The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 15.01.1993, Síða 4

The White Falcon - 15.01.1993, Síða 4
Volunteer organizations on NAS, Keflavik Editor’s note: This is a partial listing of clubs and volunteer organizations offered on Naval Air Station (NAS), Keflavik com- piled from NAS Legal. For a complete listing of local clubs contact Navy Legal at ext. 7900. AIMD First Class Association Allen Thomas, ext 6164 Purpose: to increase the mo-ale and welfare of the base. AFI Officer’s Wives Club Cheryl Rowlands, ext. 2444 Purpose: to support AFI officers and the NAS community. Arctic Sportsman Club Jhon Ward, ext. 7919 Purpose: to hold skeet shooting, hunting fellowships and archery events fo the community. Armed Forces Communica- tions Electricians Association Bill Conoscenti, ext. 4580 Purpose: to expand the knowl- edge of the electronic environ- ment. A.T. Mahan High School PTSO Marilyn Looney, ext. 7777 Purpose: open to parents, teach- ers and students to enhance, pro- mote scholastic and student ad- vancement. Black Cultural Awareness So- ciety Vicki Harris, ext. 6182 Purpose: open to all races, DoD civilian and military to present black cultural awareness to the community. Boy Scouts Robyn Jackett, ext. 4696 Purpose: this club’s motto is “building the leadership of tom- morow.” Chapel of Light ext. 4111 Purpose: to offer religious pro- grams for people of all denomi- nation. Christian Women’s Fellowship Amy LeVault, ext. 4867 Purpose: open to women of any denomination, provides Bible studies and a social outlet to women of the base while sup- porting the local community. Cub Scouts Barbara Strieker, ext. 4833 Purpose: this group promotes and enhances the growth of young boys from 2 through 6 grade. Family Service Center ext. 4401 Purpose: an information referral service, which also provides help to alleviate stresses. Elementary School PTO Kim Williams, ext. 7759 Purpose: any parents and teach- ers from the elementary school can help increase funds through fun activities to further the edu- cation of the children. Filipino-American Association Dominador Bongat, ext. 3365 Purpose: a social, cultural and service organization open to anyone interested. Glacier Clowns Allen Letson, ext. 4540 Purpose: to provide traditional clowning entertainment for the local communities, military and civilian. Ice & Fire Theatre Group Colleen Casper, ext. 4612 Purpose: a non-profit organiza- tion that offers a viable entertain- ment alternative through com- munity participation. Hlspanlc-Amerlcan Society Milton Nieves, ext. 3315 Purpose: to promote and en- hance the Hispanic heritage throughout the NAS community. Keflavik Chief Petty Officer’s Association Clarence Blalock, ext. 7525 Purpose: a club for the Navy chiefs to support the NAS com- munity. Keflavik Chief Petty Officer’s Association Auxiliary Lisa Danley, ext. 4603 Purpose: spouses of the chiefs join this club to support the community and the military way of life. Keflavik Dart Association Mike Mochan, ext. 7389 Purpose: to promote the sport of darting. Keflavik Flying Club Eric Kinchin, ext. 4500 Purpose: open to all active duty, retirees, DoD and dependents to develop aeronautical abilities. Keflavik Youth Athletic elation Gregory Reed, ext. 6487 Purpose: to provide sports for children on base ages 5 through 12. Sports offered are basket- ball, floor hockey, baseball, in- door soccer, and volleyball. Chil- dren must be 5 years old by the end of the season to participate. Klwanis Kristine Harper, ext. 7622 Purpose: a service club that sup- ports the children of Iceland and the needy. Keflavik Officer’s Wives Club Laura Chapman, ext. 7886 Purpose: this club is open to spouses of officers, active duty female officers and civilian spouses with the purpose of sup- porting the community. Red Cross ext. 6210 Purpose: a humanitarian organi- zation led by volunteers, provide relief to victims of disasters V help people prevent and prepar? for and respond to emergencies. Rocky Road Four Wheelers Scott Shewed, ext. 6117 Purpose: to conduct expeditions for four-wheelers to promote intercultural relations with host nationals. (It is not necessary to own a four-wheel drive vehicle to join or participate in this club.) Society of American Engineers Daniel Therrien, ext. 6102 Purpose: a joint military and ci- vilian organization that provides cost effective engineering solu- tions. Big Brothers/Big Sisters William Paetz, ext. 2831 Purpose: to provide one-to-one companionship to the children of the base community and build self-confidence and self-esteem in the children. Bowling Leagues Ronald Roddy, ext. 3329 Purpose: to promote bowling entertainment for the community. Fleet Reserve Association Douglas Tudor, ext. 2116 Purpose: a national non-profit lobby serving members of the sea services and protecting their benefits and entitlements. Girl Scouts Sheryl Smith, ext. 6209 Purpose: leadership develop- ment for females starting at kin- dergarten through high school. Keflavik Icebreakers Swim Team Owen Rowlands, ext. 2284 Purpose: to develop swimming skills and competition of ama- teur swimmers of all ages. Society of Creative Anachronism Patricia Hansen, ext. 7345 Purpose: to recreate a living history, the life and dance of the Middle Ages. Keflavik Teen Center Anne Allen, ext. 7400 Purpose: to provide a chaper- oned place for teens to socialize and get together. uso ext. 6113 Purpose: a non-profit organi: tion which utilizes volunteers help promote morale. 4 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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