Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 3
The Organizing Committee: Sigurður Júlíusson, Hannes Petersen, Ingibjörg Hinriksdóttir and
Þórir Bergmundsson.
Dear colleagues and guests
On behalf of the Icelandic Ear-Nose and Throat Association, we sincerely welcome
you to the XXIX Congress of the Nordic Association of Otolaryngology.
It was fifteen years ago, we last held this conference in Iceland and are certain it is
still fresh in the memory of us who attended. Fifteen years is a long time when look-
ing into the future, but looking back, it seems like only yesterday that we assembled
together at that time.
What do we hope to gain from a conference like this?
Above all else, we hope to gain new knowledge and insight, to feel the current
heartbeat of our field of work and share with each other our discoveries and exper-
tise. This, we do in a formal way, but equally it is important to exchange thoughts,
opinions and listen for methods, as we strengthen the collaboration in research,
education and the treatment of our patients. We must not forget the importance of
reuniting with old friends, exchanging news and enjoying each others company at the
dinner table. Last but not least, many participants use the opportunity to travel, to get
to know the countryside a little better and meet the people of the nation.
In all this, the desire and the atmosphere of acquiring more knowledge will sur-
round us. Half-life of knowledge is short these days and much of what was perceived
to be truth in 1990 may now be considered old science and obsolete. Therefore, it
is important to approach new available information with an open mind, evaluate it
for ourselves and then choose from the smorgasbord of knowledge being offered us,
those things we judge to benefit our patients the most.
The program of the conference is very diverse, the basis thereof being the work of
science, executed in the Nordic countries. We are also privileged to have amongst us
other great guests, who will present to us the latest development in otolaryngology
outside of Scandinavia.
It is our heartfelt wish that this conference will be both informative and pleasant
for you, whilst you enjoy the best of what our country has to offer.
Fylgirit 51, 91. árg. Júní 2005
Hlíðasmári 8, 201 Kópavogi
Læknafélag Islands
Læknafélag Reykjavíkur
Læknafélög: 564 4100
Læknablaðið: 564 4104
Bréfsími (fax): 564 4106
Læknablaðið á netinu
www. laeknabladid. is
Emil Sigurðsson
Hannes Petersen
Jóhannes Björnsson
Karl Andersen
Ragnheiður Inga Bjarnadóttir
Vilhjálmur Rafnsson ábm.
Védís Skarphéðinsdóttir
Auglýsingastjóri og ritari
Brynja Bjarkadóttir
Þröstur Haraldsson
Upplag þessa heftis 1.800
Áskrift 6.840,- m.vsk.
Lausasala 700,- m.vsk.
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Steinhellu 10
221 Hafnarfirði
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Skemmuvegi 8m
200 Kópavogi
ISSN: 0254-1394
The Organizing Committee
Fylgirit 51 2005/91 3