Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.10.2015, Blaðsíða 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.10.2015, Blaðsíða 8
List of licenced Tour Operators and Travel Agencies on: Licensing and registration of travel- related services The Icelandic Tourist Board issues licences to tour operators and travel agents, as well as issuing registration to booking services and information centres. Tour operators and travel agents are required to use a special logo approved by the Icelandic Tourist Board on all their advertisements and on their Internet website. Booking services and information centres are entitled to use a Tourist Board logo on all their material. The logos below are recognised by the Icelandic Tourist Board. OPEN 7-21 BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER In 2011, a teacher named Þórarinn Hannesson established the Poetry House (“Ljóðasetur”) in Siglufjörður, a small fishing hamlet up north. Its operations have been mostly funded by the founder himself, with the help of various private donors. The largest of those, a local sav- ings bank, was recently taken over by a much larger banking institution, Arion Bank. Shortly after, Þórarinn learned that Arion Bank is not particularly inter- ested in sponsoring the Poetry House in Siglufjörður. Do poets need money? I thought they lived on souls and human happiness. You are thinking of the Dementors, the Harry Potter baddies. The Poetry House is entirely run by volunteers, so it’s clear the bank wasn’t saving millions of krónur by cutting off the funding. Nope, the now-discontinued grant totalled 2,100 Euros per annum. For a small organi- zation, that kind of money goes a long way. For an institution like Arion Bank, that’s the sorta money they use to stuff the cushions on the CEO’s personal lava- tory. In the first half of 2015, Arion Bank made a profit of 135 million Euros. And, as we’ve learned, none of those Euros will go towards running the Poetry House in a small northern Icelandic town. With that amount of money you could stuff the CEO's toilet seat and make some sort of crazy mechanism that somehow uses gold coins to flush. Which makes the bank's reluctance to support the Poetry House that much more annoying, especially since the bank's namesake is a legendary ancient Greek poet. Þórarinn Hannesson and other townspeople recently renovated an old house to serve as a museum of Ice- landic poetry, and a venue for readings. It is not a very expensive institution to run, but as a teacher, entrusted with the Iceland’s youth, rather than its ones and zeroes, Þórarinn is not exactly the kind of person who can afford to light his Cuban cigars with five hundred Euro bills. Very much unlike the CEO of Arion Bank, Höskuldur H. Ólafsson, who brought home well over 350,000 Euros last year. You need a big sofa for that many cushions. You can flush a lot of poop with that many gold coins. Icelandic financial institutions have a fairly long history of supporting Icelan- dic art and culture. Banks in Iceland have traditionally decorated their outposts and offices with paintings and sculptures by local artists. After the 2008 financial crash, it was pointed out that when com- bined, the art collections of the three main banks amounted to one of Iceland’s biggest museums. Considering those institutions’ collective fuck-ups, it's a wonder they haven't used the paintings as toilet paper by now. Banks all over the world patronize the arts, but Iceland does not have a great selection of private institutions and/or persons of wealth to look to for patron- age. Therefore, Iceland’s banks have his- torically been been especially prominent supporters of arts and culture. During the bubble years, many Icelandic artists, arts collectives and cultural organiza- tions were funded in part or in full by the nation’s blossoming banking institutions, in what were commonly considered fairly benevolent PR strategies. In general, art- ists and writers do not make a lot of mon- ey, but they do have relatively easy access to media. Thus, when banks tossed a few thousand Euros their way, they usually received more than their money's worth in terms of favourable media coverage. You can't trust them. When poets thought Voldemort was going to win, they joined his side. You’re still thinking of Dementors. We are mostly not talking about Dementors. Anyway. Those public relations exercises were relatively benign. Before the crash, Landsbankinn and its owners gained a reputation as benevolent patrons of the arts. After the collapse, their reputation plummeted as quickly as their stock mar- ket value. Two events have become par- ticularly notorious. I love stories of money-crazed bankers. Did they force painters to act as footstools in their rich person saunas? Were poets made to scrub banker taint? The people who got rich during the Ice- landic Bubble were not sophisticated enough for that kind of debauchery. These were businessmen from a commu- nity of a few hundred thousand people who suddenly found themselves rolling in money. They were small-town people who got rich and never quite outgrew that classy small-town way of maximal thinking. The two events both involved Björgólfur Guðmundsson, one of the owners of Landsbankinn and its chair- man, wanting to avoid embarrassment. In 2004, the bank opened a facility with free studios. It was managed by a gallery, Kling & Bang. During the opening, the gallery was supposed to be represented by artist Snorri Ásmundsson. However, since he had been convicted of a few pet- ty crimes in his youth, the chairman was worried that it would be bad for his image to be seen in such foul company. And nowadays it would be bad for the image of the petty criminal to be seen in the chairman's company. The other event was when a large book publisher owned by Björgólfur Guð- mundsson published a book, by histo- rian Guðmundur Magnússon, about the family of the bank chairman's wife. The book contained a section about her former marriage to George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, who manages to make for even more embarrassing company than a bank chairman. The entire first edi- tion, which contained the offending chapter, was destroyed, and a new edi- tion was published which barely men- tioned Rockwell. I suppose it is only fitting that a Nazi ex-husband would be the cause of a secret book burning. So What's This I Keep Hearing About Some Bank Cutting Off Poets, Denying Them Precious Money? Literature | Finance I C E L A N D 4 D U M M I E S Words by Kári Tulinius Illustration by Lóa Hjálmtýsdóttir 8 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 16 — 2015 Iceland’s National Church, Þjóðkirkjan, has been on a lot of folks’ minds this month, after the spotlight was shone on the “free- dom of conscience” exemption that ministers have if they want to refuse to marry a same-sex couple for personal religious reasons. Crit- ics charge that the exemption is unconstitutional, with the National Queer Organisation announcing that they are considering taking the State to court over the matter. The church has countered that it is unlikely that any minister would refuse to marry a same-sex couple, and in a poll of 131 ministers conducted by Fréttablaðið, only two said they would evoke the exemption. One of our most popular stories of late highlighted that literally thousands of foreigners are need- ed to fill jobs, both existing and yet to come, in the tourism industry. This estimate is itself based on estimates, though, as it is predicted that some 1.5 million people will visit Iceland next year. That’s about five times the actual population of the country. Maybe we should kill two birds with one stone and just hire tourists for the jobs? Only time will tell. Everybody loves skyr. Some people love skyr so much that they go around calling things skyr that clearly aren’t skyr. Arla, a Swed- ish company, has been marketing a product they refer to as “skyr” in Scandinavia, even evoking quaint rural Icelandic imagery for their TV spots. None too pleased with this, Iceland Dairies filed an injunction against Arla to stop using the word “skyr” to describe the product. And, they won. By the time you read this, every Arla product that claims an as- sociation with skyr should be com- pletely off the shelves in Finland. Pahoillani, Suomi! Whaling season has come to a close again. In all, 184 whales—29 minke whales and 155 fin whales— were hunted. So it goes. By Paul Fontaine NEWS IN BRIEF
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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