Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2015, Qupperneq 12

Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2015, Qupperneq 12
Media | Hello? Watching the watchmen Preliminary results from said report, due this autumn, show that little to no progress has been made in Iceland or worldwide. The Global Media Monitor- ing Project—the international watchdog organisation behind it—released a press release detailing “an increase of just 1% from five years ago when only 24% of the people heard or read about in print, radio and television news were female.” GMMP was established two decades ago, and conducts a one-day survey ev- ery five years. It examines women’s role in news in numerous countries, using a strict set of tools to interpret their repre- sentation as reporters, hosts, interview- ees, subjects and more. Their 2010 report included Iceland as one of the surveyed countries, and the results revealed the dearth of improvement in the years since the Ministry of Education’s report. We met up with Valgerður Anna Jóhannsdóttir, the person responsible for Iceland’s contribution to the GMMP. Her small office smelled like old papers, its shelves were stuffed with books and journals, and her desk was similarly clut- tered with newspapers, magazines, and student essays. Valgerður has twenty years of expe- rience as a reporter for print, radio and television. She quickly rose through the ranks to become a supervisor, but said she struggled to balance shift work with fam- ily life, and contemplated dropping out, but somehow couldn’t imagine herself not working in media. In 2008, she found a happy medium, becoming an adjunct lecturer at the University of Iceland, where she leads the master’s programme in journalism. She showed me her initial results for Iceland, which show that the total number of women writing, being inter- viewed or otherwise the subject of news is down to 24% from 27% in 2010. Ad- ditionally, 28% of news was reported by women compared to 33% in 2010, and women were the subject of news in only 20% of the cases, compared to 28% five years earlier. Valgerður said that the final numbers might come out a little differ- ently, but the fact of the matter couldn’t be clearer: women’s presence in media is diminishing. No clear answers in sight Valgerður noted that there were many theories behind why the number was so low this year both for Iceland and other countries. The survey was conducted on the same day in March that the Ger- manwings pilot Andreas Lubitz crashed a plane into the Alps, so news outlets all over the world were busy interviewing airline CEOs, air-traffic controllers, and pilots, most of whom are male. And lo- cally, labour and wage disputes made a lot of headlines in March, which meant union leaders, most of whom are male, were heavily represented. Having said that, Valgerður didn’t believe those were valid excuses for this stagnation over the past five years. “It’s ob- viously not the case that wom- en aren’t doing n e w s w o r t h y things,” she said. “Instead, there’s something about how reporters work that makes them reach out to men rather than women.” Valgerður pointed out how stud- ies have shown that the general public more readily trusts men and their nar- rative, while women face much more scrutiny when they step into the spot- light. That’s not to say that men are more reliable, however, as Valgerður said they’re often simply less hesitant to speak when they possess an incomplete picture, while women prefer to prepare themselves and have the right answers. In an environment where an increas- ing amount of news happens online— where speed is of the essence—it’s easy to see why many would justify just going straight to a confident man for answers. “One could debate whether it’s really to the article’s benefit to reach someone willing to speak before they think,” Val- gerður said. “If women take longer com- ing up with a more accurate answer, then that might actually benefit the article.” Navel-gazing Statistics Iceland stated at the end of 2014 that 45% of the media profession was made up of women, and yet these women don’t seem to be getting their bylines at- tached to articles in equal measure, being stuck behind the same glass ceil- ing as fourteen years ago. Valgerður doesn’t have a sim- ple solution, other than hiring more women into newsrooms, and interviewing more women. She didn’t lay the onus on re- porters to make that change happen; instead she believes management and owners of media companies need to take responsibility. At present, both state-owned RÚV and private media corporation 365 have stated in their official policies that they wish to be more egalitarian, and Valgerður believes that’s where improvements need to be made. “Journalists face tremendous pres- sure and stress in their day-to-day jobs in delivering God knows how many news stories a day, and they routinely get very little support,” Valgerður said. “When there is demand for greater productivity but fewer people to meet it, the quality invariably suffers. Upper management needs to follow through with their lofty promises.” Valgerður said that although she feels like women aren’t coming any closer to breaking through the glass ceiling, she would still like to believe that change is possible. “The attitudes fuelling the present status quo are deeply rooted, and tackling them will involve facing a lot of our own preconceived notions.” Back in the first quarter of 2001, Iceland’s Ministry of Education released an extensive report on women in media. Through wide-ranging surveys that exam- ined a whole week of TV broadcasts and printed media, the report detailed how women were seen and heard much less than men, only appearing in 30% of prime- time broadcasts, and only speaking in 15% of them. Fourteen years later, little has changed, according to an upcoming international report. Words by Gabríel Benjamin Photo by Hörður Sveinsson 12 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 12 — 2015 Binders, Not Papers, Full Of Women Well Documented Inequality Women’s role, visibility, and inequal- ity in media in Iceland has been ex- amined in numerous academic pa- pers. Here is a short list of some of the highlights from the past few years. • Nanna Árnadóttir’s 2011 thesis “Strength in Numbers?” showed how the newsroom hierarchy greatly favoured men over women, that all news outlets employed more men than women, and that state-run RÚV had a more egalitarian structure than privately owned Morgunblaðið. • Sunna Stefánsdóttir’s 2013 thesis “Bág staða íslenskra blaðakvenna” (“Poor Situation of Female Icelan- dic Journalists”) found women to be writing significantly fewer articles than men were, and that they had less opportunity to write stories about certain topics, such as sports, busi- ness and politics. • Arnhildur Hálfdánardóttir’s 2014 thesis “Aðgengi eða áhugi?” (“Acces- sibility or Interest?”) showed how women’s work was given less weight than that made by their male coun- terparts. It also revealed men’s perva- sive blindness to their own privilege through qualitative research. • Kristín Ósk Elíasdóttir and Ragnheiður Hera Gísladóttir’s 2015 thesis “Eru karlar sýnilegri en konur í fjölmiðlum?” (“Are Men More Visible than Women in Media?”) revealed that women made up 30% or less of those reporting or being reported on in print media over a period of seven weekdays. Follow developments on the 2015 GMMP on “The attitudes fuel- ling the present sta- tus quo are deeply rooted, and tackling them will involve facing a lot of our own preconceived notions.” rauða húsið r e s t a u r a n tEyrarbakka “Very good food, excellent service and a very friendly restaurant.” “Amazing seafood in this little town...” “Not to be missed. Food fabulous and staff wonderful ... This spot is worth the trip to the small village alone.” Búðarstígur 4, 820 Eyrarbakki • tel. 483-3330 open for lunch & dinner 7 days a week 1 1 Selfoss Hveragerði Eyrarbakki to Blue Lagoon ca. 50 min. to Reykjavík ca. 45 min. to Þingvellir, Gullfoss, Geysir ca. 45-60 min. 39 “One of the best restaurants in Iceland. Fresh lobster, amazing cod fi sh!!”
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