Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.09.2014, Side 64

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.09.2014, Side 64
Events in North Iceland2014 2015 WHAT TO DO? Sept. 13. - 14. East Hunavatnscounty, Skrapatungurétt, horse round-up. Hundreds of horses are gathered from the highlands. One of the largest social events of the year for the locals. Sept. 27. Laufskálarétt in Hjaltadalur, the most popular horse round-up in Iceland. Sept / Oct Siglufjörður, Poetry Festival. Oct. 5. HúnaÞing Vestra, Víðidalstungurétt. A popular horse round-up. Oct. 9. - 12. Akureyri, Ladies Days. Pink and shimmery days in the town, with concerts, exhibitions and everything women love. Oct. 25. The First Winter´s Day - Celebrated at the Akureyri Museum. Nov. 11. Grímsey, Fiske-Celebration. Celebration on the birthday of the islands patron, Mr. Daniel Willard Fiske. Nov. 30. - Dec. 23. Akureyri, Advent and Christmas program. Enjoy celebrations of the holiday season with colourful decorations, and bonfires and fireworks on New Years Eve. March 6. - 14. Akureyri, Éljagangur -Blizzard. An annual winter festival taking place in the beginning of, March 6. - 14. Iceland Winter Games. An action packed event including an AFP slopestyle silver competition, off venue events, parties, DJ shows and concerts. March 14. Mývatn open, Horses on ice tournament in horse racing.. April 2. - 5. Akureyri, AK-Extreme, Snowboarding competition. A collection of the best snowboarders/skiers in Iceland get together and organise this event. April 11. Mývatn, Orkugangan Ski Race.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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