Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2004, Blaðsíða 59

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2004, Blaðsíða 59
Some Notes on Earthworks and Dykes in Iceland and in the North Atlantic 'great chains' - or the 'infield complexes', as one could call them. The farms locat- ed within one such dyke system have obvious similarities with the 'large com- plex settlements' known from Iceland and Greenland, (see Vésteinsson, McGovem & Keller 2002). More often than not, the later parish churches are located inside these complexes. As for place names, it seems that the majority of names indicating rather late farm divi- sions (i.e. names ending in bo-, -hus-, gard-, tun- etc.) are found within the complexes. In Áseral, a mountain valley in the interior of Vest-Agder county, the farms Underberg, Ábo, Gard, Austrhus and Ásland are located in the vicinity of the parish church. A common hill dyke surrounded all these farms. In Lista, also in Vest-Agder, this was the case with the farms Huseby, Lunde, Torp and Hauge, plus a number of lesser settlements. Some of these names suggest a rather late farm division. But how late? In one case do we get more substantial information regarding when one such complex was partitioned. A raised stone still standing in the dyke dividing Lunde from Huseby has a runic inscription stating that 'her skipter morkunne', i.e. 'here is the bound- ary between the farms'. The inscription is dated to the early 12th century. Provided that the mnic stone is as old as the dyke itself, this might indicate that the com- plex settlements were broken up in the Early Middle Ages (cf. Stylegar 2001). Social and economic background The Norwegian legal historian Absalon Taranger thought it likely that the origi- nal hill dykes fenced oflf whole hamlets ('grender'), even if a 'grend' was com- prised of several farms (Taranger 1907:272). In a similar vein, J. Store Clouston argued that many Orkney town- ships, judging from their great size and the written recordings conceming them, had never been single farms at all, but always considerably greater areas (Clouston 1932:347f.). But what kind of social and economic organisation can account for these complexes? After all, the hill dykes circumscribing one such complex must (for obvious reasons, i.e. the practical needs of animal husbandry) have been constructed in one, great oper- ation (cf. Ronneseth 2001). It is clear that not only was a great deal of planning involved in this operation, but also - probably - a great deal of force, or the threat of force. Farms lying within the 'infield com- plexes' in Rogaland and Vest-Agder have yielded some of the most important Late Iron Age and Viking Age archaeological finds in SW Norway. This, together with the characteristic features discussed ear- lier (dominance of 'young' name types, location of parish churches etc.) and the degree of cooperation necessary for the homelands-commons system to function within such 'great chains' of hill dykes, suggest that the W Norwegian 'infield complexes' are in fact large complex set- tlements that might have been organised on an estate basis, probably with a num- ber of dependant settlements. The break- ing up of these estate complexes could in fact, then, be related not only to the establishment of individual tax farms, but 57
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Archaeologia Islandica

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