Iðnaðarmál - 01.04.1968, Blaðsíða 14

Iðnaðarmál - 01.04.1968, Blaðsíða 14
J \ Sownc nwnjor OECD CommitÉees ... and cxamplcs «í* * tlie rcports and studies inidaled by lliem v r Eeonomiv Policy CommiÉtee A major forum for reviewing. current economic trends and prospects, exchanging ideas and, when necessary, advising on appropriate courses of action. Meetings of the Committee, which take place several times a yeaf, bring together top-level officials directly concerned with economic and financial policy formulation. More continuous and detailed scrutiny is ensured by the work of three specialised Working Parties, dealing respect- ively with problems of the balance of payments, economic growth, and cost and price stability. Trade Commitice, Committcc for tnrisiMv Transartions \ OECD's Trade Committee, in pursJance of the objective of extending world trade on a multilateral non-diœriminatory basis, considers problems confronting Member countries in their trade relations with each other and with third countries. The Committee also keeps the Organisation in touch with the work of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). índustry Conunittee. Tncrtjij Conunittec The Industry Committee and the Special Committees for Iron and Steel, Textiles, Chemical Products, Machinery, and Pulp and Paper are responsible for studying and discussing industrial problems which require co-operation among Member governments. A similar role, in their specific fields, is played by the Energy Committee and the Special Committee for Oil. Among reports and studies published : • OECD Economic Outlook : a twice-yearly detailed survey of economic trends and prospects over the coming year or so, for individual coun- tries and the industria/ised wor/d as a who/e ; examines the situation regarding demand, output. cost and prices, and foreign trade. • Economic Growth, 1960-1970 : a mid- decade review of the achievement so far and of the prospects for fulfilling the aim of raising the combined output of OECD countries by 50 per cent during the decade (September 1966). • Policies for Prices, Profits and other Non-Wage Incomes : a study of the prob/ems involved when an incomes policy is applied not only to wages and sa/aries. but to other incomes as we/l. • The Balance of Payments Adjustment Process : discusses the means whereby dis- equilibria may be kept within /imits and e/iminated with reasonab/e speed. • OECD Economic Surveys : reports drawn up following the annual examination of the economic trends of each Member country and Yugoslavia; each study is accompanied by a commentary on the policy measures applied. • Techniques of Economic Forecasting new methods uti/ised by the public administra- tions of certain Member countries to improve the precision of short-term economic forecasting. • Main Economic Indicators : bring together comparable data (gross figures and figures adjusted for seasona/ variations) which provide a very precise basis for assessing economic trends in each of the OECD Member countries. Many charts il/ustrate the trends by sector or by subject and faci/itate comparisons between countries. • Policies for Economic Growth and Poli- cies for Price Stability : ana/ysis of the instruments avai/ab/e to public authorities in maintaining the general level of demand whi/e avoiding risks of inflation; the main emphasis is on incomes policies. • Statistics of National Accounts. • Foreign Trade Statistics Bulletin. Manpoawr and Soriai Af/airs (onuniUiH* An active manpower policy, advocated by OECD as a means for promotion of economic and social progress, includes measures to facilitate the occu- pational and geographical adaptation of workers to the continually chang- ing needs of the economy, to absorb disadvantaged groups into gainful occupations, and to create employment opportunities in labour surplus areas. The Manpower and Social Affairs Committee is the OECD body in which ideas and experience of the different countries in this field are discussed. Among reports and studies published • Manpower Policy and Problems : com- prehensive and critical studies of individual Member countries. 0 Workers' Attitudes to Technical Change : a survey of sociological literature about the vvorker's occupational role and the factors that influence his attitude towards sdciety and eco- nomic and technical change. • Office Automation : human and admi- nistrative problems : the use of computers in office work is becoming more widespread every year; detailed planning of installation technigues and manpower policies is essential to ensure efficient utilisation of this equipment. • The Requirements of Automated Jobs : the consequences on professional and human The Committee for Invisible Transactions is concerned with liberalising international capital movements — direct investment, portfolio investments, credits and loans, the purchase of property and personal transfers such as inheritance ; and current invisible operations — transfers of interest and profits, royalties, tourist expenses, etc. Among other Committees in the field of international trade and payments are the Fiscal Committee, Insurance Committee, Committee of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices, Tourism Committee, Maritime Transport Committee. Among reports and studies pub/ished : 0 Energy Policy, Problems and Objectives : the next fifteen to twenty years will be a period of great change for the energy industry. Govern- ments have a responsibility to ensure that energy demands are met in the best possible way in the light of cost and convenience to customers. • Oil Today. • Provisional Oil Statistics by Quarters. • The Gas Industry. • The Electricity Supply Industry. • The Textile Industry in OECD Countries. • The Hides a.nd Skins Industry. • Pulp and Paper. • The Cement Industry. • The Non-Ferrous Metals Industry. * Among reports and studies pub/ished : • Report on the Improvement of Capital Markets : a new survey covering formation of savings. the functioning of financia/ markets. links between national financial markets, inter- sectoral flow of funds, enterprise financing. security issues. etc. 0 Guide to Legislation on Restrictive Busi- ness Practices in Europe and North America : contains all the legislation relating to restrictive business practices in OECD Member countries and EEC, authoritative commenlaries by official specialists. a selection of administrative and court decisions and bibliographical information. • Fiscal Incentives for Private Investment in Developing Countries. • Draft Double Taxation Convention on Income and Capital. • Tourism in OECD Member Countries, Annual Report. • Maritime Transport Committee Annual Report. • Code of Liberalisation of Current Invi- sible Operations. • Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements. * Reports are regular/y produced on all main industria/ sectors covered by the Special Com- mittees noted above. Among them may be mentioned : 0 The Situation in the Shipbuilding Industry. • The Chemical Industry. 0 The Engineering Industries in North America, Europe and Japan. • The Iron and Steel Industry. • Timber Statistics. Other pubiications dealing with aspects of indus- try include : • Modern Management : principles and practices f5th editionj. • Market Research by Trade Associations : a practical guide for trade associations on how to organise and undertake market research. • Guide to European Sources of Technical Information : a complete directory of present sources of technical information in Europe. • Setting up your Company’s Technical Information Service. • Structure of Industrial Research Associa- tions. leve/s of the introduction of aulomated jobs V and the factors which must be taken into consi- deration. 0 Technical Change and Manpower Plan- ning : co-ordination at enterprise level : a series of case-studies in eight countries. 0 The Public Employment Service and Management. • Accelerated Vocationa! Training for Adults : a comparative study carried out in Belgium. France. the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. 0 Employment of special groups : Job Rede- sign, Training Methods, Placement Techniques for Older Workers and Women Workers. • The Foreign Worker : Adaptation to Industrial Work and Urban Life. • Demographic Trends, 1965-1980, in West- ern Europe and North America. FOR INFORMATION FREE OF CHARGE ON OECD PUBLICATIONS PLEASE USE THIS CARD Toutes les publications de l'OCDE paraissent en deux éditions, l'une en anglais, l'autre en franpais. Si vous désirez recevoir la documentation en langue franpaise, veuillez en faire mention sur la carte-réponse. Snæbjörn Jónsson & Co. h. f. Hafnarstræti 9, P.O. Box 1131, REYKJAVIK



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