Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2015, Blaðsíða 43

Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2015, Blaðsíða 43
Ticket sale in Hallgrímskirkja s. 510 1000 -, Hallgrímssöfnuður, Reykjavík Reykjavíkurprófastsdæmi vestra Kirkjumálasjóður Sponsors: Friday August 14th 12.15-13.45 pm and 5 pm 12.15 pm KING SOLOMON: A MICROFORUM The microforum takes place in relation with the performance of Handel’s oratorio Solomon at the Festival of Sacred Arts 2015, consisting of three microlectures in Icelandic. Free admittance and everyone is welcome to attend. 5 pm OPENING OF THE FESTIVAL Opening of a new exhibition of the Icelandic painter Helgi Thorgils Fridjonsson, Baroque group-dancing to music by Handel, The Hague International Baroque Orchestra and the Hallgrimskirkja Motet Choir, conductor Hordur Askelsson. Free admittance. Saturday August 15th 7 pm Sunday August 16th 16 pm SOLOMON by G. F. Handel - Oratorio in three acts Performers: Robin Blaze countertenor, Solomon. Thora Einarsdottir soprano, Solomon’s queen and first woman. Sigridur Osk Kristjansdottir mezzosoprano, Queen of Sheba and second woman. Benedikt Kristjansson tenor, High priest Zadoc and messenger. Oddur Arnthor Jonsson bass, Levite. The Hallgrimskirkja Motet Choir. The Hague International Baroque Orchestra, lead by Tuomo Suni, Finland. Conductor: Hordur Askelsson Sunday August 16th 11 pm HIGH MASS Schola cantorum, chamber choir of Hallgrimskirkja, conductor Horður Askelsson, The Hague International Baroque Orchestra and the Klais organ. Monday August 17th 9 pm NEW DIMENSIONS OF THE KLAIS-ORGAN Young electronic musicians explore the magnificent Klais organ, using it’s new technological equipment and it’s 5273 pipes to create a musical experience. Tuesday August 18th 8 pm BAROQUE CONCERT- “HANDEL AT HOME” The celebrated Icelandic baroque group Nordic affect with Ian Wilson recordist from London and Tuomu Suni violinist from Finland and three Icelandic singers. A program showing a more subtle side of the composer G.F. Handel, as opposed to the magnificence of the oratorio Solomon. Wednesday August 19th 12.00 – 12.30 noon LUNCHTIME CONCERT: HEAR HEAVEN´S MAKER Schola cantorum chamber choir of Hallgrímskirkja. Conductor: Hordur Askelsson. Thursday August 20th 8 & 10 pm DOUBLE CONCERT AT THE KLAIS ORGAN 8 pm The world famous Olivier Latry, organist at Notre Dame in Paris, plays a solo recital. 10 pm Olivier Latry plays a four-handed version of Stravinsky’s Le Sacré de Printemps along with his wife Shin-Young Lee. Friday August 21st 5 pm and 8 pm KING’S MEN CAMBRIDGE 5 pm Evensong with King’s Men. 8 pm Concert with King’s Men. The King’s Men sing a varied program, conducted by Stephen Cleobury, renowned conductor of King’s College Choir, Cambridge. Saturday August 22nd 3 − 9 pm REYKJAVÍK CULTURAL NIGHT - FEAST OF HYMNS Various Icelandic and foreign choirs and soloists, electronic artists and more, including King’s Men Cambridge, Schola cantorum and the Hallgrimskirkja Motet Choir. Amongst other a premiere of 5 new psalms by 10 Icelandic women composers and poets in connection with the 100 years celebrations of Icelandic women voting rights this year. Sunday August 23rd 11 am and 17 pm 11 am HIGH MASS The bishop of Iceland, Agnes M. Sigurdardottir, and King’s Men, the Klais organ and more. 5 pm FINAL CONCERT: DEO DICAMUS GRATIAS Chamber choir Schola cantorum, conductor Hordur Askelsson. Amongst other the premiére of Missa semplice for solo soprano, harp and mixed choir by John A. Speight. FIRE FROM HEAVEN FESTIVAL OF SACRED ARTS Hallgrimskirkja - August 14 - 23 2015
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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