Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2004, Blaðsíða 34

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2004, Blaðsíða 34
Ragnar Edvardsson, Sophia Perdikaris, Thomas H. McGovern, Noah Zagor & Matthew Waxman struction method). Fish much smaller than approximately 600 mm dry too hard, while fish much larger than 1100 mm tend to rot rather than cure. The fully commercial Tjamargata 3c cod recon- stmction distribution peaks squarely in the middle of the stockfísh window, the Miðbaer collection peaks clearly below the window, while the Finnbogastaðir reconstmctions straddle the lower edge as well as including a few very large specimens above the stockfish window limits. If the Tjamargata 3c distribution typifies the zooarchaeological signature of selection for optimum stock fish pro- duction (with a by - catch of smaller indi- viduals probably consumed locally) and the Miðbaer collection typifies a fishing strategy aimed almost entirely at local consumption, then the Finnbogastaðir distribution appears to fall between these poles. While the skeletal element fre- quencies from the Finnbogastaðir cod do suggest concentration of heads and dis- persal of tail bones, the cod length recon- stmctions suggest that stockfish produc- tion for export can have been only one of many uses of this fish by the 18th centu- ry residents. Probably the best interpreta- tion of these data would be as evidence of a mixed fishing economy aimed at both local subsistence provisioning and at small-scale stockfish production for export and local exchange. The Historical evidence The written sources from the period of the deposition of the Finnbogastaðir archaeofauna are abundant and in some cases very detailed, giving actual num- bers of domestic animals on farms and other relevant information about agricul- ture. Some records relate directly to the site of Finnbogastaðir during the period of deposition of the 18th century archae- ofauna. The earliest documentary records extend to the early Middle Ages. In the early 18th century the Danish king ordered a census to be taken and the col- lection of farm data for a land registry for all farms in Iceland. The main aim of the land registry was to better administer tax- ation upon Icelandic farms and to gain a general overview of the resources of the country. In the period between 1702 and 1712 two Icelanders, Ami Magnússon and Páll Vídalín, collected material from all parts of Iceland. The data for the land registry for the district of Ámes was col- lected in September 1706. The registry recorded 29 farms in the area, 5 farms were not occupied at the time. The church owned 7 farms, the king 13 and 9 farms are privately owned (Magnússon, Ámi, 1940 edition). Prior the 15th centu- ry the king did not own any farms in the district and most farms were privately owned except for few farms belonging to the church. By the reformation in the mid 16th century the king had acquired farms in the area as elsewhere in Iceland. The Jarðabók register allows some broad inter-regional comparisons of pre- vailing stock raising practices. Table 2 compares the records for the main domestic animals (milch cows, milking ewes, wethers) and the number of these per farm from three districts: Ámes- hreppur (NW), Reykjadalshreppur (NE - valley near sea level), and Mývatn (NE- 32
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Archaeologia Islandica

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