Jökull - 01.12.1969, Blaðsíða 84
the N coast as far east as Melrakkaslétta. Some
of the reports received are quoted below.
1/i M/s Dísarfell sailing from Eyjafjörður to
Kópasker observed some scattered ice more or
less all the way. Some of the floes dangerous
for ships.
2/i m/s Skógafoss reports: Single floes on
sailing route from Kögur to Húnaflói. Ice strip
20 miles NE of Drangaskörð. Visibility 1—2
s/i Cost Guard Vessel reports: Have in-
spected the area from Horn to Isafjarðardjúp.
There is much drift ice frorn 17 to 8 ntiles
off the coast and numerous floes on sailing
route, dangerous for ships. An ice tongue is 2
miles off Haugavík.
4/i Hornbjargsviti reports: Nearly continu-
ous ice sighted towards N and from there as
far E as seen. Appears to be ashore at Geir-
ólfsgnúpur. An ice belt along the coast is
widening rapidly. Visibility 30 km.
M/B Guðbjörg reports: Considerable drift
ice on shipping route in Eyjafjörður, from
Hrísey to Hjalteyri. Dangerous for ships.
M/s Dísarfell: We have passed through con-
siderable drift ice in Húnaflói 6 miles NNE
of Vatnsnes. The ice is drifting into the bay.
5/i Ice flight by TF-FSD: Scattered floes
were observed on sailing route from Dýrafjörð-
ur to Straumnes. From Straumnes to Trékyllis-
vík to position 6633/2120 to 6652/2010 there
were scattered floes and strips, coverage 1 —
3/10. Close pack ice was some 25 miles N of
Kögur ancl 27 miles NE of Horn. No ice was
sighted from 27 miles N of Grímsey, but small
floes were observed on sailing route in Eyja-
fi-12/1 Wind turned easterly on the 5th ancl
later southeasterly and the ice drifted offshore.
Hornbjargsviti reported on January 6th that
no ice could be seen except in inlets and
along the coast. All traces of ice at the coast
had melted or drifted away at Hraun on Skagi
on the llth and at Hornbjargsviti on the 12th.
10/i Ice reconnaissance by TF-FSD: The ice
edge was 67 miles NW ol’ Bjargtangar and 30
miles NNW of Kögur, close pack N of the
edge. The edge was 50 miles NNW of Gríms-
ey, coverage at the edge 4—6/10, but close pack
was 90 miles NW and NNW of Grímsey.
12/i Trawler Kaldbakur reports: Drift ice
80 JÖKULL 19. ÁR
encountered 31 miles magnetic N of Straum-
nes. Poor visibility.
20-21 /1 Hornbjargsviti and three ships re-
ported some drift ice 2—4 miles ofl' Horn and
from there to Oðinsboði. Drift ice was also
observed 6i/í> nriles E of Selsker.
25/i Trawler Kaldbakur reported edge of
new ice at 6630/2500 ancl 6636/2430. Naviga-
tion difficult in the ice.
Only a few reþorts were received of drift
ice in Icelandic tuaters. The boundary of close
pack was from 45 to some 65 miles NW of
1212 Ice reconnaissance by SIF: The icc
edge was somewhat uneven but roughly 55
miles off Barði in direction 256 to 360 degrees
true. Coverage NW of the edge mainly 4—
6/10. A tongue of open pack was approx. 24
miles N of Kögur and another of very open
pack at the same distance N of Horn.
Single floes dangerous for navigation were
reported by ships and SIF 3—13 miles off
Barði. ^
15/2 Considerable young ice or first-year ice
on Breiðafjörður was reported to have broken
up and drifted towards Látrabjarg.
According to ice flight by SIF the ice eclge
was 57 miles off Látrabjarg, 57 miles off Kóp-
ur, 58 miles off Barði and 60 miles NW of
Straumnes. Pancake ice was observed along the
edge and new ice was forming. Close pack
was however not far NW of the edge.
10/2 m/b Hagbarður en route from Hraun-
hafnartangi to Axarfjörður reports dense strips
of first-year ice. Could be dangerous for ships.
19/2 Hvallátur reports: Considerable drift
ice from Breiðafjörður on sailing lane off Hval-
2112 Coast Guard Aircraft SIF: Ice edge 70
miles 302° true off Kópanes, 58 miles off
Barði, 55 miles N of Straumnes and 62 miles
25° true off Horn. Coverage 7—9/10. j
22/2 Trawler Kaldbakur at 1800 z: Consider-
able drift ice at pos. 6600/2636.
21/o Ship reports at 6648/2424: Edge of drift
ice within 1 mile N of the ship, orientation
20/2 Trawler Svalbakur reports at 6630/2512: