books of Icelandic cultural history dating from the 16th century to the present day. On permanent view The Einar Jónsson Museum The museum contains close to 300 artworks including a beautiful garden with 26 bronze casts of the artist's sculptures. On permanent view Hverfisgallerí Mapping The Land Hildur Bjarnadóttir explores the idea of a painting through the medium of weaving in her exhibition. She produced her artwork using two basic methods: colouring the thread with acrylic paint before it is woven, and experimenting with natural plant colouring. Each plant is connected to a specific place, carrying a sort of genetic code about its location as well as the people and fauna surrounding it. The exhibition follows up on Hildur's past work, which is deeply rooted in nature. Runs until June 28 i8 Gallery '1s & 0s' The series by artist Ignacio Uriarte com- prises 128 sheets of A4 paper, covered in typewritten 1s and 0s. Each sheet is typed on different typewriters, which produce very different results. Runs until June 2 The Icelandic Phallological Museum The museum contains a collection of more than 215 penises and penile parts belonging to almost all the land and sea mammals that can be found in Iceland. On permanent view Kling & Bang The Five Live Lo-Fi Out of the mysterious and ambiguous zone of the creative process, a piece composed of four different parts has come into being, including instal- lations, sound frequencies, space, installations, television cameras and fleeting and temporary performances of the participating artists. Runs until June 22 Living Art Museum Time and Time and Again Hreinn Friðfinnsson's film is based and inspired by his own life and artworks. It tells the story about two twins that were separated at birth. One was sent to the mountains of Iceland and the other one below sea level in Amsterdam. The different gravity and oxygen level has made them age differently. The story is a metaphor for the dialectic of life and human beings. The exhibition also shows Hreinn's selected pieces of his new and older work. Runs until June 5 Mengi Myndliðir Jóhannes Dagsson opens exhibit 'Myndliðir' ("Fragmented Pictures") which features several oil paintings on canvas. Runs until June 8 Mokka-Kaffi Janina and the Whale German artist Frida Adriana Martins composed a picture story of insanely wonderful women and whales. Her exhibition is not only about aesthet- ics but also a political statement for a better understanding of mentally ill people. The artist herself suffers from occasional depressions and demands the end of stigmatising those affected. Art helped her to put structure into her thoughts as a painting is always a composition in itself. One of her paintings show the Commerson's dolphin, a species that only swims on its back and suffers from ADHD. This exhibition is part of the "Art without Borders" programme Runs until June 5 Museum of Design and Applied Art Ertu tilbúin frú forseti? The Museum of Design and Applied Art's exhibition, ‘Are you ready, Madam President,’ displays clothing and other accessories from the ward- robe of former Icelandic President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir. The exhibition gives visitors a glimpse into Vigdís's preferences in choosing her wardrobe and style, and also the personal lives and habits of heads of state. Runs until October 5 Kosmos Dew is a growing group of Icelandic product designers who work with international manufacturers. Their varied designs reflect experiments with new materials. With a powerful creative urge to find innovative uses for ma- terials, often resulting in unexpected results, such as the 'Kosmos' exhibit. Dew's designs have a strong link to Icelandic heritage, seeking inspiration in landscapes and history of traditional craftsmanship, which is fused together in new and exciting ways. Runs until June 8 National Gallery of Iceland (Listasafn Íslands) Pull Yourself Together Nina Lassila is a Finnish visual artist who specialises in three large bodies of work: site- and issue-specific video works, performances for video and a series of telepathic live events. In her art, she deals with questions of identity and has a particular interest in conven- tions based on gender. Runs until May 29 The National Museum Inspirations The original subjects of Ron Rosen- stock's black and white photography– land, sky, trees, and glaciers–serve as initial inspiration for this exhibition. He Travel the world of music Box office » 528 5050 » » View our exciting 2013/14 season at Anarkía Hamraborg 3 | May 10 - June 1 15-18 | ISK Free! If you were a fan of the 'Where's Waldo?' books when you were young, and like abstract art, then you definitely need to check out Finnbogi Helgason’s new exhibit. It features a series of abstract paintings made up of letters that on closer examinations form the building block elements of human beings—Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon, Zinc, and so on. In other words, the paintings are a model study, and even if the casual viewer may only see a pretty piece made up of words, each is in fact a puzzle waiting to be solved. Can you solve them all? TGB Where's Word-o? Exhibition: 'Word'
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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