Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.08.2014, Qupperneq 27

Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.08.2014, Qupperneq 27
When I first experienced Iceland some fifteen years ago, it was an aspirational destination. It still is, but Iceland has since become more affordable, and thus accessible to almost anyone. Increased accessibility has resulted in a constantly growing number of tourists, far beyond what’s sustainable or safe for Iceland’s fragile infrastructure and ecosystem. Words Ian R. Sykes sushisamba Þingholtsstræti 5 • 101 Reykjavík Tel 568 6600 • Laugavegur HverfisgataL æ kj ar ga ta Sk ól as tr æ ti Þ in g ho lt ss tr æ ti Skólavörðust. Amtmannsstígur In g ó lf ss tr æ ti Lækjar- torg Our kitchen is open 17.00–23.00 sun.–thu. 17.00–24.00 fri.–sat. Amazing 6 course menu Starts with a shot of the Icelandic national spirit “Brennivín“ Arctic char with cucumber andcoriander Smoked puffin with yuzu mayo Minke whale with celeriac purée Reindeer burger with portobello mushroom Icelandic free range lamb fillet with cinnamon potato And to end on a high note .... “Skyr“ panna cotta with white chocolate and raspberry sorbet 6.990 kr. A unique Icelandic Feast Opening hours September — May 9:00 — 18:00 weekdays 10:00 — 17:00 saturdays 12:00 — 17:00 sundays Aðalstræti 10, Reykjavík Museum of Design and Applied Art, Garðabær (354) 517 7797 — Find us on Facebook 27The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 13 — 2014 OPINION For example, at landmarks Gullfoss and Geysir, on “cruise ship days,” one has to queue by the fence to catch a glimpse of the waterfall—as if it were a ride at Disney- land—diminishing the very experience that people have come for. It is furthermore a well known fact that the large cruise groups responsible bring very little busi- ness to local service providers—most of them eat onboard the ships, and buy any tours through agencies that squeeze local operators by offering cheaper deals, pock- eting the difference. “Thousands of crappers” Iceland is also experiencing an influx of cut-price DIY tourists, backpackers and cyclists. Whilst this might seem on the sur- face like an environmentally friendly way to travel, we must remember that those travellers can also be litterbugs—after all, who wants to carry waste to the next trash can when they can just leave it under a rock? Those tourists’ bodily functions also need to be catered for—however, they can’t hold on while they walk or cycle to the next toilet, so the land often acts as waste receptacle. Sure, Mother Nature can care for a few backpacking Iceland- ers— but thousands of crappers at popular spots she cannot. And on this subject, the sewer systems in our towns and our city: were they built to take a threefold increase in waste release? Is the government in- vesting in—or at least saving up for—ways to counter the inevitable? Even when the modern tourist does get the chance to stop by a service pro- vider, does he use it? NO! I have witnessed many an example of what I call the de- struction of our country. For example, at Gullfoss, a foreign bus pulled up by the visitor centre, and while the group went to enjoy the sights, a guide stayed behind and laid out lunchboxes onto the picnic tables (over half of that food did not come from Icelandic stores). He seemed to think it was his right to use someone’s facili- ties without paying a thing. Yet he makes money from the sale of this holiday, while not even paying the tax to Iceland. What did Iceland get from that particular group? Rubbish, blown away, that they didn’t even bother chasing after. And are the ferry ports properly con- trolled when they arrive; are their vehicles vetted? I guess not, because far too many coaches and 4x4s come carrying their own groceries, with full gas tanks and ex- tra fuel in the boot. All tax-free. It’s fine time To counter this, I suggest that the gov- ernment establish a vetting staff, trained to inspect every vehicle that enters the country. Through the added revenue, that team would fund itself and provide job op- portunities. Cars found laden with food or excess fuel would pay duty on it, or face a heavy fine. Also, any group of cars with tour stick- ers, or registered under a tour company name, should be made to prominently dis- play their Icelandic tour operator licence. I’d bet many of those currently profiting off Iceland do not have one; they should be made to pay the proper licence fee, and probably suffer a fine, too. Didn’t know about it? Tough. You knew enough about Iceland to make money out of it—so go find out the rules of operation! No doubt, when the once pristine country they’re exploit- ing has been devastated and reduced to a theme park, they’ll move on to the next one, leaving nowt but rubbish behind. Iceland cannot sustain the increase in tourism it has experienced of late. We need to control the flow, to ensure that it lasts. At the current rate, we will be exhausted by 2018—as a result, fewer will come. We need to find ways to keep the number hovering around the 700,000 mark, which is both manageable and sustainable. Ice- land must become what it once was: the country to aspire to visit when you can af- ford it, not just another cut-price package holiday. How will they fill tourist rental apart- ments during off-season and after the inevitable downturn? By cutting prices, of course. Iceland slowly becomes a cut- price, low-service tourist dumping ground. My plea to the government and the Icelandic tourist business community is this: listen to other opinions, because yours may not be based on the right knowledge and ground-level experience. I’m sorry if this suggestion offends the people in question, and I hope it’s taken in the spirit it was meant—one of preserv- ing our wonderful country and our tour- ist economy in a sustainable and mindful fashion. Iceland cannot afford the destructive learning curve it is currently on—the land is too fragile. The transition we are currently in the midst of needs to be carefully man- aged, but at the moment it feels like there’s nobody at the wheel. About the author: Ian R. Sykes is a retired Tourism and Hos- pitality Lecturer, with 47 years of industry experience. He and his wife of 42 years, Frances, moved to Iceland four years ago, and currently reside in Álftanes. Both have been in the hospitality and tourism business all their lives (they even met at hospitality college!). Ian used to work giving lectures in hospitality and tourism, and he has written training booklets on the subject. He was involved at the onset of the Visit Scotland “Welcome...,” initiative, training people how to sell the same services to different tour- ist groups. As a retirement package, Ian learned to drive commercial heavy trucks and buses, and undertook the World Host trainer programme. He now works as a freelance driver. Meanwhile, Frances also passed her test to drive minibuses com- mercially, and now runs a small guesthouse that is consistently in TripAdvisor’s top five rankings. Tourism: The Destruction Of Iceland A strong title, sure, but bear with me whilst I explain…
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