Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.05.2002, Page 42

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.05.2002, Page 42
POSTERS / 3 3HD SNC & 2ND SCNN showed a reduced bone circulation in the left leg and hyperaemic soft tissues. Treatment with intermittent local botulinum toxin A and physio- therapy improved the posture of his hand and leg, he was gradually able to walk with an aid but grip function in his left hand is minimal and the arm remains paralysed. His pain responds poorly to medical treatment and transcutanous nerve stimulation therapy. Conclusion: RSD syndrome may be associated with dystoni and can develop months after the initial injury. Awareness of the character- istics and latency of these symptoms and early diagnosis with initiation of treatment may improve outcome. Spinal cord slimula- tion may produce pain relief in these cases. P12 - Proctalgia and Parkinson's disease Örvar KB’, Sveinbjörnsdóttir S2 ‘Pelvic Floor Clinic St. Joseps s, 2Department of Neurology, Landspítalinn - University Hospital Pain in Parkinsons's disease is frequently associated with muscle spasms or dystonia and often improves with adjustments in medical therapy. Proctalgia of various causes is a relatively common complaint in the female population. Frequently the etiology is unkonwn and treatment attempts unsuccessful. In this report we describe proctalgia in three patients with Parkinsons s disease and one patient with Multiple System Atrophy (MSA). All had a normal gynecological examination, vaginal ultrasounds and endoscopic procedures. All patients had severe levator muscle tenderness. Despite extensive diagnostic workup in a referral pelvic floor clinic no etiology was found for the significantly troublesome proc- talgia in these patients. Adjustment in Parkinson's therapy did not improve the symptoms. Conclusion: Despite poor response to Parkinson's therapy we pro- pose that the proctalgia may have been caused by muscle spasms or pelvic dystonia associated with the underlying neurological disease. P13 - Central extrapontine myelinolysis due to polydipsia causing basal ganglia dysfunction with Parkinsonism. A case report Sveinbjörnsdóttir S, Daníelsdóttir G, Benediktsdóttir K Depts. of neurology, rehabilitation and radiology, Landspítali University Hospital, Reykjavík, Iceland. We descripe the case history of a 43 year old woman who in June 2000 developed severe parkinsonism with prominent rigidity, dystonia and somnolence. These symptoms occurred while she was an inpatient in a psychiatric ward because of a manic episode during which she had polydipsia. Prior medical history included several manic episodes in the last 15 years. MRI of the brain showed signal changes in bilateral basal ganglia, in particular in the lentiform nuclei without similar changes in the pons. Her symptoms were initially considered as being side effects from chronic treatment with Lithium but serum sodium concentra- tion was 123 p.mol/1, indication myeliniolysis caused by hypona- termia. Sodium was slowly corrected and her extrapyramidal symp- toms treated with clonazepam. Her symptoms slowly resolved, although minor residual extrapyramidal symptoms were still pre- sent at discharge seven months after the episode. Conclusion: Polydipsia can be the underlying cause of myelinolysis in the cerebrum. Extrapontine myelinolysis is a rare complication but may occur without myelinolysis in the pons and may cause severe extrapyramidal symptoms. P14 - Long-term efficacy and safety of entacapone as an adjunct to levodopa in patients with parkinson's disease and motor fluctuations Larsen JP, Siden Á, Worm-Petersen J, Gordin A, Reinikainen K, Kultalahti E-R Department of Neurology, University of Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway Objective: The COMT inhibitor entaca- pone has been studied in a Nordic, rando- mised, placebo controlled, double-blind study over 6 months. We here report especially the safety results of its extension study; an open, uncontrolled 3-year trial were all patients were administered entaca- pone. Material and methods: Of 152 patients completing the Nordic study, 132 continued in this study. All patients had Parkinson's disease (PD) with motor fluctuations. Enta- capone, 200 mg, was administered with each daily levodopa dose. Efficacy was evaluated by the duration of effect of a single levodopa dose, the UPDRS, and levodopa dosing. Safety was evaluated by adverse events, BP, HR, ECG and laboratory safety analyses. Results: Eighty-six patients (65%) com- pleted the 3-year follow-up. The mean duration of benefit from a single levodopa dose remained prolonged after 3 years of treatment (without and with entacapone, p<0.001). There was no worsening of PD disability scores from baseline in the activities of daily living (ADL). Most patients had the proportion of daily OFF- Table Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Disease 2 yrs 6 yrs 8 yrs 4 yrs duration Pain location perianal perianal perianal perianal Defecation difficult difficult difficult difficult T pain T pain T pain T pain Rectal exam levator levator levator levator tenderness tenderness tenderness tenderness Anorectal poor sphincters poor not done poor manometry poor emptying emptying emptying Defecography rectocele rectocelc not done levator enterocele levator spasm spasm MRI not done L-4-L5 normal not done prolapse Treatment entero/rectocele prolapse medication Fibers operation operation biofeedback biofeedback biofeedback Treatment poor poor poor excellent outcome 42 Læknablaðið/Fylgirit 43 2002/88


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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