Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1960, Síða 122
Verzlunarskýrslur 1959
Tafla IV B (frh.). Útfluttar vörur árið 1959, eftir vörutegundum.
612- 02 Aktygi og reiðtygi saddlery and other harness makers
goods ...............................................
613 Loðskinn verkuð /urs, dressed or dresscd-and-dyed ...
613- 01 Loðskinn unnin, en ósaumuð/urs, dressed or dressed-and-
dyed, nol made up into articles of clothing .........
a. Gœrur sútaðar sheep skins, tanned ..... 5 628 stk.
b. Gœrusneplar sútaðir snips of sheep skins, tanned ....
65 Garn, álnavara, vefnaðarmunir o. þ. h.........
Textile yarn, fabrics, madc-up articles and related
651 Garn og tvinni yarn and thread...........................
651-02 Gam úr ull og hári yarn of wool and hair..............
a. Ullarband wool yarn ..............................
653 Almenn álnavara úr öðru en baðmull textile fa-
brics of standard type (nol including narrow and special
fabrics), other than cotton fabrics .................
653-02 Ullarvefnaður wollen and worsted fabrics (including fa-
brics offine hair)...................................
655 Sérstæðar vefnaðarvörur special textile fabrics and
related products.....................................
655- 06 Kaðall og seglgarn og vörur úr því cordage, cables, ropes,
twines and manufactures thereof (fishing nels, ropemakers’
Fiskinet fishing nets .............................
656 Tilbúnir munir að öllu eða mestu úr vefnaði
ót. a. made-up articles wholly or chiefly of textile materials,
n. e. s. (other than clothing and footwear)..........
656- 03 Ábreiður, ferðateppi, veggteppi o. þ. h. blankets, travelling
rugs and coverlets of all materials .................
Ullarteppi wollen rugs and blankets ...............
66 Vörur úr ómálmkenndum jarðefnum ót. a.........
Non-metallic mineral manufacturcs, n. e. s.
661 Kalk, sement og unnin byggingarefni (nema gler-
og leirvörur) limey cement and fabricated building mate-
rials.except glas and clay materials.................
661-02 Sement cement.........................................
666 Leirsmíðamunir pottery...................................
666-02 Borðbúnaður og aðrir búsyslu- og listmunir úr steinungi
table and other household (including hotel and restaurant)
and articles of faience orfine earthenware ..........
a. Leirmunir ýmiss konar ............................
1 2 3
Tonn 1000 lcr. Meðalverð
0,1 6
11,7 531
11,7 531
5,8 523 *) 92,93
5,9 8 1,36
3,2 196
1,7 195
1,7 195 114,71
1.5 1
1,5 1
1,5 1
200,0 39
200,0 39
200,0 39
7 Vélar og flutningatæki ............................. 0,5 14
Machincry and transport equipment
71 Vélar aðrar en rafmagnsvélar....................... - -
Machinery other than electric
712 Landbúnaðarvélar agricultural machinery and imple-
ments .................................................. - ”
712-03 Mjólkurvélar milking machines, cream separators and other
dairy-farm equipment ................................... - -
1) Hvert stk. each