The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 21.05.1993, Blaðsíða 5

The White Falcon - 21.05.1993, Blaðsíða 5
Chapel youngsters isit deaf home € rfour weeks of practicing, the Pioneer Club 'as ready for their first performance. The Christian group of children ages 5-13 was ready to sing and sign a song for Icelanders at a Reykjavik home for the deaf entitled ‘Our God is an Awesome God.’ The facility is home to four elderly deaf people ages 81 -92. In addition to its occupants, the deaf home hosted several deaf children to enjoy the performance too. Children who performed were happy to share their newly found language with people who actually ‘spoke ’ it. Ashley Richard, age 7, said, “I was happy to be able to make the deaf people smile." Erin Riebe, age 9, said, "It was nice to bring happi- ness to the old people." (Photo by J03 (SW) Andreas Walter) UNITED from page 4 •d: Sobodowski continued, “I immediately felt incredible warmth and love for a person who had been in my mind. I knew I had a ster since I was 13-years-old, but my father >uld not tell me anything about her. I had de several attempts to get in touch with her, but without a name, it was close to impossible. “What gives this story a unique twist was ever since I was a child, I have wanted to visit Iceland. I have studied about Iceland, its people, geography and culture in depth. Kolbrun teases me now because she says I know more about Iceland than she does.” Smiles on their faces and eyes twinkling, they remembered how they called each other daily for the first few months, making up for the lost years. “The first Christmas after we found each other, Joe sent me five Christmas cards. He hoped it made up for all the years he couldn’t send cards,” Josepsdottir stated with fond- ness. Late night conversations upon Sobodowski’s arrival in Iceland lasted into the wee hours of the morning as they contin- ued learning about each other. Josepsdottir discovered th&t Sobodowski loved the cold weather of Iceland, whereas she preferred the wanner climates, like Florida’s. On May 8, after months of correspondence more than $5000 in telephone bills, the o met in person for the first time, in Ice- . Josepsdottir paused and smiled, saying, My relatives and siblings readily accepted Joe as another member of the family, every- The Naval Air Station, Keflavik, Fire Department recently had a chance to test their skills and knowledge when one of three abandoned buildings next to Merchants Bank was set afire, Astvan- dur Eiriksson, Deputy Fire Chief, asks the community to bear with the eyesores. "This is a valuable training tool for ourfire fighters, we just don’ t have fires on this base. The Fire Department thanks the basefor the usage of the build- ings for this vital training." (Photo by J03 (SW) Andreas Walter) one loves him.” Sobodowski stated, “In a way this is like the past, which was a big question mark, brought into the present and tied together, which unites us with the future to go for- ward.” Sobodowski lowered his voice and ear- nestly stated, “ People are the most important thing in the world. Now that I have been able to link up with the person that I have loved all my life, my life feels complete. Now I know what was missing. To be with my sister is one of the most rewarding things I could ever wish for.” The White Falcon 5


The White Falcon

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