Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.08.2014, Qupperneq 29

Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.08.2014, Qupperneq 29
29The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 13 — 2014 MUSIC MADE IN ICELAND With his legendary concentration and 45 years of experience our Master Watchmaker ensures that we take our waterproofing rather seriously. Gilbert O. Gudjonsson, our Master Watchmaker and renowned craftsman, inspects every single timepiece before it leaves our workshop. 2QVDOHLQPRVW3HQQLQQERRNVKRSVDQG.HÀDYLN$LUSRUW  $OVRIURPWKHDXWKRUDW%DQNDYHJXU 6HOIRVV (PDLOJXGPNULV#VLPQHW LV 7KH6XPPHUODQG,FHODQGLFEHVWVHOOHU QRZSXEOLVKHGLQ(QJOLVK GUÐMUNDUR KRISTI NSSON THE SUMMERLAND The Deceased describe their Passing and Reun ion in the Other World THE SUM M ERLAND GUÐM UNDUR Á rnesútgáfan Iceland - 2014 In this book are conver- sations with deceased persons and the author’s son who was killed in a car-accident and the author’s brother-in- law who was killed E\D8%RDWLQ  – about their passing and what happened to them afterwards. We have conversations with GHFHDVHG%ULWLVK DLUPHQ from WWII and &DSWDLQ5LFKDUG 'XUVW of U.S. 5th Infantry Division. We read about Horace S. Hambling’s unique mediumship and how 3UHVLGHQW/LQFROQ was urged from the Beyond to proclaim freedom of the slaves. Visions during a holiday trip abroad and at deathbeds and IXQHUDOV. And of a Traveller in the Spirit World. Gusgus - Mexico 2014 Slick, brazen party music that moves hearts as well as feet Gusgus didn't seem like a band that was in it for the long haul. Starting as a loosely strung collective of musicians, filmmakers, producers and vocalists, they seemed to the outsider like a mercurial proposition—a bubbling experimental formula with equal potential to expand, evaporate or explode. But after nine studio albums made over almost two dec- ades, Gusgus would be an essential in- clusion on the Per- iodic Table of Ice- landic Bands. They've not only continued, but thrived, recently coming into a run of form so rich as to become happily confounding. Along the way, they've shed skins more times than an old corn snake, emerging each time in an incarnation more colourful than the last. Initially a sprawling twelve-person ambient-pop troupe, the band gradually reduced in number to just the duo of perma- members and production mainstays President Bongo and Biggi Veira around the turn of the millennium, before flowering once more into the slick and entertaining house-techno project of today. ‘24/7’ was the album that announced the band's latest iteration—a pulsing, organic series of sensual anthems. Vocalist Daníel Ágúst rejoined, injected a sense of warm humanity onto a kinetic foundation of 4x4 rhythm, moving not just the audience's feet, but their hearts too. The lush and luxuriant ‘Arabian Horse’ followed, refining the sound further and adding new personalities to the mix via a return of the breathy, feminine elegance of Earth and the arrival of the rich baritone of Högni Egilsson. And now, in what feels like the completion of a classic trilogy, comes the sticky heat of ‘Mexico.’ It's an album brimming with earworm melodies from the outset. "Obnoxiously Sexual" is the opener—a perfect pop single, seductive and insistent, pulsing with bass and bristling with synth hooks. But when a string quartet and then a brass band swoop in out of nowhere to light up the track, it's immediately obvious that ‘Mexico’ is something special. It's not just a honed and crafted house- techno-pop record, but a bold reworking of the Gusgus brand of dance music. ‘Mexico’ is accessible and commercial, sure, but the album’s assured, crafted and somewhat brazen party music also feels like a creative and artistic success. It's an album studded with singles—the simmering vocal of "Sustain" glides above persuasive micro-melodies; "Another Life" is a propulsive track fuelled by echoing string-stabs and some excellent treated vocals. "God Application" feels catchy and light, but lyrically explores the rich territory of relationship regret; "Crossfade" is a pop song so compulsive as to become an immediate obsession for many, spreading on social media faster than a video of a kitten in a shoebox. Before its oddly muted final song, the album climaxes with "Not The First Time," an epic track that talks about the need for continued evolution and renewal—perhaps the very thing that Gusgus do best. Due to their consistent creative mutation, the combustible chemistry of the project held together, maturing and stabilizing over time. They're a band in fearsome shape and at the absolute top of their game—the elemental force they've become is something to behold. - JOHN ROGERS Album Reviews “It's an album brimming with earworm melodies from the outset.”
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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