Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2002, Page 25

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2002, Page 25
ABSTRACTS / 2 1 ST NORDIC CONGRESS OF ALLERGOLOGY the 2nd 19F-TT immunization or 3 hours after passive immunization with infant sera, the mice were challenged intranasally with Strepto- coccus pneumoniae of serotype 19F or 19A and protection against lung infection evaluated by counting colony forming units (CFU). Immunization with 19F-TT induced significant IgG antibodies to both 19F and 19A, and reduced the number of CFU in lungs compared to unimmunized mice. In infants vaccinated with the 11- valent PNC, IgG anti-19F were significantly higher than IgG anti- 19A, and there was a correlation between IgG 19F- and 19A- antibodies. Passive immunization of mice with infant sera reduced the number of 19F CFU in the lungs. A significant correlation was found between the number of 19F CFU and 19F-specific IgG titers in both infant and murine serum samples. Passive immunization with infant sera also reduced the number of 19A CFU in the lungs significantly compared to unimmunized mice. We conclude that immunization with tetanus-conjugated pneumococcal polysaccha- ride vaccine induces protective 19F-specific antibodies, which may cross-react and protect against serotype 19A infections. P 15 - Nasopharyngeal (NP) carriage of vaccine serotype pneumococci is more common in children who respond poorly to the 11-valent pneumococcal conjugate (Pnc) Sigurðardóttir SÞ', Kristinsson KG', Ingólfsdóttir G', Guðnason Þ', Davíðsdóttir K;, Kjartansson S', Yaich M’, Jónsdóttir I' 'Landspítali University Hospital and 2Centre for Child Health Services, Reykjavík, Iceland, 'Aventis Pasteur, Lyon, France. We have previously reported equal safety and immunogenicity of two 11-valent Pnc formulations. Here we compare the serotype- specific IgG response in children carrying vaccine serotypes (VT) in the nasopharynx to that in children with no positive culture for the serotype in question. Methods: 146 Icelandic infants received Pnc at 3,4,6 and 13 mo. NP samples were cultured at 4, 7,10,14,18 and 24 mo. Antibodies to VT were measured by ELISA at 3, 7, 13, 14 and 24 mo. Un- vaccinated controls of 105 children, matched for age and day-care centre, were recruited at 24 mo for NP culturing and pneumococcal antibody measurements. Results: Of the 146 vaccinated infants, 14, 20 and 29 infants, respectively, had positive NP cultures for Pnc serotypes 6B, 19F and 23F, at least once between 4 and 24 mo. These infants had lower post-primary and post-booster vaccination IgG (mg/ml GMC) compared to the vaccinated infants with negative NP cultures at each visit (t-test). Vaccinees had higher GMC-IgG levels to the vaccine serotypes at 24 mo of age compared to the controls but at that time no difference was observed in NP carriage of pneumo- cocci. Conclusion: Infants who responded poorly to the Pnc conjugate vaccine were more often colonized with vaccine serotypes indica- ting mucosal protection of serotype-specific IgG. Prevention of NP colonization or eradication of NP pathogens may to some extent depend on IgG concentration in serum. An effective pneumococcal conjugate vaccine may decrease NP colonization of pneumococci and therefore decrease pneumococcal disease. P 16 - Prevalence of Atopy and Atopic diseases in lcelandic Schoolchildren Clausen M1, Björkstén B2, Haraldsson Á', Kristjánsson S' 'Landspítali University Hospital, Reykjavík, Iceland; 2Center for Allergy Research, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Background: The prevalence of adult atopic diseases in Iceland is lower than in Western Europe but there are no data concerning children. Objective: To investigate the prevalence of atopic diseases and sensitivity to common allergens, in 10-11 year old schoolchildren as part of the phase-2 of the International Study of Asthma and Ailergy in Children (ISAAC). Methods: 946 children answered a questionnaire about atopic diseases. Skin prick tests (SPT) with 6 allergens were performed on 775 children and they were also examined for signs of atopic eczema. Results: The prevalence of allergic rhinitis was 11% and asthma 9%. The reported prevalence to eczema was 26.9%, but only 10.3% had signs when inspected. A positive SPT was recorded in 24.9% of the children, i.e. 18.7% to grasses, 12.9% to cat, 3.6 to trees, 2.9% to D. pter, 1.4% to D. farinae and 0.5% to alternaria. Conclusion: The high prevalence of atopic diseases in children at 10-11 years is surprising as the prevalence in adults is very low in Iceland. The findings resemble those in developing countries. Other changes in environmental factors would be operative, however, as Iceland has had an affluent lifestyle for a considerable time. The high prevalence of sensitivity to grass pollen may be explained by the long grass pollen season and low exposure to other allergens on the island. Læknablaðið/Fylgirit 46 2002/88 25


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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