The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 21.05.1993, Blaðsíða 4

The White Falcon - 21.05.1993, Blaðsíða 4
Local dental tech has good reason to smile Story and photo by J02 Carlos Bongioanni Many people enlist in the military for its educational benefits. Some stay in for one enlistment, qualify for the Montgomery GI Bill and decide to get out to pursue their college aspirations. Others, like DT2 Tina Storm, Administrative Technician at the Branch Dental Clinic, Keflavik, take advantage of the Navy’s Enlisted Com- missioning Program (ECP) to acquire a college degree while on active duty. Storm has been in the Navy’s enlisted ranks for eight years, but for the past three years has sought to make it into a nursing program through the military. She was accepted in the medical ECP after applying twice. “I have always wanted to be in the medical field,” said Storm. “I also wanted to stay in the military, but I decided if I wasn’t accepted this time, I was going to pursue it outside. Fortunately, I was selected. It’s a good oppor- tunity, because the Navy will still pay me my basic pay and allowances while I’m going to school full time.” Although CAPT David Koffler, Officer in Charge, Branch Dental Clinic, Keflavik, said he and his staff will miss the professionalism and quality of service Storm adds to their office, he’s confident the Navy as a whole will benefit more from Storm’s future nursing commis- sion. “She’s a top-notch performer,” said Koffler. “She’s motivated and cares about people. I’m as happy for the Navy as I am for petty officer Storm. She epitomizes the DT2 Storm files records as part of her duties at the Branch Dental Clinic. type of person we want to retain in today’s shrinking military.” Koffler also added that Storm’s eight years of military experience will make her that much more valuable when she enters the nursing coips as an ensign. “She won’t be like some of the younger officers who have a medical degree but aren’t familiar with the military system.” According to Storm, getting a commission is not easy. “A lot of people will quit after getting turned down the first time, but the selection boards are looking for people with perseverance,” said Storm. Contact your (Navy) career counselor or (Air Force) education office for more information on Enlisted Commissioning Programs. Brother, sister meet for first time in nearly 50 years Josepsdottir and Sobodowski enjoy each other's company after finally meeting. (Photo by J02 Carlos Bongioanni) Story by J02 Colleen “Ghostwriter” Casper A look of deep, warm love was exchanged as the two gazed into each other’s eyes. A curious passer-by might have thought the two had known each other for years. In real- ity, quite the opposite was true. What did a 46-year-old American man and a 49-year-old Icelandic woman have in common? Simply enough, they were sib- lings, meeting each other for the first time! Kolbrun Josepsdottir was originally look- ing for her father when she discovered she had a brother. “I was two-years-old in 1946 when my father left Iceland, stating that he would return. He never came back,” Jo- sepsdottir said. “All my life I wondered where my father was and why he never came back to Iceland. When I was 15,1 made my first attempt to contact my father,” Josepsdottir continued. “I wrote to an address given to me by the American Embassy, without any luck. I sent another let- ter and the reply said he had moved to another state.” Thirty-four years later, Josepsdottir discovered that her father had died. Her search continued, this time for relatives. She contacted the Iceland Defense Force (IDF) Public Affairs Office where she met with success. On August 28,1991, LT Joe Quimby, IDF Public Affairs Officer, made some tele- phone calls to the states and was able to help Josepsdottir locate and talk to a previ- ously unknown brother, Joe Sobodowski. “I was warned that my relatives might not want to hear from me, but quite the opposite was true,” Josepsdottir stated. Sobodowski recalled the elation he felt when the call came through from Keflavik, Iceland, “I knew what it was. I was elated, and I cried like a baby. When my sister told me her name was Kolbrun, I bet I said her name a hundred thousand times, it is such a beautiful name.” See UNITED on page 5 4 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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