Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2004, Blaðsíða 71

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2004, Blaðsíða 71
Note on Organic Content of Turf Walls in Skagafjörður, Iceland Bibliography Berson, Bruno. (2002) "A contribution to the study of the Medieval Icelandic farm: the byres", Archaeologia islandica 2:34-60. Caft, C. B., E. D. Seneca and S. W. Broome. (1991) "Loss on ignition and Kjeldahl digestion for estimating organic carbon and total nitrogen in estuarine marsh soils: calibration with dry combustion", Estuaries 14:175-179. Carter, Tara Dawn. (2003) "Land productivity and social collapse in Medieval Iceland", M.A. Thesis, Department of Anthropology, Califomia State University, Northridge. Crowther, J. (2002) "The experimental earth- work at Wareham, Dorset after 33 years: retention and leaching of phosphate released in the decomposition of buried bone", Journal of Archaeological Science 29:405-411. Dugmore, Andrew J. and Paul C. Buckland. (1991) "Tephrochronology and Late Holocene soil erosion in South Iceland, in Jutith K. Maizels & Chris Caseldine" (ed.), Environmental change in Iceland: past and present: 147-159. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Gestsson, Gísli. (1982) "Bmgen af sten og torv i de Islandske huse fra landnamstid til nyere tid" [The use of stone and turf in the Icelandic houses within historical times] with English summery, in Bjorn Myhre, Bjame Stoklund & Per Gjærder (ed.), Vestnordisk byggeskikk gjennom to tusen ár: tradisjon ogforandringfra romertid til det 19. árhundre [West Nordic building customs from the Roman period to the 19th century]: 162-172. AmS-skrifter 7. Stavanger: Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger. Guðbergsson, Grétar. (1996) "í norðlenskri vist. Um gróðveg, búskaparlög og sögu", (The influence of human habitation on soil and Vegetation in three counties in North- Iceland). Búvísindi 10:31-89. Johannesson, Bjorn. (1960) The soils of Iceland. Reykjavík: Landbúnaðardeild. Kortelainen, P. and S. Saukkonen. (1998) "Leaching of nutrients, organic carbon and iron form Finnish forestry land", Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 105:239-250. Lág, J. (1955) "The effects of wind erosion and eolian sediments on soil formation in Iceland", Norsk geografisk tidsskrift. 15:20-28. Myhre, Bjorn, Bjame Stoklund and Per Gjærder (ed.). (1982) Vestnordisk byggeskikk gjennom to tusen ár : tradisjon og forandring fra romertid til det 19. árhundre [West Nordic building customs from the Roman period to the 19th centu- ry]. AmS-skrifter; 7. Stavanger: Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger. Oliver, Heiri, André Lotter and Gerry Lemcke (2001) "Los on ignition as a method for estimating organic and carbonate content in sediments: reproducibility and compa- rability of results", Journal of Paleolimnology 25:101-110. Scollar, Irwin, Alain Tabbagh, Albert Hesse and I. Herzog (1990) Archaeological prospecting and remote sensing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sigurðardóttir, Sigríður (1998) Þróun torf- bœja torfhleðsla. Varmahlið: Byggðasafn Skagfirðinga. Smith, Kevin P. (1995) "Landnám: the settle- ment of Iceland in archaeological and his- torical perspective", World Archaeology 26:319-347. Steinberg, John M. and Douglas Bolender in press „Fomleifarannsókn á búsetuháttum i Skagafirði", Arbók hins Islenzka Forn- leifafélags 2004. Tipping, E., C. Woof, E. Rigg, A. F. Harrison, 69
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Archaeologia Islandica

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