Jökull - 01.12.1969, Blaðsíða 93
Fig. 9.
Ice reconnais-
sance flight
May 29, 1968.
24° 22° 20° 18° 16° 14° 12° 10°
2!,/b Ice reconnaissance by SIF: l'he condi-
tions are shown on Fig. 9.
31/5 Coast Guard Vessel reports: Ordinary
shipping route from Stokksnes to Dalatangi is
mostly free from ice. Considerable ice is still
at the coast and in the fjords, especially in
Reyðarfjörður and Eskifjörður.
JUNE 1968
During the first half of the rnonth the ice
receded frorn the SE and E coasts of Iceland.
Already in the evening of the lst the south
edge of the ice ivas reported off Glettinganes
moving rapidly northwards. Sorne ice however,
remained at the shore and in the ffords and
brash, single floes and strips were also report-
ed at sea. Ice was last sighted from Kvísker
on the Sth, Karnbanes last reported ice on the
lOth, Teigarhorn on the 13th and Skoruvik
on the 14th. At the eastern part of the N
coast Ihe ice clriftecl offshore during the first
days ancl tlien mainly westwards or southwest-
wards. Navigation in these waters was mostly
without difficullies althotigh a belt of ice drift-
ed eastwards towards Melrakkaslétta about the
middle of the month and sorne ice remained
in Slijálfandi until the 28th. In the Húnaflói
area the ice conditions zuere severe throughout
the month.
Below are quoted some of the many reports
2/« Aircraft TF-VOR observed a tongue of
very close pack extending into Húnaflói. The
boundary of very close pack was upprox. 20
miles E of Horn, 9 miles E of Geirólfsgnúpur,
8 miles N of Vatnsnes and Skagi and 9 miles
NW of Siglunes. South of this boundary there
was open pack in Húnaflói, but very open
pack was in Hrútafjörður, between the tongue
and Hornstrandir ancl extending into Skaga-
Grímsey reports: The ice has drifted off with
SE-erly wind. Grímseyjarsund appears free frorn
ice hut there is some brash on shores.
®/o Raufarhöfn reports: All sea ice has dis-
appeared from the neighbourhootl of Raufar-
höfn except some íloes on shores.
b/g Höfn in Hornafjörður: There is some
brash in Mýrarbugt and at Hvanneyjasker.
Navigation is open to Hornafjörður.
6/g Ice reconnaissance bv SIF: There was
open pack ashore from Kögur to Horn and
close pack from there to Ingólfsfjörður and
across Húnaflói to the NE coast of Skagi. Open
pack was observed reaching into Húnaflói to
some 10 miles N of Vatnsnes. The ice edge
was 15 miles NW of Siglunes and tongues of
open pack reached to 27 miles NNW of Rauði-
núpur and 20 miles NNE of Langanes. Shipp-
ing route in Bakkaflói was practically ice-free
JÖKULL 19. AR 89