Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2015, Blaðsíða 65

Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2015, Blaðsíða 65
Sushi Samba Þingholtsstræti 5 • 101 Reykjavík Tel 568 6600 • Our kitchen is open 17.00–23.00 sun.–thu. 17.00–24.00 fri.–sat. Amazing 7 course menu A unique Icelandic Feast Starts with a shot of the Icelandic national spirit “Brennivín“ Puffin Smoked puffin with blueberries, croutons, goat cheese, beetroot Minke whale Date purée, wakame and teriaky Arctic charr “Torched“ arctic charr with parsnip purée, fennel, dill mayo Lobster Lobster cigar with chorizo, dates, chili jam Reindeer Reindeer slider with blue cheese, portobello, steamed bun Free range icelandic lamb Lamb with coriander, pickled red cabbage, fennel, butternut squash purée, chimichurri And to end on a high note ... Icelandic Skyr Skyr panna cotta with raspberry sorbet, white chocolate crumble, passion foam, dulche de leche 7.590 kr. FOOD FOR THE SOUL we smelled the dry wine and identified its ingredients, rolled it across our tongues several times and, finally, spat it out or swallowed it. I chose to swallow. In fact, I continued swallowing as we went through all the different wines on the curriculum, while somehow miraculously keeping a straight face. Jóhann kept scrolling through his en- gaging presentation, filling us up with in- formation and more and more wine. And more wine. We went from champagne, to white wines, to red wines, always repeating the same wine tasting procedures we were taught at the beginning. We were all cap- tivated by our own professionalism, and gracefully raised our glasses in a toast to ourselves. How charming. I was well into my fifth glass of wine when I felt my face flush with heat and redness, my hand felt sloppy when writ- ing in my journal and I started stammer- ing when asking questions. I somehow managed to regain self-control just as the wine took me over for good. This is likely thanks to my cunning tactic of foregoing my swallowing ways in lieu of spitting out the subsequent subjects—it was the only way out for me. But most of the students weren’t there as journalists and slowly but surely the Wine School’s generosity started working against the school’s pur- ported pedagogy, the class slowly growing loud, drunk and unfocused, as Icelanders getting their drink on are wont to. Lesson learned At the Wine School, we not only learned the procedure of tasting the wine, but also the lesson also touched upon history, philosophy and ideology. It was quite an in-depth course that truly enlightened me. Today, I can confidently impress my friends by delivering fancy-sounding words like “terroir” and refer to certain type of grapes in casual conversation. Jóhann certainly seems to know every- thing there is to know about wine, and, like the best teachers, employed that knowledge to not only educate, but to en- tertain. Not to mention: I learned what the whole deal with tasting the wine at a res- taurant is all about. The idea isn’t to see if you “like” the wine you ordered—rather you are being given a chance to deter- mine whether it might be damaged or not. Most people will certainly be able to tell if the wine is faulty. If you just don’t like the taste, don’t send the waiter to fetch you another vintage. Rather, learn how to choose your wine in advance. Go to Wine School! Wine School is for: Anyone wanting to expand their knowledge of wine, by drinking copious amounts of the stuff. What’s interesting about Wine School? It’s hands-on. You learn about the most popular wines, their grapes, regions, the process of making wine and how to properly taste it. What to expect from Wine School? Knowledge and confidence, as your lips rest on the edge of a wineglass. How much do tuition fees run you? 5,900 ISK Where to find it: should provide the information you need. Vínskólinn offer courses in English—an easy way to get in touch is by emailing jarthrudur.asmundsdottir@
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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